#notohh logs.supa.codes dump - query: `cf` [2024-07-13 13:53:17] teknik_: `find $cf [2024-07-13 13:52:48] teknik_: $cf download it (3/3) [2024-07-13 13:52:44] teknik_: $cf download it (2/3) [2024-07-13 13:52:34] regressz: $cf download it [2024-07-13 13:44:08] vwh1: $cf should i make cookies [2024-07-13 13:35:46] lronrhino: $cf [2024-07-13 13:28:25] vmyk: $cf [2024-07-13 09:38:41] lateefi: $cf [2024-07-12 22:01:16] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-12 20:42:51] supelle: -add 63af7d8ecf78d23265599689 [2024-07-12 16:38:17] lateefi: $cf [2024-07-12 15:33:50] teknik_: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61b823d1834b8deee83ccf53 as:cracker [2024-07-12 15:31:03] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 3/5 [2024-07-12 15:30:55] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 2/5 [2024-07-12 15:30:48] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 2/3 [2024-07-12 15:30:38] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? [2024-07-12 13:39:53] notohh: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F71SXqrKj2NL._AC_UL1000_.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=8056248b242bd18cf3f9f80c839d70d13b7016e37f1768b6d8aa70a951d4518c&ipo=images [2024-07-12 12:14:03] lateefi: $cf [2024-07-12 12:09:17] regressz: idk i don't use cf [2024-07-12 12:00:04] potatbotat: ACTION @lateefi ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help  [2024-07-12 05:51:28] potatbotat: ACTION @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help  [2024-07-11 20:58:16] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-11 18:21:53] lateefi: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/63706ea9f71cf12ba73ebe43 as:ew [2024-07-11 18:21:47] lateefi: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/63706ea9f71cf12ba73ebe43 as:ew [2024-07-11 18:17:38] troykomodo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1221306517739802674/1261023594050224251/image.png?ex=6691733d&is=669021bd&hm=589688d9ca05703603941cf1e861ca38f25a3d0fb75b1d2a49387b3fcd8ff55b& [2024-07-11 17:36:53] notohh: not slack specfically [2024-07-11 17:27:38] supelle: @Supelle the cfx- stuff is in-game [2024-07-11 17:21:32] troykomodo: what did cf email u about [2024-07-11 16:10:31] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-11 13:04:39] vwh1: $cf KannaLost [2024-07-11 12:21:29] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-10 23:04:47] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-10 21:17:06] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-10 20:51:19] liptongod: $$cf 23.95 [2024-07-10 18:55:49] mzntori: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/6487a0b8d13f0e678cdcfd72 [2024-07-10 13:29:24] lateefi: $cf [2024-07-10 11:45:49] lateefi: $cf [2024-07-09 19:35:44] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-09 07:20:36] teknik_: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/63d37b98784e2f866f1ecf3e as:say [2024-07-09 07:17:33] teknik_: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/62801b4249607a2d9d9b8cfa as:drop [2024-07-09 07:09:21] teknik_: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/64cd931ed3cf2f1c8cca5264 as:is [2024-07-09 04:52:23] vwh1: $cf give flan the suck suck9000? [2024-07-09 04:33:21] vwh1: $cf give gora the suck suck9000? [2024-07-09 04:09:35] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-08 21:51:33] vmyk: $cf smoke now [2024-07-08 21:41:40] axdrr: ?ascii https://7tv.app/emotes/6685a85dfbe3f7b7cf090ea4 [2024-07-08 21:30:48] vwh1: $cf Look [2024-07-08 21:30:23] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-08 20:19:22] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-08 15:15:41] vwh1: $cf does notoh wanna have sexy time wiyh me? SoShy [2024-07-08 14:22:36] vwh1: $cf supibot should give me an infinite ammount of cookies? [2024-07-08 11:55:47] lateefi: $cf should teknik spit on the homeless man outside [2024-07-08 11:55:28] teknik_: $cf do i give my meal to the homeless man outside [2024-07-08 11:55:05] lateefi: $cf [2024-07-07 23:28:25] vmyk: -add 64e8cc94235d13cff971d7a6 as:ImSorryNotohh [2024-07-07 19:04:14] supibot: @locotimon, reminder(s) from: @lateefi - luh (4d, 7h ago); @vmyk - luh (4d, 7h ago); @axdrr - HeadMassage (3d, 6h ago); @regressz - HeadMassage (3d, 6h ago); @lateefi - luh (3d, 6h ago); @vmyk - suck (3d, 6h ago); @mrnamington - please add https://7tv.app/emotes/64561a5731c1fdb7ce1edcfd as hairlinesFoodTake thanks (3d, 0h ago); @mrnamington - https://7tv.app/emotes/66872a6a18e8b074cd299213 this too pleasse :) (2d, 19h ago); @vmyk - stupid (1d, 3h ago); @vmyk - wake up Bitch (8h, 1m ago) [2024-07-07 18:21:08] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-07 14:17:45] supibot: πŸ‘₯ https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/b6ac4901-e418-4b91-83a1-6cf7821509da-profile_image-600x600.png [2024-07-07 13:42:30] lateefi: $cf MAYBE [2024-07-07 12:15:50] regressz: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/6644a55c1e72e8fcf939c24d [2024-07-07 08:15:14] potatbotat: ACTION @vmyk ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help  [2024-07-07 00:35:44] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-06 20:25:05] vmyk: $cf (3/3) [2024-07-06 20:24:58] vmyk: $cf (2/3) [2024-07-06 20:24:50] vmyk: $cf [2024-07-06 14:27:57] supibot: teemokda, Profile picture for hemirt: https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/e47acfdb-2a59-4966-b75f-d7bc0da3ac3c-profile_image-600x600.png [2024-07-06 11:50:03] vmyk: $cf korean for dinner [2024-07-06 11:49:54] vmyk: -cf korean for dinner [2024-07-06 11:37:23] potatbotat: ACTION @vmyk ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help  [2024-07-05 21:17:47] zonianmidian: @Drapsnatt https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/667cf4399ea2b3583d5970f2/4x.avif [2024-07-05 21:13:13] namtheweebs: https://7tv.app/emotes/667cf4399ea2b3583d5970f2 [2024-07-05 18:10:36] namtheweebs: https://7tv.app/emotes/667dbd3f18e8b074cd2901cf [2024-07-04 21:15:11] vwh1: $cf elisBall [2024-07-04 06:44:07] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-04 02:26:24] troykomodo: -add 6685f047fbe3f7b7cf0913cb [2024-07-04 02:23:36] troykomodo: -add 640cb0f587bc767b3b9cfa0f [2024-07-03 23:38:54] fijxu: what does the $cf command does [2024-07-03 23:37:24] notohh: $cf [2024-07-03 21:05:02] supibot: regressz, https://supinic.com/data/dall-e/detail/20f7f35cd2dfacfa DALL-E image set for prompt "a bunch of kids having fun on a beautiful island" [2024-07-03 20:34:25] zonianmidian: -gpt Describe this: https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/61f807fb084cfa2e05d2952b/4x.gif [2024-07-03 20:34:16] zonianmidian: -gpt Describe https://cdn.7tv.app/emote/61f807fb084cfa2e05d2952b/4x.gif [2024-07-03 10:57:27] potatbotat: @regressz ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-07-03 07:32:31] supibot: supelle, https://supinic.com/data/dall-e/detail/facf0293fafc0767 DALL-E image set for prompt "trump amorously kissing joe biden" [2024-07-03 06:37:41] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-03 04:16:05] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-02 19:52:32] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-02 19:48:23] lateefi: $cf [2024-07-02 09:25:25] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-02 07:12:54] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-02 05:43:33] zonianmidian: ryan https://github.com/ZonianMidian/best-logs/commit/08ed624cfda7205cc5ad87157241ab5fc834dca9 [2024-07-01 19:12:36] vwh1: $cf [2024-07-01 19:12:35] vwh1: 4cf [2024-07-01 00:44:58] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-30 22:17:26] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-30 20:46:15] chrisgamingnl333: $cf white cute [2024-06-30 20:46:03] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-30 18:03:43] frantabot: -add 66819d4efbe3f7b7cf08d32e [2024-06-30 18:03:08] frantabot: -add 66819d4efbe3f7b7cf08d32e [2024-06-29 18:22:32] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61e668fe1f8f9d5cf633af22 as:pepe [2024-06-29 02:56:50] vwh1: $cf elisMeltdown [2024-06-28 23:44:27] potatbotat: @vmyk ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-28 21:15:51] troykomodo: I wonder if cf banned us or smth [2024-06-28 20:55:22] notohh: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fa.abcnews.com%2Fimages%2FBusiness%2FHT_Twinkie_Box_jef_130709_16x9_992.