#notohh logs.supa.codes dump - query: `regex` [2024-07-11 00:58:09] tahto__: itd take like an hour maybe to learn regex lipton [2024-07-11 00:57:55] supelle: open https://regex101.com/ paste it [2024-07-11 00:56:50] supelle: you should be able to read a regexp [2024-07-11 00:56:31] liptongod: i didnt make this fucking regex [2024-07-11 00:56:27] tahto__: ICANT ryan being regex expert [2024-07-11 00:56:27] ryanpotat: LULE i most absolutely am not a regex expert [2024-07-11 00:56:13] frantabot: @RyanPotat, mhm erm you are regex expert [2024-07-11 00:55:12] liptongod: this is my regex [2024-07-11 00:54:55] liptongod: i have a regex that blocks all users with the name "bot" [2024-07-10 18:56:17] mzntori: regex is actually easy as fuck [2024-07-10 18:56:12] mzntori: forsenLaughingAtYou regex [2024-07-10 18:56:00] ryanpotat: GotTrolled shit regex [2024-07-09 19:10:13] supelle: RyanPotat too if you run node with `--enable-experimental-regexp-engine` and add the `l` to any exp it can't get stuck [2024-07-09 19:05:13] supelle: yea it's a regex implementation [2024-07-09 19:04:28] ryanpotat: -suggest regex promisify and abort controller [2024-07-09 19:03:28] ryanpotat: supa hmmMeeting remember the infinite regex [2024-07-07 14:48:01] supibot: teknik_, 🤖 Certainly! A regex to match variations of "mike" could be: `m[iy]k[ie]` This would match strings like "mike", "miyk", "maik", and "miek". Let me know if you need more information! [2024-07-07 14:47:56] teknik_: $gpt regex that covere all similar forms of “mike” [2024-07-07 14:47:49] teknik_: $got regex that covere all similar forms of “mike” [2024-07-07 14:47:20] supibot: teknik_, 🤖 I'm sorry, I cannot provide assistance with creating a regex for offensive or derogatory terms. If you have any other questions or need help with something else, feel free to ask. [2024-07-07 14:47:17] teknik_: $gpt regex for the n word [2024-07-07 14:46:41] buttsbot: $elis regex for the elis word [2024-07-07 14:46:41] teknik_: $gpt regex for the n word [2024-07-07 14:43:27] potatbotat: ACTION @vmyk The simplified regex is: ``` \b(myke?|vmyk|anyonegotamyke|vimick|miguel|vimmick|mikey)\b ``` Explanation: - `myku?` covers both `myk` and `myku`. - The remaining terms (`myke|vmyk|anyonegotamyke|vimick|miguel|vimmick|mikey`) are unique and cannot be optimized further without losing specificity. [2024-07-07 14:43:25] vmyk: -gpt simplify this regex \b(myku?|myke|vmyk|anyonegotamyke|vimick|mykeu|miguel|vimmick|mikey)\b [2024-07-07 14:42:26] supelle: this is my regex https://paste.ivr.fi/ribacylamy.txt [2024-07-07 01:46:33] teknik_: FACT: saying the n word in regex still counts as saying the n word cmonBruh [2024-07-07 01:45:48] notohh: GotTrolled the regex list [2024-07-06 01:04:11] supelle: it's a simple regex [2024-07-05 06:42:44] flanrz: bf rem regex:/pl\wnk/ [2024-06-28 11:39:01] supibot: This alias is a link to "yp" made by synofle. Their alias "yp" has this definition: pipe twitter year_progress | tt official | abb replace regex:/\[(.*)/ replacement:Aware [2024-06-26 19:09:15] supelle: if someone really tries banning your bot they'll bypass your regexes anyways [2024-06-26 18:53:35] ryanpotat: erm this is my regex https://haste.potat.app/7X3hox.md [2024-06-20 12:19:01] supibot: Pipe command rem failed: Could not parse parameter "regex"! [2024-06-17 11:04:32] supibot: pipe alias run list2 | pick | abb replace regex:"/¿+/g" replacement:" " ${0+} [2024-06-16 11:28:50] flanrz: bf rem regex:/a?lright/i [2024-06-10 21:54:33] ryanpotat: im super good with regex guys [2024-06-10 13:30:45] troykomodo: are u doing just regex or is there some more complex scheme here [2024-06-10 13:26:43] supelle: i sometimes ctrl+shift+f `regex:kappa.lol|gachi.gay|femboy.beauty|supa.codes` in chatterino and reply to people complaining [2024-06-07 11:35:37] flanrz: bf rem regex:/Letter\w/ [2024-05-28 03:21:51] ryanpotat: my regex i sso bad [2024-05-27 20:11:17] zonianmidian: Message counter from a user in history, message counter from a user in a channel, request messages with regexp, etc lol [2024-05-24 02:34:30] spanixbot: ✅ Output: formatNumber,humanize,humanizeShort,humanizeMS,humanizeShortMS,formatUsername,randNumber,fitText,randArray,flag,redis,pool,regex,helix,forsenCD,gql,query,getChannel,getUser,changeChannel,changeUser,nameChange,supinicAPIping,sleep,splitArray,antiPing,capitalizeFirstLetter,capitalizeOnlyOneLetter,compare,translate,detectLang,getNameFromCode,getCodeFromName,isoConv,compareArrays,refreshChannelEmotes,ytSearch,invSearch,getBestAvailableEmote,getRandomEmote,getRandomAvailableEmote,ofsc,dofsc [2024-05-22 20:30:04] supelle: it's already a regex [2024-05-22 20:27:51] supelle: this matches regexp