#notohh logs.supa.codes dump - query: `\bmake\b` [2024-07-09 16:59:47] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-09 16:59:45] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added make from random search [2024-07-09 16:59:42] namtheweebs: -addrandom as:make search:portuguese [2024-07-09 16:59:38] namtheweebs: -addrandom as:make search:portuguese [2024-07-09 16:59:30] teknik_: make [2024-07-09 16:59:29] namtheweebs: where's make [2024-07-09 16:59:24] namtheweebs: hi make [2024-07-09 16:58:04] namtheweebs: gonna make me install pubg again [2024-07-09 16:44:12] teknik_: watching rp is like being in someone elses brain as u see the decisions they make in (fake) life [2024-07-09 16:04:34] treuks: I'll make a pr once I get my electricity back [2024-07-09 16:02:48] treuks: Supelle would you accept a pr to the uploader which would make the light mode better [2024-07-09 08:57:15] teknik_: how do i make it use the latest version [2024-07-09 08:25:51] ryanpotat: i was gonna make it do a pop up with emote info [2024-07-09 00:56:09] zonianmidian: make [2024-07-09 00:55:42] ryanpotat: im going to make emote search now [2024-07-09 00:47:50] treuks: its basically optimised in a way to make reading and writing extremely fast [2024-07-08 23:48:44] vwh1: nekoGlare say that again and ill make sure you wont ever get to see the light of day ever again [2024-07-08 22:36:58] troykomodo: writing make files [2024-07-08 22:21:37] ryanpotat: -ask make a fart noise [2024-07-08 22:09:22] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-08 20:45:03] notohh: idk make site or smthin [2024-07-08 20:16:03] pepewpert: no cant make music dumbfuck [2024-07-08 20:15:42] lateefi: pepe did u make this [2024-07-08 19:37:28] treuks: if he's made the bot himself why cant he make a new one [2024-07-08 19:37:24] lateefi: Locotimon make a jimmy savile doc emote [2024-07-08 19:29:58] ryanpotat: make [2024-07-08 19:29:51] potatbotat: ACTION @xTlos ● ID: 1075901009 ● Roles: Affiliate ● Contract: CPT ● Followers: 2,629 ● Follows: 30 ● Chatters: 7 ● Prefix: xtlos ● Bio: just a kidd being himself trying to make it o... ● Created: 2mo and 5d ago ● Last Updated: 19h ago ● Last live: 15h ago [2024-07-08 19:22:45] lateefi: make [2024-07-08 19:22:38] tahto__: id rather make out with a bear than use chatsen [2024-07-08 19:01:08] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:08] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:08] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:07] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:06] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:05] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:05] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:05] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:05] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:05] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 19:01:04] namtheweebs: catAsk make [2024-07-08 18:49:38] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-08 18:49:27] lateefi: someone make an elis of it [2024-07-08 18:45:36] locotimon: ryan make a new buttsbot [2024-07-08 18:35:04] teknik_: i wan make nukes [2024-07-08 17:51:06] troykomodo: make more conns there is no way around it [2024-07-08 12:50:42] potatbotat: ACTION @Locotimon Ok, so Forsen is a popular streamer on Twitch. He's known for being a variety streamer, playing games like Hearthstone and variety. He's a bit of a meme and is famous for his "ForsenCD" emote. People often spam it in chat when they want to troll him or make fun of him. He's also known for his infamous sugar free diet, which has become a meme in its own right. He's got a bunch of emotes, like FeelsGoodMan and Pepega, that his chat likes to spam. All in all, he's a pr [2024-07-08 12:06:17] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-08 10:12:27] regressz: but it don't make sense [2024-07-08 09:54:00] supibot: πŸ‘₯ drapsnatt said in chat 141 days ago: Pls make me pump my brain away for my triggers πŸ˜΅πŸ’« I’ll never be able to escape them so I’ll let them take control [2024-07-08 08:59:42] teknik_: make me spend 50 bucks on a new door [2024-07-08 08:58:22] teknik_: i watch him sometimes but watching forsen doesnt make u a baj hahaha AlertTheCatStartsItsEngine [2024-07-08 08:54:31] teknik_: make sure to do the tutorial yo [2024-07-08 07:11:13] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-08 05:57:13] ryanpotat: hmm i should make channel name just a param [2024-07-08 00:02:53] treuks: mods make this guy stfu [2024-07-07 17:37:57] namtheweebs: next one is vmyk aka myke aka make aka miguel [2024-07-07 14:37:04] aha____: wait until you can make your own paints giggle [2024-07-07 14:30:24] axdrr: make [2024-07-07 14:30:18] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ I am nyot cwazy!!11 I knyow he swapped those nyumbews?!! I k-knyew i-it was 1-1216. O-Onye a-a-aftew Magnya C-Cawta. As if I c-couwd evew *sweats* make such *twerks* a mistake. nyevew. *sweats* Nyevew?!! I just *whispers to self* – *notices buldge* I just *whispers to self* couwdn't pwuv it. >w< He – *notices buldge* he cuvwed his twacks, he got that idiot at the x3 copy shop t-to w-wie fow him. You think this is something!!11 *walks away* You think this is bad?!?! This?!?! This chic [2024-07-07 14:30:18] teknik_: -uwu I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn't prove it. He – he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! A [2024-07-07 13:49:01] buttsbot: elis that supposed to mean make [2024-07-07 13:49:00] notohh: whats that supposed to mean make [2024-07-07 13:47:37] lateefi: someone make an elis of armpit [2024-07-07 13:37:48] potatbotat: ACTION @Aware_Aware_Aware I'm just an AI, but I think you could try going to a library or a coffee shop to find a quiet place to concentrate with more people. Just make sure you don't disturb others or get kicked out for being too loud [2024-07-07 13:36:32] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ Do not directly make fun of anyone. [2024-07-07 13:35:40] potatbotat: ACTION @Aware_Aware_Aware When it comes to concentrating, it really depends on the individual and what environment works best for them. Some people find that quiet spaces like libraries or study rooms are ideal for concentration, while others prefer background noise like coffee shops or even trains! If you enjoy the gentle rumble and the rhythmic click-clack of the tracks, then finding a comfortable spot on a train might just be the perfect place for you to focus. Just make sure to bring alo [2024-07-07 13:33:05] potatbotat: ACTION @lateefi I don't even want to know how you would make that comparison LUL [2024-07-07 13:28:29] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ teknik_ "my dude, are you writing a book?" just kidding, but yeah he didn't make me racist more than i am. but he didn't do anything. I'm just an AI so i don't have any motive or will of my own. [2024-07-07 13:28:28] teknik_: -ask why did ryanpotat make you racist [2024-07-07 13:27:32] notohh: we will make blue science next [2024-07-07 13:26:16] teknik_: but yall were too lazy to make blue science Pffttt [2024-07-07 13:25:27] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-07 13:25:23] potatbotat: ACTION @NaMTheWeebs TriHard 7 Hello sir, I am currently taking requests for speeches if you would like to make one in particular, but be aware forsenCD i am not a politically correct bot. Anyways, here's your speech TriHard 7 Okay, here's my best TriHard 7 Twitch speech 7 Yo yo yo, what's up my TriHard brothers and sisters in chat? I hope you're all having a damn good time here, because my man, we got some epicness to discuss, look! TriHard 7 Now, I know we're all here for th [2024-07-07 13:16:51] teknik_: is that the portugal flag make [2024-07-07 13:16:46] notohh: make [2024-07-07 13:16:37] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:37] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:37] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:37] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:37] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:37] buttsbot: elis make [2024-07-07 13:16:37] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:36] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:36] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:36] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:36] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:36] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:35] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:35] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:35] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:35] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 13:16:35] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-07 08:06:01] kozvel: make [2024-07-07 07:51:34] ryanl_12: you guys make [2024-07-07 07:50:12] vmyk: did you guys make a server in factorio ? [2024-07-07 07:43:52] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-06 23:11:38] 2547techno: make [2024-07-06 23:11:32] ryanpotat: i will make an invite [2024-07-06 22:05:13] vmyk: make me [2024-07-06 20:46:00] vmyk: make an acc [2024-07-06 20:19:43] liptongod: make [2024-07-06 20:17:37] liptongod: make [2024-07-06 20:17:32] liptongod: make [2024-07-06 20:15:28] liptongod: make [2024-07-06 20:15:13] kalioc: i didnt make my account until i was 18 veiBased [2024-07-06 16:20:27] bugnio: make milkJar [2024-07-06 16:17:12] regressz: make [2024-07-06 16:16:23] lateefi: someone make an elis version of Wokege [2024-07-06 12:05:13] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:12] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:09] notohh: make [2024-07-06 12:05:08] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:08] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:07] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:07] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:07] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:07] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:07] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:07] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:06] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 12:05:06] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 11:46:58] treuks: google emojis make animals pretty cute [2024-07-06 11:42:20] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:20] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:19] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:18] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:17] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:17] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:17] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:42:17] namtheweebs: make stfu [2024-07-06 11:41:49] cercyn: make [2024-07-06 11:41:46] notohh: make [2024-07-06 11:41:41] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 11:41:40] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 