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=eb939a4bacf5bc43b2206c769e48f3b7c2395f2579ae2deb3890c60ae69764f4&ipo=images @flanrz [2024-06-28 17:17:36] vmyk: -cf [2024-06-28 17:13:39] vmyk: $cf [2024-06-28 15:05:11] vwh1: $cf bloodborne? [2024-06-28 14:57:49] vwh1: $cf menheraBall [2024-06-28 09:12:32] regressz: aliosh1Luv atzosaRawrrr bluthu2Worschd thedan2LUL deejmaNey098 distBless dixeecHype elisBall flluxoFLUXOTY forsenD itzwoaDance j0ycesSadcat jabo30Winner jeanphR9 junkwa1Ricflair koubi9Atch lonest40Ascending minust1Flip mushra3HYPE1 notohh1Hut pajaWTF prince18SAD redemuSmugmart regres1Fuel remi04LipBite roach13Ove robinr17Bulma silivaV sladgiEGodMode sparta151Wingman stayli2Brieg susies2Greenheart sweety53HAHAHAHAHAHA tiesse1Nuke tonywaLunch uziferGhostshake vampir263Wuv vetelMentalidad [2024-06-28 04:34:24] notohh: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IhFMol3wZs24uKnh2rbxHpLaxhETcfB8KqzYIkEW_iM/edit#heading=h.1wvr7raj8miq [2024-06-28 04:29:35] tahto__: yuh https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5re9lmxKea66dT3W2vGXID?si=68e6b313d93d4404&pt=702cf032eb8ad2934f545f842d9e1a6e [2024-06-27 22:32:52] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-27 22:23:54] regressz: $cf will it run? [2024-06-27 19:11:31] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-27 17:19:07] vwh1: $cf menheraBall [2024-06-27 15:08:58] vwh1: $cf oranges elisSit [2024-06-26 21:44:46] chrisgamingnl333: $cf white eep soon [2024-06-26 21:44:32] vwh1: $cf eep soon? elisBall [2024-06-26 21:32:17] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-26 20:49:55] vmyk: $cf light one before sleep [2024-06-26 20:20:18] vmyk: @vmyk AlrightAsk i added this as personal and it added the initial submission https://7tv.app/emotes/64fee6e0f0bfc3200dcfbc1c [2024-06-26 11:22:20] vmyk: $cf should i go bald? [2024-06-26 11:14:26] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-25 11:33:00] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-25 01:44:17] vwh1: $cf nude club run the vigor check woman? [2024-06-24 22:53:34] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-24 22:48:16] vmyk: -add 634f846b2a7ca137a88bcfee as:vmyk [2024-06-24 22:32:49] namtheweebs: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/610e75f58ecffa09ef3ea9b6 [2024-06-24 20:16:54] locotimon: $si micfreak [2024-06-24 11:47:16] regressz: that could pay the cf invoice you got [2024-06-23 17:00:33] namtheweebs: The moderators of this channel are: a_t_m_0_s, ashsii, basedbidoof, cupofkathi, declider, elfidelfie, laden, liptongod, marcfryd, namtheweebs, oastria, ravenbtw, soda_, troykomodo, vulpeshd, yamadaaoi. [2024-06-23 16:12:27] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-23 12:34:13] regressz: $cf install league [2024-06-23 09:38:03] troykomodo: but unable to connect to cf [2024-06-23 09:08:19] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-23 00:03:51] potatbotat: @0Lennart ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-22 13:11:09] namtheweebs: https://7tv.app/emotes/667683153f5b8324ca32cf87 [2024-06-22 12:44:14] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-22 02:29:47] ryanpotat: $cf pizza or pizza? [2024-06-22 01:12:44] vwh1: $cf should i eep? [2024-06-21 22:56:01] supelle: will i be able to add this emote in v4? https://7tv.app/emotes/611934f54a20425cff0638d0 [2024-06-21 22:14:36] regressz: $cf sub to cuemew [2024-06-21 19:50:34] vmyk: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/6644a55c1e72e8fcf939c24d [2024-06-21 13:00:25] vwh1: $cf time to delete the game? [2024-06-21 11:20:12] regressz: $cf [2024-06-20 23:44:08] vwh1: $cf kill myself? [2024-06-20 23:16:23] ryanpotat: Something went wrong while displaying this content. Refresh Error Reference: Store_8989483_b57fcfb55a708cc7 [2024-06-20 23:08:52] namtheweebs: $cf with me? [2024-06-20 23:06:56] vwh1: $cf bed? [2024-06-20 19:13:08] vmyk: $cf [2024-06-20 18:29:34] vwh1: $cf make nude club run again? [2024-06-20 