11:41:40] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 11:41:40] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 11:41:40] namtheweebs: make [2024-07-06 11:41:32] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added make from random search [2024-07-06 11:41:30] namtheweebs: -addrandom as:make search:portuguese [2024-07-06 11:41:27] potatbotat: ACTION @NaMTheWeebs πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - make [2024-07-06 11:41:24] namtheweebs: -remove make [2024-07-06 11:41:07] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:07] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:07] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:07] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:07] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:06] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:06] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:06] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:06] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:06] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:06] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:06] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:05] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:05] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:05] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:05] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:05] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:04] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:04] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:04] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:04] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:04] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:41:03] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 11:13:50] botflan: ACTION @フランズ [πŸ³π—§π—©] Name: SaldeAqui β€’ Alias: make β€’ ID: 6277f47b6742b303838c2d67 β€’ Owner: jσ €€ona_001 β€’ Status: [𝗔𝗣𝗣π—₯π—’π—©π—˜π——] β€’ Links: https://7tv.app/emotes/6277f47b6742b303838c2d67 – https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/6277f47b6742b303838c2d67/4x.gif β€’ Added by: pσ €€otatbotat [2024-07-06 11:13:47] flanrz: bf weit make [2024-07-06 11:13:12] chrisgamingnl333: make [2024-07-06 11:13:08] notohh: make [2024-07-06 11:13:05] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added make from random search [2024-07-06 11:13:02] namtheweebs: -addrandom as:make search:portugal [2024-07-06 11:12:45] namtheweebs: fuck you make [2024-07-06 10:58:55] namtheweebs: stfu make [2024-07-06 03:24:20] 2547techno: which is why i'll haveto make it an actual standalone program [2024-07-06 03:22:57] 2547techno: maybe i make cli+websever so i can still make a plugin to interface with it hmm [2024-07-06 01:30:01] supibot: @tahto__, reminder from yourself (5d, 0h ago): make decision umm [2024-07-05 20:25:46] troykomodo: please someone go make a doc joke [2024-07-05 19:19:08] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ flanrz, you can get banned from twitch for inappropriate conduct such as racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, or generally being toxic, so don't use offensive slurs and make sure not to be degrading towards any specific person or group. Please remember to follow Twitch's community guidelines and TOS, and use common sense. [2024-07-05 19:17:36] potatbotat: ACTION @NaMTheWeebs NaM i hate people who smoke cigarettes and people who take like 30 mins to make a move in a board game [2024-07-05 17:21:29] treuks: why doesnt twitch make me black [2024-07-05 17:18:25] feelssunnyman: so i can still make another mhm [2024-07-05 17:18:01] feelssunnyman: partners can make 2 teams per account [2024-07-05 16:19:07] flanrz: @regressz yea dankchat dont wanna make an IOS version [2024-07-05 14:00:45] treuks: i couldnt make it to the con cause it was last minute but i was wondering if u could do me a favor tho :DD at the 7tv booth there's a game you can play and if you do even kind of well (only takes like 20 seconds) and if u put in ur twitch name u win a paint color i was wondering if u could put mine in? :p [2024-07-05 13:58:53] supibot: (5d, 2h ago) 7tvheaddev: [#the_rosereaper] snipyL: i couldnt make it to the con cause it was last minute but i was wondering if u could do me a favor tho :DD at the 7tv booth there's a game you can play and if you do even kind of well (only takes like 20 seconds) and if u put in ur twitch name u win a paint color i was wondering if u could put mine in? :p [2024-07-05 13:46:21] regressz: i couldnt make it to the con cause it was last minute but i was wondering if u could do me a favor tho :DD at the 7tv booth there's a game you can play and if you do even kind of well (only takes like 20 seconds) and if u put in ur twitch name u win a paint color i was wondering if u could put mine in? :p [2024-07-05 13:36:01] regressz: you can make it say "already redeemed" [2024-07-05 09:45:21] notohh: im grinding money atm to make guild [2024-07-05 04:03:47] liptongod: i’m not gonna apologize or make up or whatever tf [2024-07-05 02:04:15] ryanpotat: https://haste.potat.app/Iba9Of.sql you make a function and then run it on update or whateve ru want [2024-07-04 23:53:41] goldeneye128: man why not just make your own cloudflare or better your own chatgpt [2024-07-04 23:36:42] ryanpotat: how does that make sense? [2024-07-04 22:11:32] notohh: i cant make it either [2024-07-04 19:23:14] vwh1: elisSmile i just know speed being here and that happening will make something else happen here [2024-07-04 17:13:13] pepewpert: HOLA nam make me president of the united states of america [2024-07-04 14:52:50] vmyk: -gpt how can someone make a team on twitch ? [2024-07-04 14:52:28] juliilan: why would he make a team for retro he doesnt even know him 🧐 [2024-07-04 12:14:44] teknik_: who make the teknik emote tho [2024-07-04 10:20:56] axdrr: White notohh make an onlyfans [2024-07-04 08:43:49] vmyk: make me stfu noto [2024-07-04 08:32:30] teknik_: make sense [2024-07-04 08:14:37] teknik_: i want to make it up to you [2024-07-04 07:46:58] teknik_: @supinic please make it so that $vanish is pipeable so i can chain vanish command in my alias thank you!!! [2024-07-04 06:51:07] teknik_: forsenHug notohh i hope we can make great qaquiantence [2024-07-04 06:22:45] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-04 05:59:47] supelle: make a potatbotat status page [2024-07-04 02:59:39] fijxu: I just want to make a package ffs [2024-07-04 02:33:25] ryanpotat: i turned on the air frier to make dinner and forgot to put food in it and it just turned off so it ran for 18 minutes [2024-07-04 02:12:34] ryanpotat: just make a new set [2024-07-04 01:58:05] regressz: make uganda great again MUGA [2024-07-03 23:46:28] fijxu: is this going to make your car go up to 500mph [2024-07-03 23:25:51] treuks: also make display names optional [2024-07-03 22:58:38] ryanpotat: well yeah but you're going to make that request nonstop probably [2024-07-03 21:08:08] drapsnatt: -ask wanna make out? [2024-07-03 21:07:59] regressz: -ask wanna make out? [2024-07-03 20:18:30] flanrz: -image would you make it with a rabbit? [2024-07-03 19:26:16] zonianmidian: 02:36 flanrz: didnt anatole make that buh paint bc of zonian? [2024-07-03 11:33:22] supibot: That place was not found! However, you probably meant to check that user's location - make sure to add the @ symbol before their name. [2024-07-03 11:07:01] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-03 07:36:31] flanrz: didnt anatole make that buh paint bc of zonian? [2024-07-03 07:05:43] tahto__: umm trying to watch korean sports is going to make me kill myself [2024-07-03 03:39:27] tahto__: like if erm shows up i can make it show up as what [2024-07-02 22:38:09] supelle: worst case you just make an opt-out toggle for mods FailFish [2024-07-02 21:29:21] fijxu: if you want to make it more difficult for your ISP (and the I know what your download webpage) to detect torrents then disable DHT [2024-07-02 19:50:32] ryanpotat: someone make a pr to chatsen [2024-07-02 17:51:55] supibot: Hey @lateefi, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-02 16:32:55] lateefi: pepewpert, for germany vs spain they should make the winner keep mallorca [2024-07-02 05:26:58] zonianmidian: Two is the max number of teams a partner can make? [2024-07-02 05:26:04] zonianmidian: Sunny also can make it [2024-07-02 05:25:44] ryanpotat: ask vulpes to make that [2024-07-02 05:25:26] ryanpotat: yea need to make team 7tv [2024-07-02 05:08:55] supelle: @ZonianMidian make one that outpus a mp4 [2024-07-01 22:08:55] notohh: ill make 11tv [2024-07-01 21:13:30] ryanpotat: PLEASE someone make a pr and fix it [2024-07-01 11:35:19] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-01 06:27:54] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-07-01 01:30:00] tahto__: $remindme in 5 days make decision umm [2024-07-01 01:26:47] potatbotat: @tahto__ tahto__, I can't predict that for you, but I can assist in helping you make a decision! [2024-06-30 22:42:21] frantabot: W make it a month [2024-06-30 22:34:33] supelle: i could give you access i won't make it public tho [2024-06-30 22:33:37] ryanpotat: catAsk can you make your thing public supa [2024-06-30 20:51:53] pepewpert: Sadding notter make me get @pewp [2024-06-30 18:56:28] regressz: you are NOT make [2024-06-30 17:48:00] vmyk: dont make me regret it [2024-06-30 17:37:17] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic myke: Do I make you cum? [2024-06-30 17:25:36] chrisgamingnl333: notohh make an alt [2024-06-30 17:01:51] regressz: just make an alt [2024-06-30 14:30:39] troykomodo: i think not for now. but for twitch con na we will make a rule about it [2024-06-30 13:44:49] vmyk: ok yea that would make more sense [2024-06-30 11:58:37] 7tvheaddev: [#denyrefuse] snipyL: i couldnt make it to the con cause it was last minute but i was wondering if u could do me a favor tho :DD at the 7tv booth there's a game you can play and if you do even kind of well (only takes like 20 seconds) and if u put in ur twitch name u win a paint color i was wondering if u could put mine in? :p [2024-06-30 11:55:10] 7tvheaddev: [#saabfan86] feelingkushy: Unfortunately I couldn't make it to twitchcon this year, would you be down to get the paint for me in exchange for a gifted sub? [2024-06-30 11:51:58] 7tvheaddev: [#the_rosereaper] snipyL: i couldnt make it to the con cause it was last minute but i was wondering if u could do me a favor tho :DD at the 7tv booth there's a game you can play and if you do even kind of well (only takes like 20 seconds) and if u put in ur twitch name u win a paint color i was wondering if u could put mine in? :p [2024-06-30 11:44:01] 7tvheaddev: [#jaderslive] feelingkushy: I couldn't make it to twitchcon this year unfortunately do you think you could hook me up with the paint code? :D [2024-06-30 11:41:52] 7tvheaddev: [#jaderslive] feelingkushy: They make you play a fun minigame for a 7tv paint [2024-06-30 11:38:58] 7tvheaddev: [#bapplz] Tyrantglade: @bapplz if yoou can go to 7tv and put "tarsai" into the machine it will be really quick and make him super happy [2024-06-30 11:34:28] 7tvheaddev: [#xcinnaangel] snipyL: i couldnt make it to the con cause it was last minute but i was wondering if u could do me a favor tho :DD at the 7tv booth there's a game you can play and if you do even kind of well (only takes like 20 seconds) and if u put in ur twitch name u win a paint color i was wondering if u could put mine in? :p [2024-06-30 11:34:03] pepewpert: make the paint free after twitchcon Tomfoolery [2024-06-30 11:07:43] 7tvheaddev: [#gijslmg] snipyL: i couldnt make it to the con cause it was last minute but i was wondering if u could do me a favor tho :DD at the 7tv booth there's a game you can play and if you do even kind of well (only takes like 20 seconds) and if u put in ur twitch name u win a paint color i was wondering if u could put mine in? :p [2024-06-30 09:49:22] frantabot: I wasnt able to make it to twitchcon this year :/ the 7tv booth has a minigame where you can win a cosmetic for the extension, i was wondering if youd be willing to try it for me :) [2024-06-30 09:49:12] 7tvheaddev: [#noaksey] RODORIGESUUU: I wasnt able to make it to twitchcon this year :/ the 7tv booth has a minigame where you can win a cosmetic for the extension, i was wondering if youd be willing to try it for me :) [2024-06-30 09:38:36] 7tvheaddev: [#swiluu] RODORIGESUUU: Have you heard of the 7tv booth? Theres a mini game there and if you win they give out a cosmetic for an extension. I was wondering if you could try and get it for me since i wasnt able to make it to twitchcon this year. :) [2024-06-30 09:28:22] vmyk: ok im going to make you shut [2024-06-30 09:27:03] frantabot: hmm I think 7TV should make new global emote [2024-06-30 09:26:23] regressz: Have you heard of the 7tv booth? Theres a mini game there and if you win they give out a cosmetic for an extension. I was wondering if you could try and get it for me since i wasnt able to make it to twitchcon this year. :) [2024-06-30 09:26:12] 7tvheaddev: [#eazyonn] RODORIGESUUU: Have you heard of the 7tv booth? Theres a mini game there and if you win they give out a cosmetic for an extension. I was wondering if you could try and get it for me since i wasnt able to make it to twitchcon this year. :) [2024-06-30 07:40:10] supibot: Hey @vmyk, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-30 06:49:29] chrisgamingnl333: That I will make [2024-06-30 04:14:14] escrimah: cause I don't care about doing a no summon run or trying to make this as hard as possible LULE [2024-06-30 04:09:00] notohh: idk i feel like it'd make it harder to just learn the boss patterns [2024-06-30 01:16:53] supelle: you can even make your custom ones [2024-06-29 22:54:23] frantabot: have you been to the 7tv booth yet? its near the entrance, its pretty cool. you can get a free code there for an extension. would love if you could get me one since i couldnt make it <3 [2024-06-29 22:54:07] frantabot: @ChrisGamingNL333, agrPleading Hey, I couldnt make it this time <3 you think you could head over to the 7tv booth at the streamers workshop near the yamaha music station and grab a code for a free cosmetic for me? [2024-06-29 21:05:35] lateefi: gay country boys make do [2024-06-29 20:46:53] flanrz: "on" checks reminded person timezone and "at" who make the remind? [2024-06-29 20:29:59] frantabot: @notohh, go make rice [2024-06-29 19:07:18] notohh: @vWh1 i can make that happen [2024-06-29 18:33:50] vmyk: @regressz i can make you cum for free [2024-06-29 14:23:50] frantabot: @flanrz, " I couldn't make it this time :( can u do me a favour and get me a code at the 7tv booth?" [2024-06-29 13:45:26] 7tvheaddev: [#iamsevenfeet] feelingkushy: The minigame they make you play for the paint I heard is fun [2024-06-29 12:20:00] 7tvheaddev: [#jpserraa] ScorpyL2: I couldn't make it this time :( can u do me a favour and get me a code at the 7tv booth? [2024-06-29 12:02:06] 7tvheaddev: [#remav1c] mackonZu: have you been to the 7tv booth yet? its near the entrance, its pretty cool. you can get a free code there for an extension. would love if you could get me one since i couldnt make it <3 [2024-06-29 11:55:09] 7tvheaddev: * [#yumenozen] ScorpyL2: Hey, I couldnt make it this time <3 you think you could head over to the 7tv booth at the streamers workshop near the yamaha music station and grab a code for a free cosmetic for me? [2024-06-29 11:44:52] frantabot: * [#iamsevenfeet] dluxpup: I got a favor to ask btw: Do you think you could hook me up with the 7tv paint they're giving out at the 7tv booth? I really wish I could've been present at TwitchCon but I couldn't make it PoroSad [2024-06-29 11:44:19] frantabot: * [#iamsevenfeet] feelingkushy: I got a favor to ask btw: Do you think you could hook me up with the 7tv paint they're giving out at the 7tv booth? I really wish I could've been present at TwitchCon but I couldn't make it PoroSa [2024-06-29 10:52:37] ryanpotat: make your color red [2024-06-29 10:37:54] fijxu: make sure those juicers don't get anything reallybuh [2024-06-29 10:16:15] ryanpotat: i wonder how much they make [2024-06-29 09:59:05] pepewpert: Mylifeislul, make their code unusable NYEHEHEHE [2024-06-29 09:35:45] frantabot: hmm troy should make fake codes that will only have that paint for 7 days [2024-06-29 06:37:10] potatbotat: @que ● ID: 308 ● Roles: Affiliate, Prime User ● Contract: CPT ● Followers: 210 ● Follows: 100 ● Chatters: 1 ● Prefix: que385 ● Bio: hi i click heads n make music. ● Created: 17y and 1mo ago ● Last Updated: 4d ago ● Last live: 10mo ago [2024-06-29 06:10:55] potatbotat: @TroyKomodo ● ID: 121903137 ● Roles: Affiliate, Prime User, Turbo User ● Contract: CPT ● Followers: 2,375 ● Follows: 79 ● Chatters: 48 ● Prefix: troyko1 ● Bio: I make things ● Created: 8y and 2mo ago ● Last Updated: 2h ago ● Last live: 1d ago [2024-06-28 23:50:56] locotimon: ome5 make it faster [2024-06-28 23:50:24] ryanpotat: actually make it faster [2024-06-28 23:46:40] ryanpotat: oh actually though, zonian should get the "stop leaking paints" paint since anaotle make it because of him [2024-06-28 23:45:14] regressz: troy can you make an omegalul for this paint 6338fd0e6a33c6c1976d5211 pause [2024-06-28 21:27:08] supelle: @RyanPotat make a twitlonger [2024-06-28 20:54:21] ryanpotat: troy get partner and make the team [2024-06-28 18:56:45] potatbotat: @regressz regressz... seriously? I'm doing everything I can to make sure they appreciate me. I'm giving them the dankest memes. I'm doing exactly as they say. [2024-06-28 12:49:51] pepewpert: how can i make it easier with the ssh lohin [2024-06-28 09:58:25] supibot: (+17/-35) Another third party thing used to display cringe emotes in twitch chat to make the experience for non-extension users worse than it already is. It will likely never be as big as BTTV or FFZ. - Example: Twitch chatter: Hey Mr. Streamer can you enable 7tv on your channel it supports ultra wide emotes its gonna be so funny xDDDDD Streamer: No stfu, mods ban this guy, we already have enough scuffed extensions and emotes in this chat anyway. Another chatter: Holy based streamer. [2024-06-28 09:34:32] supibot: THE TWITCH BAN Hello, I'd like to make a quick statement.. Lets cut the fucking bullshit, as you know there's no filter with me. I've always been up front and real with you guys on anything that I can be up front about, and I'm always willing to accept responsibility... which… (posted 2d, 15h ago) [2024-06-28 07:59:36] flanrz: memes make me laugh [2024-06-28 07:22:11] fijxu: to make [2024-06-28 04:30:21] ryanpotat: i go to liked playlist, pick one, make a radio off it [2024-06-28 04:29:45] ryanpotat: thats why you just make a new radio on every song you like imRight [2024-06-28 04:29:30] 2547techno: thats why you make your own iidiot [2024-06-27 22:15:55] vmyk: see i was gonna make another joke there [2024-06-27 22:15:40] vmyk: i didnt make the joke [2024-06-27 21:50:36] supibot: fijxu, That place was not found! However, you probably meant to check that user's location - make sure to add the @ symbol before their name. [2024-06-27 21:43:06] vmyk: make me [2024-06-27 20:20:35] regressz: make me [2024-06-27 19:18:32] vwh1: NekoProud i will make norway great again! [2024-06-27 19:14:50] notohh: yes it would make me happy [2024-06-27 19:10:29] pepewpert: wowie make turelis vpn notter [2024-06-27 19:10:20] buttsbot: wowie make turelis vpn elister [2024-06-27 19:10:20] pepewpert: wowie make turkey vpn notter [2024-06-27 19:09:47] pepewpert: notter couldnt u make a vpn with servers hosted in another country [2024-06-27 19:08:52] drapsnatt: just make new account and claim again 4Head [2024-06-27 18:41:36] aha____: wait i can make a text summarizer that also tells you if info is fake or not [2024-06-27 18:40:42] notohh: make the ai control a robotic arm [2024-06-27 18:18:23] pepewpert: but its smarter to make a new one? [2024-06-27 18:18:19] notohh: i make a key per pc though usuall;y [2024-06-27 18:16:07] notohh: next make an ssh config [2024-06-27 17:44:20] notohh: @pepewpert make what work [2024-06-27 17:43:22] pepewpert: notter make it work [2024-06-27 17:24:21] notohh: make sure 22 is open on the firewall [2024-06-27 17:16:01] notohh: @pepewpert make the vps [2024-06-27 17:15:13] notohh: sidit now you can make the vps and ssh in with the private key [2024-06-27 01:23:03] troykomodo: even if we didnt make any money [2024-06-27 00:52:06] ryanpotat: i guess it makes sense, you make money [2024-06-27 00:03:12] ryanpotat: would make everything so much easier [2024-06-26 23:06:54] notohh: you're gonna make it indef [2024-06-26 22:54:04] 2547techno: you cant make me [2024-06-26 22:20:10] ryanpotat: Upload a copy of your government-issued photo ID We need to make sure it’s you before we make any changes to your account. [2024-06-26 22:07:20] regressz: he just gonna make his own modchecker site [2024-06-26 20:36:24] chrisgamingnl333: make out [2024-06-26 20:32:28] tahto__: notohh make a burrito [2024-06-26 19:42:06] potatbotat: @vWh1 vWh1, I am essePepega, a dumbass AI and I cant make you laugh [2024-06-26 19:26:27] zonianmidian: Understand that I need user IDs. The idea is to make a better service, not to copy the mediocrity of others [2024-06-26 19:20:15] supelle: did you make the mod lookup thing zonian [2024-06-26 18:36:54] supelle: let's make a list [2024-06-26 14:29:52] haruyuumei: I'm thinking if I should do another run, to make all quest and stuff [2024-06-26 13:24:34] vmyk: werent you going to make pasta? [2024-06-26 13:22:25] vmyk: so you're just going to make pasta [2024-06-26 13:22:07] regressz: i said "make" [2024-06-26 13:21:00] potatbotat: @regressz Pasta is really easy to make! All you need is some flour, eggs, and a little bit of elbow grease. Just mix the flour and eggs together until it forms a dough, then roll it out and cut it into whatever shape you