16:55:01] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/630f441589ac019cfb5e038a as:golazo [2024-06-20 16:51:25] lateefi: @regressz $cf [2024-06-20 12:13:30] regressz: $cf watch it? [2024-06-20 11:52:50] regressz: $cf sub to cuemew [2024-06-20 11:43:23] lateefi: $cf do i marry her [2024-06-19 23:31:13] regressz: $cf sub to cuemew [2024-06-19 19:49:51] vwh1: $cf insta nude run eldenring dlc? [2024-06-19 19:15:59] tahto__: $$cf 41 [2024-06-19 16:14:48] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-19 15:56:53] regressz: $cf sub to cuemew [2024-06-19 15:54:39] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-19 14:31:53] regressz: $cf sub to cuemew [2024-06-19 13:28:18] regressz: $cf [2024-06-18 11:09:29] vmyk: -alias 64b602996394cf877888b9ee F [2024-06-18 11:08:48] vmyk: -add 64b602996394cf877888b9ee 64b628087ccd2e33bd92dec5 64b6284e31ee3811e90ce13b [2024-06-18 04:54:46] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-17 15:09:38] regressz: $cf cook takeout [2024-06-17 02:23:41] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-16 23:08:09] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/63da7d1460cfb462b9e19fbe [2024-06-16 18:47:56] lateefi: $cf beer [2024-06-16 16:48:39] regressz: $cf will noto wake up today [2024-06-16 12:14:46] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/65362bcfaf0fd607b5e8f2a0 [2024-06-16 03:52:20] cupofkathi: https://open.spotify.com/track/5fqaeJMmqwhDzdYD7b4J51?si=50d6ff6a1cf44fa3 I played this [2024-06-16 03:50:12] ryanpotat: $cf kathy sleep? [2024-06-16 01:38:16] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-16 00:14:44] regressz: $cf [2024-06-15 21:33:58] vwh1: $cf can i drink too [2024-06-15 21:14:44] supelle: cfx- referrers are nopixel in-game assets [2024-06-15 21:06:25] 2547techno: @RyanPotat yea they are custom cf status codes [2024-06-15 21:01:20] fijxu: cf cucks ome [2024-06-15 21:01:11] notohh: it has to be cf right [2024-06-15 21:00:54] 2547techno: its cf [2024-06-15 19:47:36] regressz: $cf will noto wake up today [2024-06-15 14:27:46] lateefi: Locotimon damn https://x.com/cinematicfella/status/1801959959393107980 [2024-06-15 13:00:13] potatbotat: @lateefi @elis ● Internal ID: 127948 ● Twitch ID: 186352304 ● 7TV ID: 612ccf98a3e512a0a9be810d ● FFZ ID: 567785 ● BTTV ID: 5d33ac65515d07683371d28c ● First Seen: 6mo and 4d ago [2024-06-15 12:59:43] potatbotat: @regressz @regressz ● Internal ID: 118 ● Twitch ID: 499189479 ● 7TV ID: 6283cc0064619b37b7517f5e ● BTTV ID: 6105b91cb446cf53ac1cd286 ● First Seen: 11mo and 10d ago [2024-06-15 07:12:15] ryanpotat: https://i.imgur.com/NB3Vcfv.jpeg [2024-06-15 01:21:54] fookstee: $cf eep with vWh1 [2024-06-14 20:38:23] vwh1: $cf make fooooood? [2024-06-14 18:42:39] supelle: currently javascript, on cf workers [2024-06-14 18:30:33] supelle: https://kappa.lol/W0TNj all cf sites in 24h [2024-06-14 18:26:43] supelle: cfx- are nopixel too [2024-06-14 16:55:48] troykomodo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1097089309405884447/1251209668471291964/Screenshot_20240614-182012.png?ex=666dbf4f&is=666c6dcf&hm=8f66748af5a1f8b4156ef0b4c27725ce10111f56a306e1827295646142e6d0f6& [2024-06-14 14:44:36] vmyk: $cf [2024-06-14 14:24:40] troykomodo: the story with cf is, they billed us for stuff we didnt buy but we paid it. nobody noticed until i found it & then i asked them to fix it (6 months ago) and they basically just forgot abt us. [2024-06-14 14:19:05] troykomodo: we dont rly use cf anyways [2024-06-14 12:44:42] regressz: $cf will noto wake up today [2024-06-14 12:29:17] supa8: @lateefi https://kappa.lol/cftpC [2024-06-13 20:31:48] ryanpotat: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/648df56ff411098a128cccf4 as:saru [2024-06-13 16:35:28] vwh1: $cf later? [2024-06-13 16:35:20] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-13 16:25:40] regressz: $cf will noto wake up today [2024-06-13 15:15:15] vwh1: $cf play r6 [2024-06-13 14:50:23] vwh1: $cf drink? [2024-06-13 14:12:46] supelle: -add 61194f1e4a20425cff063a28 [2024-06-13 14:12:01] supelle: -add 61194f1e4a20425cff063a28 [2024-06-13 14:11:51] supelle: -add 61194f1e4a20425cff063a28 [2024-06-13 14:11:49] supelle: #add 61194f1e4a20425cff063a28 [2024-06-13 13:07:53] potatbotat: @vmyk ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-13 12:31:58] lateefi: $cf do i get a pack of ciggy [2024-06-13 11:58:46] regressz: $cf cook order [2024-06-12 20:44:22] buttsbot: $cf elis to poelis emotes [2024-06-12 20:44:22] vmyk: $cf swap to poki emotes [2024-06-12 19:41:16] vmyk: $cf [2024-06-12 19:08:57] regressz: $cf pizza borgir [2024-06-12 19:04:46] vwh1: $cf elisPray [2024-06-12 17:19:45] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-12 15:14:39] vwh1: $cf play r6 [2024-06-12 14:43:20] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-12 14:05:35] regressz: $cf will noto wake up today [2024-06-12 05:53:09] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-12 05:48:28] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 22:51:10] potatbotat: @TroyKomodo ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 22:28:25] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61e668db1f8f9d5cf633af1f as:Vmyk [2024-06-11 22:01:54] vwh1: $cf eep soon? [2024-06-11 21:35:14] fijxu: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/6644a55c1e72e8fcf939c24d [2024-06-11 20:00:25] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-11 20:00:21] vmyk: $cf [2024-06-11 16:15:14] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-11 14:19:59] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61e668db1f8f9d5cf633af1f as:Vmyk [2024-06-11 13:27:58] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 13:04:35] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-11 13:03:14] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 12:59:45] potatbotat: @Drapsnatt ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 12:55:17] potatbotat: @vmyk ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 12:51:59] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 12:43:51] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-11 12:16:29] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-10 21:47:09] vwh1: $cf delete it? [2024-06-10 21:46:51] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-10 19:01:19] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-10 18:45:06] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-10 18:44:49] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-10 17:55:51] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-10 17:27:52] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-10 15:35:28] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-10 14:23:44] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-10 12:40:32] ryanpotat: marcfryd [2024-06-10 09:49:56] supa8: @Supelle 5047ffb7-ea80-4cfa-a0db-f0019e244760 [2024-06-09 22:41:38] vwh1: $cf eep? [2024-06-09 21:53:04] vwh1: $cf make some food shy [2024-06-09 21:40:58] vwh1: $cf bring yummy yummm tmrw? [2024-06-09 21:40:15] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-09 21:11:11] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-09 21:10:59] vwh1: $cf eep scale [2024-06-09 21:10:44] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-09 20:27:28] vwh1: $cf cum on notohs face [2024-06-09 20:27:19] vwh1: $cf start making beast againe pause [2024-06-09 20:23:05] lateefi: @bugnio $cf [2024-06-09 19:07:17] vwh1: $cf gamble a little? [2024-06-09 17:33:43] potatbotat: @Drapsnatt ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-09 16:40:15] troykomodo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1097089309405884447/1249402627096186932/image.png?ex=66672c5f&is=6665dadf&hm=1a190798b6b81e55f8038b1017548fd5598d2ed3cfa6c595dbd2126954aeb693& [2024-06-09 15:48:06] vmyk: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/65a06ab28cfff8b456f02dc2 as:notohh [2024-06-09 15:17:40] vmyk: $cf [2024-06-09 12:22:55] regressz: $cf [2024-06-09 11:45:51] vmyk: $cf open [2024-06-09 02:57:12] regressz: $cf [2024-06-09 02:50:07] apulxd: @vmyk @salivationsalvation 's profile picture: https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/07d2e3e9-faf9-4a62-b60c-cf2d0975a2f9-profile_image-300x300.png | 7TV Profile Picture: Not found [2024-06-09 