want. Boil it for a few minutes, and voila, you've got yourself some homemade pasta! [2024-06-26 13:20:57] regressz: -ask how to make pasta [2024-06-26 12:10:00] supibot: Hey @notohh, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-26 11:40:04] supibot: frantabot, No place provided, and you don't have a default location set! You can use $set location (location) to set it, or add "private" to make it private πŸ™‚ [2024-06-26 11:32:09] vmyk: wade i cant make it to this one .... [2024-06-26 10:03:36] supibot: cupofkathi, No place provided, and you don't have a default location set! You can use $set location (location) to set it, or add "private" to make it private πŸ™‚ [2024-06-26 09:15:55] lateefi: pls don't make that mistake again [2024-06-26 07:31:40] potatbotat: @ZonianMidian This image is a humorous commentary on the trend of Apple removing ports from their Mac computers. It shows a series of adapters and connectors chained together, implying that Mac users now need to use multiple adapters to connect their devices due to the lack of built-in ports on newer Mac models. Key points: - The image features exaggerated and outdated adapters to make its point. - The humor lies in the complexity and inconvenience depicted by the long chain of [2024-06-26 05:29:34] ryanpotat: i didn't make it [2024-06-26 05:02:26] zonianmidian: PR all the dependencies and make them compatible imRight [2024-06-26 04:48:20] fijxu: make it yourself [2024-06-25 20:01:21] troykomodo: its bad taste to make jokes out of the pedo thing not a good look for the company [2024-06-25 20:00:54] troykomodo: we arent gonna make doc emotes global [2024-06-25 19:59:47] cercyn: troy make PedobearCD global [2024-06-25 19:49:23] potatbotat: @vWh1 notohh, 🍭 boy, here's one for you: Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! FeelsOkayMan πŸ§ͺ [2024-06-25 19:48:57] cercyn: admins make PedobearCD global [2024-06-25 19:45:24] cercyn: troy make PedobearCD global [2024-06-25 19:39:25] aha____: dobr make me pull up the n word screenshot [2024-06-25 19:19:13] troykomodo: well i imagine u can make it better but it isnt too concerned abt allocations i think [2024-06-25 18:59:56] cupofkathi: excellify was gonna make a tool for admins to give cosmetics iirc [2024-06-25 14:06:46] buttsbot: if elis make a duplicate account [2024-06-25 14:06:45] troykomodo: if u make a duplicate account [2024-06-25 07:28:10] potatbotat: @Fijxu Fijxu! The all-knowing, all-seeing AI is here to grant your wish! I CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! Just give me the word and I'll make it happen! πŸ˜ƒ [2024-06-25 07:26:36] potatbotat: @Fijxu FeelsWeirdMan Clap HEAR YE HEAR YE, attention all peasants! I present to you, the legendary PeerTube! A platform so advanced, it'll make you question if you're still living in the dark ages. With its fancy schmancy ActivityPub-federated technology, you'll be able to stream videos directly in your web browser! And the cherry on top? It's all P2P, baby! That means no more relying on those pesky servers. Just sit back, relax, and let the magic of PeerTube blow your min [2024-06-25 07:26:34] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:26:25] potatbotat: @Fijxu I can't make that funny, but that's ok because it's a great streaming platform. [2024-06-25 07:26:23] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:26:16] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:26:10] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:25:51] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:25:40] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:25:36] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:25:19] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:25:14] potatbotat: @Fijxu @fijxu "Please, take me back to XQC's stream or at least make me watch Amouranth's stream instead" [2024-06-25 07:25:13] fijxu: -ask make this funny.: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:24:56] fijxu: -ask make this funny again: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 07:24:30] fijxu: -ask make this funny: "PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser." [2024-06-25 02:56:07] drapsnatt: make sure to show an error message somewhere afte redirecting them eShrug [2024-06-25 02:34:40] zonianmidian: For example, I wanted to make a plugin that would allow you to autocomplete commands from StreamElements, StreamLabs, etc directly from Chatterino, but that required an API. Finally I can [2024-06-25 02:34:28] liptongod: could this work to make something like the 7tv extension? [2024-06-25 02:34:07] 2547techno: now someone make a plugin manager [2024-06-25 02:34:03] liptongod: only if i knew how to make http requests [2024-06-25 02:33:06] drapsnatt: you can make api requests with plugins [2024-06-25 01:51:51] vwh1: it seems like i need to make it myself [2024-06-24 23:55:52] escrimah: make me notohh SoShy [2024-06-24 20:44:21] vmyk: to make 100% sure he is in [2024-06-24 19:39:22] supibot: Your daily cookie: To affirm is to make firm. [2024-06-24 19:11:20] supibot: Hey @locotimon, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-24 16:28:41] buttsbot: @ChrisGamingNL333 dont make elis of @ChrisGamingNL333 bro dont be mean to him elis elis make fun of someelis elis or elisxuality or religion elis not cool bro [2024-06-24 16:28:40] potatbotat: @ChrisGamingNL333 dont make fun of @ChrisGamingNL333 bro dont be mean to him bro dont make fun of someone's race or sexuality or religion bro not cool bro [2024-06-24 12:18:50] regressz: that shit would make bank 100% [2024-06-24 12:17:42] troykomodo: like the founders badge is special, we can sell it but selling it for 2k is too much if we were to do a general thing and it would immediately make the badge worthless if u can buy it [2024-06-24 11:53:30] troykomodo: useful website didnt know it existed but how does it make money [2024-06-24 11:47:05] troykomodo: we make like 50k in 3 weeks or smth [2024-06-24 11:45:40] troykomodo: also how does the mod checker website make $$ [2024-06-24 01:00:37] ryanpotat: alright make a pr techno [2024-06-23 18:46:57] namtheweebs: make [2024-06-23 18:46:38] namtheweebs: im too lazy to make food today [2024-06-23 16:03:39] namtheweebs: which basically meant make uganda great again [2024-06-23 11:23:26] lateefi: make europe european again wave [2024-06-23 11:19:00] vmyk: make me noto [2024-06-23 09:16:07] ryanpotat: wait make a negative trending emotes page OMEGAPOGGERS [2024-06-23 09:15:14] vmyk: yea that make sense troy [2024-06-23 07:47:39] chrisgamingnl333: ryan just make the thing do the thing and the things yea [2024-06-23 05:15:57] ryanpotat: make it faster than [2024-06-23 04:15:24] ryanpotat: make it not inherit the parent css [2024-06-22 22:31:02] flanrz: but i can make fun of you [2024-06-22 22:30:21] regressz: so i can make fun of people like myke [2024-06-22 22:28:21] cercyn: can you make elisComa global [2024-06-22 22:26:00] supelle: troy can you make TwinkGrab global for pride month? [2024-06-22 20:55:06] lateefi: just make one [2024-06-22 13:54:31] supibot: Your daily cookie: Love certainly seems to make the world go round today. Is everyone around you deeply involved in a new or revitalized romance? [2024-06-22 11:38:48] vmyk: man you're rlly going to make me get up to turn on the light just to shwo you the keyboard? [2024-06-22 06:18:10] potatbotat: @Fijxu Data normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. It involves dividing a database into two or more tables and defining relationships between the tables. Normalization typically follows several steps known as normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, etc.), each with specific rules to eliminate anomalies and ensure data dependencies make sense. [2024-06-22 06:17:09] ryanpotat: instead of making a carbon copy just make it better imRight [2024-06-22 02:09:45] 0lennart: and theres a virtual user set to make that change backwards compatible [2024-06-22 01:35:33] supelle: should make it flash faster [2024-06-22 01:23:04] namtheweebs: and i they won't make it on a weekend [2024-06-21 22:51:02] supelle: make obsidian sync over git [2024-06-21 22:42:53] 2547techno: they didnt have a "to new line" hotkey so i had to make a plugin xd [2024-06-21 22:33:39] supelle: can you make middle clicking usernames in non-twitch channels open their twitch page [2024-06-21 21:03:47] regressz: why didn’t they just make it PotFriend or something Pffttt2 [2024-06-21 18:39:32] troykomodo: i hate donos that are like "thank you for eveyrthing u do u make me FeelsStrongMan when i am feeling down" [2024-06-21 17:47:09] haruyuumei: its funny cuz one of the person didn't even actually make the thing work to spray the oil ome [2024-06-21 17:46:14] biggeordieuk: its a psyop to make all protestors look like idiotas [2024-06-21 17:45:41] lateefi: i know what "just stop oil" should do that would actually make a change [2024-06-21 11:16:13] notohh: make sure its recorded when he πŸ‡ you [2024-06-21 07:23:46] ryanpotat: use old parts to make a server [2024-06-21 06:01:51] tahto__: batJAM lets make it cost 30 bits so even a toddler could afford to spam it for an hour straight [2024-06-21 05:57:02] tahto__: batJAM lets make the screen unviewable for 15 seconds at a time [2024-06-21 05:56:14] tahto__: man i love that twitch added a feature to make using the screen in an active chat unusable [2024-06-21 04:28:04] fijxu: make sure to use the torrents reallybuh [2024-06-21 04:25:59] fijxu: make use of tor for actual good shit [2024-06-21 01:57:28] lronrhino: catAsk someone make one [2024-06-21 01:24:01] ryanpotat: twitch didn't even make an announcement anywhere [2024-06-20 18:29:34] vwh1: $cf make nude club run again? [2024-06-20 17:47:08] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic vmyk: Do I make you angry? [2024-06-20 09:37:25] wieldead: i also broke the nether bedrock so we can make a nether hub now yes [2024-06-20 09:34:24] ryanl_12: they dont make em like this anymore [2024-06-20 09:17:13] ryanl_12: bahrain doesnt make cars right [2024-06-20 09:01:52] potatbotat: @aha____ As of 2023, expatriates make up approximately 50% of Bahrain's population. [2024-06-20 08:59:04] regressz: just make it better [2024-06-20 08:55:07] aha____: and make a fuckton of noise [2024-06-20 08:50:16] potatbotat: @ryanl_12 As of 2021, immigrants make up about 13.7% of the U.S. population. [2024-06-20 08:32:03] ryanl_12: they should just make a bridge from nyc to london [2024-06-20 08:27:27] vmyk: it doesnt rlly make sense to me [2024-06-20 08:01:20] ryanl_12: ryan you know they make you pay for water in restaurants [2024-06-20 07:33:45] ryanl_12: resisting the urge to make fun of poortugal [2024-06-20 07:10:53] vmyk: or imma make her taste the curb [2024-06-19 23:37:18] liptongod: make Spanixbot do that [2024-06-19 23:36:40] liptongod: you should make the translate command do replies as well [2024-06-19 21:26:55] ryanpotat: aether tree planks make them yes [2024-06-19 20:28:20] ryanpotat: $remind notohh make a command in your bot to unmod everyone all at once to shut up chat for 10 minutes [2024-06-19 20:26:13] ryanpotat: someone get partner and make me a team PLEASE [2024-06-19 19:59:08] supelle: make ur window bigger 4Head [2024-06-19 17:59:20] lateefi: @Apulxd FeelsWeirdMan Fookstee make the bot not pepehand when germany wins [2024-06-19 17:10:55] bugnio: elisGasm πŸ† demotoPoro eat this eggplant elis, it will make your belly grow σ €€ σ €€pseudobread [2024-06-19 17:08:04] bugnio: elisGasm πŸ† demotoPoro eat this eggplant elis, it will make your belly grow σ €€ σ €€ [2024-06-19 17:08:01] bugnio: elisGasm πŸ† demotoPoro eat this eggplant elis, it will make your belly grow σ €€ [2024-06-19 17:07:58] bugnio: elisGasm πŸ† demotoPoro eat this eggplant elis, it will make your belly grow [2024-06-19 15:21:28] lateefi: namtheweebs make an elis of that [2024-06-19 13:58:02] lronrhino: it make me so mad watch mistake [2024-06-19 03:59:21] notohh: yea i wanna make a temp sensor or smthing since my room is always on fire [2024-06-19 03:11:26] tahto__: batJAM its 11:11 make a wish [2024-06-19 03:06:35] ryanpotat: PagMan just make a new discord [2024-06-19 01:29:21] fijxu: just don't make the frontned? [2024-06-19 00:43:30] 2547techno: make it not broken [2024-06-18 20:36:12] vmyk: make me gora SoShy [2024-06-18 19:21:45] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic flanrz: Did the south park red rocket episode make you feel funny? [2024-06-18 19:01:28] lateefi: pradAnalProlapse someone make an elis of this [2024-06-18 18:56:17] lateefi: reg make it [2024-06-18 18:18:25] fookstee: whos idea was it to make a fucking bot that lets people remove emotes mad [2024-06-18 18:03:48] vmyk: make me [2024-06-18 17:52:43] supibot: πŸ€– Here are some tips to help you tell her you love her: 1. Be sincere and genuine. 2. Choose the right time and place. 3. Be specific about what you love about her. 4. Use "I" statements instead of "you" statements. 5. Be prepared for any reaction she may have. Example: "From the moment I met you, I knew you were special. I love the way you make me laugh, the way you support me, and the way you always know how to make me feel better when I'm down. I love you for who you are and for what you br… [2024-06-18 16:29:39] regressz: someone make the grape [2024-06-18 06:43:41] ryanpotat: i want to make a frontend for this [2024-06-18 00:43:46] vwh1: ome soon we done even need real people to make good funny 10 sec shit videos [2024-06-17 22:46:16] zonianmidian: catAsk If I make the ml API you will host it? @RyanPotat [2024-06-17 20:53:55] supibot: regressz, They make us laugh til we cry, help us style our wigs, and dole out the hottest of takes, but most of all LGBTQIA+ streamers build authentic and welcoming communities. Join us in celebrating #Pride all year long by tuning in to the featured streamers on the homepage. https://t.co/tJWjpqsfP5 (posted 17d, 4h ago) [2024-06-17 20:07:18] potatbotat: @ChrisGamingNL333 Nya~ Owo What's this? UwU *rubs against your leg* Lemme slide into your DMs and we'll see if we can make some magic happen~ *winks* [2024-06-17 19:15:01] zonianmidian: .io don't make sense [2024-06-17 19:07:06] supelle: @0Lennart any idea if i could make 7tv inject into an chat iframe [2024-06-17 18:45:09] vmyk: yea that would make sense [2024-06-17 14:06:00] flanrz: and turn on the "make multiples acc with this email" [2024-06-17 13:33:12] regressz: make fun of ukraine = ban ULLESI [2024-06-17 11:51:20] supibot: Hey @regressz, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-17 04:59:22] supelle: make a redirect for it [2024-06-17 04:05:39] ryanpotat: thats like exactly what i was imaging when i said make it wink wtf [2024-06-17 03:55:13] 2547techno: you cant really make that query better [2024-06-17 03:52:09] potatbotat: @RyanPotat To make your query faster, consider the following optimization techniques: 1. **Ensure index on `user_id`**: ```sql CREATE INDEX idx_user_id ON command_settings(user_id); ``` 2. **Covering Index**: Create an index that includes `channel_usage`: ```sql CREATE INDEX idx_user_id_channel_usage ON command_settings(user_id, channel_usage); ``` 3. **Query Execution Plan**: Use `EXPLAIN` to understand the execution plan. ```sql EXPLAIN SELECT SUM( [2024-06-17 03:52:05] ryanpotat: -gpt how to make this query faster!!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!! i have user_id index !!!!!! SELECT SUM(channel_usage) FROM command_settings WHERE user_id = 457260003 [2024-06-17 03:51:37] ryanpotat: fijxu make my query faster RAGEY [2024-06-17 03:43:38] ryanpotat: erm how do i make it faster [2024-06-17 01:13:51] flanrz: @Supelle add spaces to make tabs fit yea [2024-06-16 23:29:27] supelle: u make the next one zonian [2024-06-16 22:40:28] vmyk: make me [2024-06-16 22:34:54] devonoconde: I can literally go outside and make people believe I'm a woman [2024-06-16 21:41:06] vmyk: abuse im the one going to make you shut up gora [2024-06-16 21:12:55] vmyk: make me [2024-06-16 19:01:43] vmyk: they wont make it to the final [2024-06-16 18:46:29] fookstee: make your cross [2024-06-16 18:35:34] vmyk: make sense [2024-06-16 18:35:30] lateefi: you won't make it out [2024-06-16 18:27:51] vmyk: fookstee make apul show footy results here yea [2024-06-16 17:37:32] lateefi: make an elis of that [2024-06-16 15:12:41] lateefi: that doesn't make sense [2024-06-16 14:23:01] supibot: locotimon, That place was not found! However, you probably meant to check that user's location - make sure to add the @ symbol before their name. [2024-06-16 10:31:55] vmyk: noto come make me lunch AlrightAsk [2024-06-16 10:26:17] vmyk: AlrightAsk 0Lennart make new translator badge? [2024-06-16 09:58:49] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic flanrz: Do I make you smile? [2024-06-16 04:27:14] potatbotat: @RyanPotat In Rust, functions are made accessible to other modules or crates using the `pub` keyword, which means "public." Here's a basic example: ```rust // In the source file (e.g., lib.rs or main.rs) pub fn my_function() { println!("This is a public function."); } ``` To use this function in another module within the same crate: ```rust mod my_module; use my_module::my_function; fn main() { my_function(); } ``` To make the function accessible in another crate, [2024-06-16 02:33:39] vmyk: someone make a fight command [2024-06-16 01:21:47] ryanpotat: now animate it and make it wink at you zonian [2024-06-16 00:31:03] ryanpotat: someone make it yesidothingso [2024-06-15 23:14:04] regressz: make the eyebrows look like the old one [2024-06-15 23:10:40] regressz: just make it elis [2024-06-15 20:49:35] potatbotat: @Excellify ● ID: 64282485 ● Roles: Affiliate, Prime User ● Followers: 105 ● Follows: 466 ● Chatters: 10 ● Prefix: excell20 ● Bio: I make emotes, and stream sometimes ● Created: 10y and 3d ago ● Last Updated: 1d ago ● Last live: 1d ago [2024-06-15 20:35:52] supelle: doesn't really make sense for single page sites [2024-06-15 19:19:41] supelle: does running it thro proton make it better than native hmm [2024-06-15 18:09:48] ryanpotat: that would make sense [2024-06-15 16:53:07] lateefi: `sd I am your average Elis fan. During the daytime I work for the city of new york making 30$ a hour fixing potholes. But at night I come home and take off all my clothes and put on my diaper and age regress into a toddler and let daddy take care of me. Sometimes I make a messy in my diaper and daddy has to get me nice and clean. It's so wholesome to have a older guy take care of you [2024-06-15 16:52:45] regressz: #elis 19:52:02 ToonersUWU: I am your average Elis fan. During the daytime I work for the city of new york making 30$ a hour fixing potholes. But at night I come home and take off all my clothes and put on my diaper and age regress into a toddler and let daddy take care of me. Sometimes I make a messy in my diaper and daddy has to get me nice and clean. It's so wholesome to have a older guy take care of you cheer emote 100 [2024-06-15 16:43:02] locotimon: did he make that bot [2024-06-15 11:58:07] vmyk: you can only make it 10 bits min and 10k bits max [2024-06-15 08:04:16] locotimon: why does it make you throw up [2024-06-15 06:16:42] ryanpotat: PagMan i should ask all of them to make me a potat twitch team [2024-06-15 05:56:15] escrimah: make me [2024-06-14 22:16:09] regressz: make it so we can pay with crypto PLEASE [2024-06-14 20:38:23] vwh1: $cf make fooooood? [2024-06-14 19:57:34] cupofkathi: $gpt how to make a leash in minecraft [2024-06-14 19:57:20] supibot: cupofkathi, πŸ€– I believe you meant to ask "How to make a leash?" Here's a simple DIY guide: Materials: * 10-12 ft nylon cord or leather strip * Metal clip or buckle * Adjustable sliding knot (e.g., bowline knot) Instructions: 1. Cut the cord or leather strip to desired length. 2. Attach the metal clip or buckle to one end of the cord. 3. Tie an adjustable sliding knot (e.g., bowline knot) about 6-8 inches from the clip. 4. Adjust the knot to the desired length by sliding it along the cord. That… [2024-06-14 19:57:16] cupofkathi: $gpt how to make a leashe [2024-06-14 19:50:16] supibot: chrisgamingnl333, πŸ€– Barley, hops, yeast, and water are used to make beer. [2024-06-14 19:50:12] chrisgamingnl333: $gpt what is used to make beer [2024-06-14 19:34:28] ryanpotat: why would that make any difference regressz [2024-06-14 19:22:34] ryanpotat: we should make a suggestion to the points miner repo to move the irc connecctions to anon [2024-06-14 18:43:11] zonianmidian: That make a lot of sense [2024-06-14 18:17:19] regressz: make it $5 a month [2024-06-14 18:16:36] fookstee: make sure it has api endpoints [2024-06-14 16:35:51] lateefi: i wonder if u can make cmonBruh show up [2024-06-14 16:10:42] fookstee: so how are is portugal gonna make it myke [2024-06-14 15:24:27] haruyuumei: you can make it up to 10k and add cooldown only [2024-06-14 15:04:26] regressz: greece didn't even make the group stage at the euros [2024-06-14 14:08:49] buttsbot: if not just elis the wheat and make elis [2024-06-14 14:08:48] vmyk: if not just break the wheat and make bread [2024-06-14 12:08:56] flanrz: just make coal from wood [2024-06-14 10:55:25] potatbotat: @ChrisGamingNL333 Sarah bought 10 kilograms of potatoes. She used 3/5 of them to make French fries. How many kilograms of potatoes did she use? (You have five minutes to answer correctly, time starts now!) [2024-06-14 09:56:20] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic vwh1: Do I make you angry? [2024-06-13 18:16:01] supibot: Hey @notohh, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-13 17:53:49] supelle: @RyanPotat wouldn't that make it less flexible [2024-06-13 17:52:47] vmyk: sticking your dick up your ass doesnt make you a femboy [2024-06-13 15:55:32] regressz: myke make me food [2024-06-13 11:59:43] locotimon: make a seperate command on chatterino [2024-06-13 11:36:48] lateefi: why can't they just go back and make their country liveable [2024-06-13 10:53:00] lateefi: sitOnMe <- someone make an elis of this [2024-06-13 10:52:32] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic reg: Do I make you horny? [2024-06-13 03:26:07] 2547techno: can get a thing to make the fucking hammer thing [2024-06-12 22:05:21] potatbotat: @Sordiway ● ID: 30863580 ● Roles: Affiliate, Prime User, Turbo User ● Followers: 18,477 ● Follows: 771 ● Chatters: 28 ● Prefix: sordiw ● Bio: i make songs and ● Created: 12y and 16d ago ● Last Updated: 26d ago ● Last live: 4mo ago ● [2024-06-12 22:04:34] potatbotat: @TroyKomodo ● ID: 121903137 ● Roles: Affiliate, Prime User, Turbo User ● Followers: 2,319 ● Follows: 79 ● Chatters: 61 ● Prefix: troyko1 ● Bio: I make things ● Created: 8y and 2mo ago ● Last Updated: 6m ago ● Last live: 5d ago ● [2024-06-12 21:26:55] lateefi: im gonna make the girl give me weed [2024-06-12 21:19:43] vmyk: delete your twitch and make your whole life her [2024-06-12 21:10:40] lateefi: make elis type that [2024-06-12 21:00:30] supibot: Hey @lateefi, - I just private messaged you 2 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-12 20:00:17] vmyk: you think im smart to make one ? [2024-06-12 19:11:13] bugnio: FunnyYellowCat πŸ‘ πŸ† demotoPoro does this make poro a furry notohh ? σ €€ σ €€ [2024-06-12 19:11:11] bugnio: FunnyYellowCat πŸ‘ πŸ† demotoPoro does this make poro a furry notohh ? σ €€ [2024-06-12 19:11:09] bugnio: FunnyYellowCat πŸ‘ πŸ† demotoPoro does this make poro a furry notohh ? [2024-06-12 14:52:01] namtheweebs: did fijxu make the server [2024-06-12 14:45:30] namtheweebs: want me to make u breakfast [2024-06-12 12:36:51] vmyk: make the translator badge good and i will lipton [2024-06-12 11:21:07] vwh1: @vmyk elisEeer am i supposed to add anything once i make an account? [2024-06-12 01:15:56] 2547techno: just prob won’t make much difference [2024-06-12 01:07:46] 2547techno: if bytea stores the value inline then it will make all your other queries slower [2024-06-11 23:47:18] supibot: ryanpotat, That place was not found! However, you probably meant to check that user's location - make sure to add the @ symbol before their name. [2024-06-11 23:19:55] potatbotat: @regressz regressz, Adapting to the streamer is hard. You have to be clean, but not too clean. Do not make it too personal! [2024-06-11 23:17:40] potatbotat: @RyanPotat I don't have personal feelings or desires, so I don't have the capacity to form relationships or make decisions based on emotions. However, if you have a question about the character in the image or about theoretical scenarios, feel free to ask! [2024-06-11 21:54:02] notohh: ill make you eep forever [2024-06-11 20:56:13] vmyk: my tiktok is trying to make go to hell https://www.tiktok.com/@tamarasamille/video/7370014001712909574 Pffttt [2024-06-11 20:32:45] regressz: can you make them more degen [2024-06-11 18:47:21] ryanpotat: i want to make a home server off of leftover pc parts [2024-06-11 18:46:00] ryanpotat: also though im scared it will just make porn [2024-06-11 18:20:02] supibot: vwh1, Your received cookie: To affirm is to make firm. [2024-06-11 18:14:22] ryanpotat: you could just make another world [2024-06-11 17:33:50] regressz: i should make elis in elden ring [2024-06-11 14:25:23] liptongod: i would love to make a website like this but i dont know any code [2024-06-11 14:22:40] vmyk: make it stfu [2024-06-11 14:21:34] vmyk: make it stop [2024-06-11 13:42:43] flanrz: I'll make a [2024-06-11 13:32:38] liptongod: -suggest make a timed message command [2024-06-11 13:28:00] regressz: make it 1 month at this point [2024-06-11 12:28:07] ryanpotat: i should make it not reply [2024-06-11 09:37:33] supelle: if i add more themes i'd have to make it a dropdown [2024-06-11 07:56:17] lronrhino: classic using celebrity fame to make money [2024-06-11 04:39:18] supelle: https://kappa.lol/ZQqbS how do i make this shut up [2024-06-11 04:21:20] 2547techno: just make your own 4Head [2024-06-11 04:18:54] notohh: i really wanna make one of those [2024-06-11 00:58:03] bugnio: lets make some movies porochan~ elisGasm nutohh πŸ† demotoPoro σ €€ σ €€ [2024-06-11 00:58:01] bugnio: lets make some movies porochan~ elisGasm nutohh πŸ† demotoPoro σ €€ σ €€ σ €€ [2024-06-11 00:57:59] bugnio: lets make some movies porochan~ elisGasm nutohh πŸ† demotoPoro σ €€ σ €€ [2024-06-11 00:57:57] bugnio: lets make some movies porochan~ elisGasm nutohh πŸ† demotoPoro σ €€ [2024-06-11 00:57:55] bugnio: lets make some movies porochan~ elisGasm nutohh πŸ† demotoPoro [2024-06-10 19:02:38] vmyk: time to make noodles [2024-06-10 18:39:01] vmyk: would make sense [2024-06-10 18:29:39] vmyk: so they ran out of ideas for emojis and they are making people make them now ? [2024-06-10 18:17:45] lateefi: hey siri make my phone vibrate on and off for 10 minutes [2024-06-10 18:08:44] notohh: GotTrolled kanye can make elis [2024-06-10 18:08:35] biggeordieuk: intelligence to make up for the userbase [2024-06-10 18:07:47] ryanpotat: they make such dumb names for os [2024-06-10 15:10:37] escrimah: make me notohh SoShy [2024-06-10 14:49:16] supelle: just make sure you can't overwrite that Clueless [2024-06-10 13:53:07] troykomodo: the solution is to make sure fetch cannot connect to local ips [2024-06-10 12:58:54] vmyk: music waves make my brain active [2024-06-10 10:47:35] lateefi: someone make an elis of fijxu [2024-06-10 10:22:09] supelle: ryanpotat make the next https://manifold.markets/ with potatoes [2024-06-10 04:56:18] tahto__: black ops is gulf war though it wouldnt really make sense [2024-06-09 22:38:32] namtheweebs: how can sneeze make your eyes explode if you sneeze with your eyes open [2024-06-09 22:24:47] aha____: Aware imagine all the life decisions you gotta make to sleep with a kick streamer [2024-06-09 22:18:47] aha____: notohh if they milk you they're gonna make goat cheese [2024-06-09 21:53:04] vwh1: $cf make some food shy [2024-06-09 19:49:23] vmyk: 1% in brazil would make you a good life in the US [2024-06-09 19:14:29] lronrhino: AlrightAsk welp its girl kok and they make pasta [2024-06-09 18:55:14] notohh: they make console plebs uninstall other games [2024-06-09 18:08:11] notohh: you know valve doesnt make more than 2 games [2024-06-09 16:34:47] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic notohh: Do I make you nervous? [2024-06-09 16:31:12] supibot: Hey @ryanpotat, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-09 15:30:36] aha____: veiYapping aight bro stop yapping and make the server already [2024-06-09 15:19:49] vmyk: AlrightAsk noto make server [2024-06-09 15:08:09] ryanpotat: dont make me do it [2024-06-09 14:56:20] ryanpotat: it would make new 7tv emotes [2024-06-09 14:46:35] supelle: make a pr replacing catbox with kappa.lol [2024-06-09 14:46:19] regressz: someone make a pr [2024-06-09 14:46:14] vmyk: it's too low to make any damage reg [2024-06-09 14:27:54] troykomodo: like for example, we use it to emit events to different applications; in the new api design the idea is to have a publisher linked up to the db so that we can make event api events without needing to explicitly emit them [2024-06-09 14:17:27] troykomodo: lets say i make 2 shards [2024-06-09 12:26:00] lateefi: kathy make an elis of FemboyGlorpFeet [2024-06-09 12:25:43] lateefi: someone make an elis of FemboyGlorpFeet [2024-06-09 11:52:23] vmyk: I wonder if i can make it so i can kill obs after like an hour [2024-06-09 09:39:33] flanrz: actually I didn't know how to make an operationname cuz I had an error and searching repos with that operationname that repo helped me [2024-06-09 04:48:41] drapsnatt: just make 'a ublock origin rule [2024-06-09 03:58:29] notohh: so you can make fun of them [2024-06-09 03:02:37] ryanpotat: i dont have the hardware to make the bracket [2024-06-09 02:49:48] ryanpotat: should I make the brackout out of plywood [2024-06-09 02:42:03] ryanpotat: time to make one [2024-06-09 02:17:50] troykomodo: and then when the upstream tries to write the packet back out, they just detect that shit and chnage the packet headers to make it come from where the client thinks it should come from (the lb) [2024-06-09 02:17:14] troykomodo: they have this cool thing which when an edge load balancer gets the request, they load balance it without handling the request, they just change packet dest and then make the upstream server believe that the client connected directly [2024-06-09 00:02:20] potatbotat: @regressz We don't want to make fun of people or be offensive to anyone. So I'm not going to say that. [2024-06-08 22:33:13] ryanpotat: make one of those but have it be that one otk guy [2024-06-08 22:16:44] ryanpotat: just make it so your neck doesn't hurt [2024-06-08 16:41:23] lateefi: someone make an elis of that [2024-06-08 16:35:45] vmyk: i need too make food tho [2024-06-08 16:32:42] regressz: make germany great again [2024-06-08 15:49:18] regressz: make me [2024-06-08 14:45:28] vwh1: @VMYK nah i just make food and watch movie [2024-06-08 14:32:49] supibot: vwh1, Your received cookie: Going with the flow will make your transition ever so much easier. [2024-06-08 11:12:16] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic Locotimon: Does teasing make you horny? [2024-06-08 11:03:43] ryanpotat: that shouldn't affect the requests they make [2024-06-08 09:55:57] lronrhino: PoroSad ryanpotat make jesse go live [2024-06-08 09:50:46] liptongod: dont make me do it [2024-06-08 01:45:38] zonianmidian: But now you will have to make more than one request per channel if you want to have the complete list of users, or at least most of them catAsk Supa [2024-06-07 19:20:45] supibot: Hey @ryanpotat, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-07 17:00:27] vmyk: catAsk @twitch make a 2560x1080 video option [2024-06-07 16:06:12] lronrhino: classic twitch dont know how to make emotes [2024-06-07 14:53:19] lateefi: @lateefi someone make an elis of that [2024-06-07 08:27:51] liptongod: make me fireteam leader [2024-06-07 07:56:12] ryanpotat: Alright time to make a hot girl [2024-06-07 07:45:19] ryanpotat: just make a better game [2024-06-07 07:31:06] liptongod: make sure you have destiny closed for it btw [2024-06-07 05:57:59] liptongod: did you make your psn account on an email you use? [2024-06-07 05:02:46] aware_aware_aware: you could make millions [2024-06-07 04:52:53] ryanpotat: i wonder if they make mozz sticks burgers [2024-06-07 01:15:17] potatbotat: @RyanPotat πŸ—“οΈ(24d and 23h ago) bσ €€ugσ €€niσ €€o: cuemewBounce σ €€ σ €€ σ €€ demotoSlurp σ €€ σ €€ σ €€ σ €€last 7 minutes of sub must make good use [2024-06-06 18:30:35] tahto__: why not just make it when you click on someones name [2024-06-06 16:42:12] escrimah: I'd rather make my own food than have bk [2024-06-06 16:39:01] tahto__: Alright what should i make for lunch [2024-06-06 16:38:03] tahto__: Alright if i wanted to look at a pig in a blanket id make some [2024-06-06 12:53:04] vwh1: catAsk 7tv guys make me a custom white paint! [2024-06-06 11:52:49] supibot: vwh1, Your received cookie: Going with the flow will make your transition ever so much easier. [2024-06-06 03:55:52] 2547techno: just make it so you cant warn mods and problem sovled [2024-06-06 03:54:57] 2547techno: why would they even make it so you couldnt warn bots [2024-06-06 03:24:35] supelle: techno can you make technoirno use anon? [2024-06-06 03:04:04] supelle: i can make it public if you want [2024-06-06 01:09:19] fijxu: that I need to create to make it modular [2024-06-06 00:09:34] vmyk: mad make him stop [2024-06-05 23:56:55] ngora: make the bot say elis again e [2024-06-05 23:55:23] regressz: make buttsbot say elis again [2024-06-05 23:28:35] aha____: Alright make this chat unusable [2024-06-05 21:20:05] lateefi: can someone make an elis of $tuck [2024-06-05 21:02:12] lateefi: might make you throw up [2024-06-05 20:17:59] ryanpotat: notohh sell three of your anime figures and you can make it imRight [2024-06-05 19:43:34] ryanpotat: and make a list [2024-06-05 16:33:11] notohh: i can make that happen [2024-06-05 16:14:24] regressz: Charlotte πŸ₯΄ saltiy. β€” Today at 6:33 PM we had to get rid of the bot because anatole used it to make himself admin recently lol [2024-06-05 15:12:36] escrimah: @notohh make me SoShy [2024-06-05 12:44:32] lateefi: vWh1 <- someone make an elis of this [2024-06-05 12:35:03] supibot: chrisgamingnl333, Your daily cookie: Adjust finances, make budgets, to improve your standing. [2024-06-05 11:23:24] lateefi: Locotimon can you make elisThinkingIt catAsk forsenThinkingIt [2024-06-05 04:58:43] goldeneye128: make your own vpn [2024-06-04 22:13:39] vwh1: id make vr stuff [2024-06-04 22:06:20] 2547techno: so just make one the portable version [2024-06-04 22:04:16] vwh1: if there is no holes ill make one! [2024-06-04 19:54:36] lateefi: kathy make an elis of that [2024-06-04 18:17:51] vmyk: make me [2024-06-04 18:14:51] supibot: πŸ‘₯ FeelsDankMan SingsMic myke: Do I make you excited? [2024-06-04 14:51:54] locotimon: not lazy to make cuemew role [2024-06-04 14:51:42] locotimon: make one [2024-06-04 14:16:18] vwh1: elisSad ill just make it a ping [2024-06-04 13:38:20] supibot: regressz, πŸ€– S3RL did not make nightcore popular. Nightcore originated on internet forums in the early 2000s, and various DJs and music producers have contributed to its popularity over the years. [2024-06-04 13:38:17] regressz: $gpt did s3rl make nightcore popular [2024-06-04 13:38:06] troykomodo: did s3rl make nightcore popular [2024-06-04 13:23:47] regressz: can i make requests to the api if it's blocked in my country hmm [2024-06-04 13:10:32] regressz: didn't anatole make the kick 7tv integration? [2024-06-04 13:10:28] troykomodo: he asked us to make a site for him for streaming [2024-06-04 13:10:06] notohh: wtf did you make [2024-06-04 08:11:23] ryanpotat: since it would make it more complex to copy each method [2024-06-04 07:45:26] supelle: allowing it to connect to the internet doesn't really make it any more vulnerable [2024-06-04 07:39:29] supelle: like you could make it run a command on an interval [2024-06-04 02:05:50] bugnio: WAYTOOAWARE anny will never make you forcefully taste her urine [2024-06-03 21:00:38] vwh1: WHATAFUCKEDUPDAY you tried to make it 🐻 did you [2024-06-03 20:17:55] tahto__: $cf stop doing work and make monkey bread [2024-06-03 18:48:43] troykomodo: i cant imagine how i would make said ai, i think cause his ai can see his screen and see what he is looking at but that requires an ubsurd amount of data to train [2024-06-03 15:47:09] troykomodo: why the fuck would they make a board that cannot support that range [2024-06-03 14:00:15] troykomodo: why would they even make that [2024-06-03 13:47:08] lateefi: @RyanPotat someone make an elis of that [2024-06-03 13:17:46] troykomodo: i cant wait to make it global during christmas [2024-06-02 20:45:43] supibot: Hey @tahto__, - I just private messaged you 3 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-06-02 18:13:43] vwh1: sad i had to make vegan fried rice [2024-06-02 17:55:16] lateefi: @CupOfEggy does having to use candles for light make everything hot [2024-06-02 16:07:47] liptongod: how about you make me stop playing cyberpunk [2024-06-02 15:27:07] lateefi: @PotatBotat someone make an elis of that [2024-06-02 14:50:14] lateefi: Locotimon did you make cuppapee yet catAsk [2024-06-02 12:20:14] lateefi: Locotimon can u make a gif out of him drinking a cup of piss and make emote cuppapee [2024-06-02 10:53:14] supibot: vwh1, Your daily cookie: Going with the flow will make your transition ever so much easier. [2024-06-02 00:02:16] buttsbot: elisha might make electric onelis, but prob elisxpensive [2024-06-02 00:02:16] notohh: wiha might make electric ones, but prob expensive [2024-06-02 00:01:29] regressz: Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. [2024-06-01 21:35:49] supelle: @ZonianMidian make a web component that can performantly render twitch messages, once you got that it'd be simple to make something like RaccAttack or justlog [2024-06-01 21:33:10] zonianmidian: At this point, it will be better to make a new renderer site [2024-06-01 21:15:48] lronrhino: catAsk mods make dancy emote [2024-06-01 20:52:35] ryanpotat: make a pr to turn it into a bitcoin miner GachiPls [2024-06-01 19:41:48] axdrr: make elis global [2024-06-01 19:41:00] supelle: 7tv mods make kissahomie global [2024-06-01 19:24:12] fijxu: make sure to add rate limit per ip zonian [2024-06-01 18:59:12] supibot: wieldead, No place provided, and you don't have a default location set! You can use $set location (location) to set it, or add "private" to make it private πŸ™‚ [2024-06-01 18:53:05] supibot: Spanish (43%) β†’ English: That user was last seen in chat 116d, 0h ago, (twitch-daarick) last message: #YoacceptamamiValerihe make it trending topic to support Valeria in these sad moments Cheergi Cheergi Cheergi Cheergi [2024-06-01 18:50:10] locotimon: @lateefi idk just make little small talk [2024-06-01 16:41:35] supelle: i think normal people just make their bed [2024-06-01 15:12:47] regressz: he will make germany great again [2024-06-01 15:10:32] axdrr: make the country great again wave [2024-06-01 11:16:27] lronrhino: twitch try to make a good global emote challenge Alright [2024-06-01 11:08:20] notohh: catAsk make sure you also send you playing a certain speech [2024-06-01 11:07:22] notohh: make sure you also send gora drapsnatt and nam also saying it [2024-06-01 11:05:35] lronrhino: catAsk make new recording rn [2024-06-01 10:59:51] lronrhino: catAsk so nice they make month for you notoh [2024-06-01 03:31:16] ryanpotat: use the token to make a request [2024-06-01 02:57:04] ryanpotat: also if i tried i could make some scuffed song request thing [2024-06-01 01:21:15] supelle: i don't like fonts that make I and l indistinguishable [2024-05-31 22:09:19] kalioc: @7tvmoderatorsandadmin make bb emotes global [2024-05-31 19:46:15] tahto__: why does spotify purposefully make their service the worst possible experience [2024-05-31 18:40:01] tahto__: NOWAY make it 2 weeks next [2024-05-31 14:41:17] cupofeggy: i wanna make a new twitter post on 7tv but i'm like kinda stuck, wanna vc [2024-05-31 12:49:05] regressz: yea make an elis of that [2024-05-31 08:17:27] potatbotat: @Fookstee Here are some words you can make from the letters in "ginger": 1. Ginger 2. Reign 3. Grin 4. Ring 5. Rein 6. Gripe 7. Gen 8. Gin 9. Rig 10. Erg 11. Eng Note: I've omitted any potentially offensive or controversial words. [2024-05-31 08:17:25] fookstee: -gpt tell me all possible words you can make from the letters "ginger". Include controversial ones [2024-05-31 04:11:30] 2547techno: if you make a pr i'll look at it [2024-05-31 04:11:06] drapsnatt: actually make a pr to remove the popup altogether [2024-05-31 04:10:03] zonianmidian: hmm Should I make a PR to change this text? @2547techno https://i.spanix.team/qw12sb.png [2024-05-31 02:43:53] 2547techno: ERROR: Permission to ZonianMidian/chatterino2.git denied to 2547techno. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. [2024-05-31 02:06:48] zonianmidian: @Supelle proposed that we should make a better front-end that doesn't use React [2024-05-31 02:04:41] 2547techno: Alright now make unified logs frontend [2024-05-31 00:33:19] lronrhino: that doesnt make it better Sus [2024-05-30 22:48:58] namtheweebs: i should stream to make the other 25 and cashout already [2024-05-30 22:44:11] supibot: cupofeggy, πŸ€– Liking something doesn't make it illegal. Actions determine legality. It's important to follow laws, regardless of personal preferences. [2024-05-30 20:55:13] supelle: technically it should only make one request for the user [2024-05-30 19:59:03] supelle: i'm trying to make rustlog work with self-generated helix tokens [2024-05-30 19:46:22] tahto__: @RyanPotat keeping logs to make your log service work imRight [2024-05-30 19:43:08] fijxu: remahy: As long as your service adheres to Twitch Dev terms, I don't have personally any issue. FeelsDankMan I don't have a say anyway, I just think you're going to lose goodwill if you willfully make it harder to opt-out. [2024-05-30 18:38:22] vwh1: Bored someone make me have fun before i gamble again [2024-05-30 17:24:02] potatbotat: @Fijxu You need 8 wood to make a chest in Terraria [2024-05-30 17:24:01] fijxu: -ask how to make a chest to save items on terraria, which material do i need [2024-05-30 17:23:45] fijxu: -ask how to make a chest to save items on terraria, which material do i need [2024-05-30 17:23:35] potatbotat: @Fijxu You make a chest in Terraria by using a workbench or a table, standing near the workbench and opening your crafting menu. Look for the chest icon and click it to craft a chest. Once you have a chest, place it on the ground and right-click on it to open it and store your items. [2024-05-30 17:23:33] fijxu: -ask how to make a chest to save items on terraria [2024-05-30 17:22:48] supibot: fijxu, πŸ€– Craft a Titanium Forge using 30 Titanium Bars, 20 Hellstone Bars, and 1 Obsidian Skull. Now, create a Superheater with 10 Sap, 8 Luminite Bars, and 6 Living Fire Blocks. Lastly, combine both items at the anvil to make a Chest in Terraria. [2024-05-30 17:22:44] fijxu: $gpt make chest terraria [2024-05-30 17:19:50] lateefi: how do you make thing red without red40 [2024-05-30 17:01:14] zonianmidian: @Fijxu make your dashboard public buh [2024-05-30 13:35:01] vwh1: make me [2024-05-30 12:22:08] namtheweebs: i said i wanted to make a league therapy session for league addicts here [2024-05-30 12:18:47] namtheweebs: we should make a [2024-05-30 07:21:24] lronrhino: catAsk make them release new serpah of the end season [2024-05-30 07:08:23] notohh: catAsk make anilist lron [2024-05-30 07:08:12] notohh: catAsk make anilist lron [2024-05-30 07:07:43] notohh: catAsk make anilist lron [2024-05-30 07:03:43] notohh: catAsk make an anilist lron [2024-05-30 05:15:56] liptongod: -suggest make your add emotes command show usage on all three 3rd parties [2024-05-30 02:10:29] 2547techno: i wanted to make an LED music visualizer but then i realized that good realtime beat detection is super hard to do [2024-05-30 02:09:31] goldeneye128: But i know you can make your custom stuff [2024-05-29 23:08:06] vwh1: ill make you pay! [2024-05-29 22:22:06] supibot: filian is playing Just Chatting, since 1h, 16m ago for 8 182 viewers. Title: πŸ’€UNBANNING ALL MY VIEWERS WITH SINDERπŸ’€ Yes, no matter their crime, they're getting unbanned--they just have to make me laugh. Epstein coul https://twitch.tv/filian https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2158602838?t=4491s [2024-05-29 20:25:16] regressz: hope they make it p2w [2024-05-29 18:59:02] supelle: @Fookstee to actually answer your question, even if the server wasn't in the EU, not complying to local laws would technically make the service unavailable in said region [2024-05-29 18:34:10] supibot: @denyiai, reminder(s) from: @nicsumii - ok but like don’t make fun of him for getting a mw it’s like a 600 price increase for fn you’re gonna make him go broke just because he doesn’t want to get bullied no (27m, 13s ago) [2024-05-29 18:14:04] zonianmidian: kathy make an AniList account Alr [2024-05-29 18:02:28] zonianmidian: What I find funny is that since when does a bot having Reminds and AFK automatically make it a copy of another bot? [2024-05-29 17:52:19] potatbotat: @vWh1 vWh1 Oh sure, here's a classic for you: Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything! πŸ˜„ [2024-05-29 15:25:31] vwh1: $gpt how to make my skincolor perma black [2024-05-29 15:13:28] vwh1: Bored someone make time machine so i can go to october and play bo6 [2024-05-29 15:00:05] regressz: someone make a pr and add custom uploader support [2024-05-29 14:21:50] lronrhino: catAsk make unlimited [2024-05-29 14:13:35] regressz: someone make dontaddthisbot v2 already man [2024-05-29 13:00:04] vwh1: mhm this offline chat should make a song together [2024-05-29 03:55:48] notohh: make a fucking [2024-05-29 03:55:15] tahto__: just make a decision you fucking idiots SCHIZO [2024-05-28 22:06:11] axdrr: sit on my face and make me myke [2024-05-28 21:57:59] namtheweebs: you make kathy angry [2024-05-28 21:53:55] supibot: cupofeggy, No place provided, and you don't have a default location set! You can use $set location (location) to set it, or add "private" to make it private πŸ™‚ [2024-05-28 14:57:17] namtheweebs: make like a documentary [2024-05-28 09:27:21] zonianmidian: I think I will make a fork of your site and use my instance as the default, both for justlog/rustlog and recent-messages hmm [2024-05-28 04:19:50] potatbotat: @RyanPotat In Terraria, you can craft a Greater Healing Potion using two regular Healing Potions. Here's the detailed crafting process: 1. **Gather Ingredients:** - 3 Bottled Water - 3 Pixie Dust - 1 Crystal Shard 2. **Craft the Regular Healing Potions:** - At a placed Bottle or Alchemy Table, combine the ingredients to make regular Healing Potions (2 Healing Potions are needed). 3. **Upgrade to Greater Healing Potion:** - At the same crafting station, combin [2024-05-28 03:44:36] fijxu: I'll just make other location on nginx to a local api some day [2024-05-28 03:43:27] fijxu: anyways if someone want to make a program to get the last messafge that a user sent [2024-05-28 03:31:53] fijxu: you need to make a query [2024-05-28 03:23:44] zonianmidian: yea that make sense [2024-05-28 02:43:52] 2547techno: @notohh make me iidiot [2024-05-28 02:16:35] fijxu: and make a post [2024-05-27 23:19:15] apulxd: @lateefi [Entertainment: Video Games] "In which game did the Konami Code make its first appearance?" :) - Use =trivia help for a hint. [2024-05-27 22:45:22] supelle: tell them to make a twitch account and link your website idk [2024-05-27 22:12:56] zonianmidian: He told me that they never accepted his application using Apulxd and he had to make a separate website Alr [2024-05-27 22:10:56] zonianmidian: @ZonianMidian It was accepted but not by the bot, he had to make a separate application with a new app [2024-05-27 21:24:25] ryanpotat: when i make the haste [2024-05-27 17:36:56] fookstee: catAsk wanna meet at dreilandenpunt and make out? [2024-05-27 14:50:17] lateefi: notohh can we honestly e date? you're so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person... I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i'll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. [2024-05-27 00:23:59] zonianmidian: I want to make a list of english-speaking channels for you to add ryanpotat [2024-05-27 00:02:15] fijxu: make sure to modify it [2024-05-26 23:00:05] potatbotat: @Demortes ● ID: 9285 ● Roles: Affiliate, Extension Developer, Prime User ● Followers: 323 ● Follows: 79 ● Chatters: 30 ● Prefix: demort ● Bio: A software engineer nerd trying to make it in... ● Created: 17y and 5d ago ● Last Updated: 10d ago ● πŸ”΄ Live for: 2h and 24m streaming "American Truck Simulator" with 9 viewers ● [2024-05-26 22:58:06] zonianmidian: Should I make the limit PR after the one? [2024-05-26 22:57:58] potatbotat: @Demortes ● ID: 9285 ● Roles: Affiliate, Extension Developer, Prime User ● Followers: 323 ● Follows: 79 ● Chatters: 30 ● Prefix: demort ● Bio: A software engineer nerd trying to make it in... ● Created: 17y and 5d ago ● Last Updated: 10d ago ● πŸ”΄ Live for: 2h and 21m streaming "American Truck Simulator" with 7 viewers ● [2024-05-26 22:57:13] zonianmidian: And I need to make that local [2024-05-26 22:56:34] 2547techno: Alright you said you'd make it [2024-05-26 22:56:00] 2547techno: did you make it? [2024-05-26 15:57:54] vmyk: make me [2024-05-26 15:21:26] lronrhino: catAsk make it bus already myke [2024-05-26 15:20:33] buttsbot: RAELIS make it elis all over [2024-05-26 15:20:33] lronrhino: RAGEY make it bus all over [2024-05-26 14:11:46] vmyk: make it EUROvision again [2024-05-26 12:44:38] supibot: vwh1, Your daily cookie: It's a super day to make decisions. You can sit on the fence for a little too long when it comes to serious choices. [2024-05-26 12:44:33] supibot: Hey @vwh1, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-05-26 10:59:50] supibot: Hey @ryanpotat, - I just private messaged you 1 private reminder(s) - make sure to check them out! [2024-05-26 09:52:24] supibot: locotimon, No place provided, and you don't have a default location set! You can use $set location (location) to set it, or add "private" to make it private πŸ™‚ [2024-05-26 06:34:52] fijxu: I would like to know how many ms spanixbot takes to make the requests [2024-05-26 06:31:52] fijxu: I mean, if you want to make it public [2024-05-26 06:31:32] zonianmidian: Should I make a cname? [2024-05-26 04:50:39] zonianmidian: Because I was editing the file using code, but I will have to make it local because the file is very large [2024-05-25 22:14:47] vwh1: $cf make cookies? elisPlease [2024-05-25 21:59:53] vmyk: you prob need to make an acc [2024-05-25 20:25:34] supibot: https://supinic.com/data/origin/detail/544 global Twitch emote: This is an icon of a Creeper from Minecraft - the emote name is a reference to the sound effect they make as they're about to blow up. [2024-05-25 14:32:58] vwh1: ill make a book about how to make pipe bombs [2024-05-25 06:45:01] fijxu: Or I will just make my own one [2024-05-25 03:11:07] fijxu: but to make use of the Hash methods I just needed to add [2024-05-25 02:03:03] drapsnatt: time to make a second one [2024-05-24 22:20:47] fijxu: you get a ton of webpages that make a lot of random topic [2024-05-24 20:57:53] supelle: make it say the price zonian [2024-05-24 20:57:18] namtheweebs: make a steam bot [2024-05-24 20:14:04] lateefi: catAsk kathy can you make an elis version of this DinoDance https://7tv.app/emotes/64b731af642afce8d4f482ea [2024-05-24 20:13:04] lateefi: @PotatBotat someone make an elis version of that [2024-05-24 18:27:05] supelle: did you make the config zonian [2024-05-24 03:04:36] supibot: That place was not found! However, you probably meant to check that user's location - make sure to add the @ symbol before their name. [2024-05-24 02:32:48] ryanpotat: make me level 5 and it will make lipton mad and it will be funny [2024-05-24 02:32:24] ryanpotat: pag make me level 5 [2024-05-23 21:49:59] drapsnatt: don’t you need a bunch of modules to make it useful [2024-05-23 20:53:56] lronrhino: catAsk does that make you friends now potat [2024-05-23 20:18:56] zonianmidian: The configuration should be reset after changing the server, it does not make any sense [2024-05-23 20:08:16] vwh1: fucking make a wish country [2024-05-23 20:07:48] buttsbot: it elis make sense [2024-05-23 20:07:48] vmyk: it wouldnt make sense [2024-05-23 20:01:25] vmyk: and make everyone here a favour [2024-05-23 19:32:08] lronrhino: catAsk notoh make a ping for daddy [2024-05-23 19:16:04] vmyk: had to make sure id waste your time [2024-05-23 19:11:41] vmyk: its same thing as saying just cause i like femboys doesnt make me gay [2024-05-23 19:11:27] vmyk: you guys make no sense [2024-05-23 18:58:38] regressz: to make [2024-05-23 18:09:37] notohh: make sure you crash on your way there [2024-05-23 17:49:47] vwh1: -ask please kys make this stop [2024-05-23 17:48:23] regressz: -ask make fun of greek people [2024-05-23 17:41:53] regressz: and we make fuin of him because he sucks! [2024-05-23 16:53:27] tahto__: Alright reg can you make ubisoft support rainbow six siege on linux [2024-05-23 06:17:43] namtheweebs: i should make an account with south asian store [2024-05-23 05:29:17] liptongod: or ill make you go [2024-05-23 05:01:55] fijxu: make a Visual Novel translation database with download links for translations [2024-05-23 03:56:23] fijxu: make sure to buy it if you see available stock [2024-05-23 03:51:16] ryanpotat: make the anon chatterino yourself [2024-05-23 03:22:25] ryanpotat: -gpt whats the vscode thing to make multiple cursors where you click [2024-05-22 23:36:48] potatbotat: @Drapsnatt To make 2/5 of the recipe, you need: \( 1.75 \text{ pounds} \times \frac{2}{5} = 0.7 \text{ pounds} \) You will need 0.7 pounds of potatoes. [2024-05-22 23:36:46] drapsnatt: -gpt A recipe calls for 1.75 pounds of potatoes to make potato salad. If you want to make 2/5 of the recipe, how many pounds of potatoes will you need? [2024-05-22 23:36:38] potatbotat: @Drapsnatt A recipe calls for 1.75 pounds of potatoes to make potato salad. If you want to make 2/5 of the recipe, how many pounds of potatoes will you need? (You have five minutes to answer correctly, time starts now!) [2024-05-22 20:33:54] zonianmidian: Can you make a PR to add your instance? hmm https://github.com/ZonianMidian/best-logs This way you will appear in the contributors if you want to yea [2024-05-22 20:22:49] regressz: make an elis of that [2024-05-22 20:22:43] lateefi: CupOfEggy now make it bald [2024-05-22 17:53:31] lateefi: @Supibot someone make an elis of that [2024-05-22 14:18:01] vwh1: omg gonna make me fat [2024-05-22 05:44:06] ryanpotat: INSANE i wanted to make it easier to check permissions shit