02:37:16] zonianmidian: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/65362bcfaf0fd607b5e8f2a0 [2024-06-08 22:30:48] vwh1: $cf should I EEEP! [2024-06-08 21:13:30] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-08 20:45:37] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-08 17:31:59] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-08 16:41:08] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61e668fe1f8f9d5cf633af22 as:Regressz [2024-06-08 10:36:06] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-08 09:57:18] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-08 00:44:26] potatbotat: @Kalioc ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-07 21:25:01] vwh1: $cf geomdash? [2024-06-07 20:53:13] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/66632d281e72e8fcf93bba21 [2024-06-07 20:37:27] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-07 19:52:02] chrisgamingnl333: $cf [2024-06-07 19:51:36] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-07 19:10:43] vwh1: $cf elisEat [2024-06-07 17:48:38] lateefi: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61f965f6dedd857cf0086f4e as:Locotimon [2024-06-07 17:48:17] lateefi: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61f965f6dedd857cf0086f4e as:Locotimon [2024-06-07 17:47:03] lateefi: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61f965f6dedd857cf0086f4e as:Locotimon [2024-06-07 17:46:59] lateefi: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61f965f6dedd857cf0086f4e as:Locotimon [2024-06-07 17:46:43] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-07 17:46:40] supibot: (162d, 15h ago) vwh1: $cf [2024-06-07 17:20:25] vwh1: $cf movie [2024-06-07 17:16:30] vwh1: $cf movieeee? [2024-06-07 16:27:35] vmyk: $cf (3/3) [2024-06-07 16:27:31] vmyk: $cf (2/3) [2024-06-07 16:27:27] vmyk: $cf (1/3) [2024-06-07 15:04:47] ngora: $cf [2024-06-07 13:52:15] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-07 09:27:13] lateefi: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61f807fb084cfa2e05d2952b as:elis [2024-06-07 03:15:26] fijxu: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/6354cf52d0fd7f76448ca6d1 [2024-06-06 19:10:50] cupofkathi: https://7tv.app/emotes/665c81f51e72e8fcf93b4daa what does this say [2024-06-06 18:41:58] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-06 17:57:35] vwh1: $cf adopt cat? [2024-06-06 15:46:40] notohh: $cf 2/3 [2024-06-06 15:46:34] notohh: $cf [2024-06-06 00:50:10] drapsnatt: export const warnUser = (channelID: string, targetUserLogin: string, reason: string) => { return { operationName: 'WarnUser', variables: { input: { channelID, targetUserLogin, reason, chatRulesCited: [''], }, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { version: 1, sha256Hash: '3cf6bcb87268daa138f1c92958bf1b5f10ca84c09332ef0fbea950a21a2c4cd2', }, }, }; }; [2024-06-06 00:35:59] regressz: $cf go bed [2024-06-06 00:25:34] regressz: $cf will notohh πŸ‡ me today [2024-06-05 21:17:50] vwh1: $cf eep? [2024-06-05 20:28:19] vwh1: $cf should i tho? [2024-06-05 18:33:05] vwh1: $cf block rise of kingdoms from my pc and phone? [2024-06-05 16:29:16] fijxu: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/666092561e72e8fcf93b8ff5 [2024-06-05 16:28:36] vwh1: $cf block card again? [2024-06-05 16:16:05] apulxd: @VMYK @anatoieam 's profile picture: https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/906821ce-cd5d-4543-908c-723cfc145f6c-profile_image-300x300.png | 7TV Profile Picture: Not found [2024-06-04 22:16:51] vwh1: $cf eep? [2024-06-04 22:13:08] vwh1: $cf become pornstar? [2024-06-04 21:41:16] drapsnatt: $cf kms [2024-06-04 21:41:07] ngora: $cf kms [2024-06-04 21:40:56] kalioc: $cf eep now [2024-06-04 21:40:51] vwh1: $cf eep in 1h [2024-06-04 21:40:42] vwh1: $cf eep in 30m [2024-06-04 19:58:37] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-04 16:24:45] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-04 13:04:37] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-04 12:49:14] regressz: $cf fly to the us and πŸ‡ noto [2024-06-04 12:48:54] notohh: $cf get out of bed [2024-06-04 01:42:04] supelle: https://youtu.be/mngtcfcaVrI [2024-06-03 22:11:58] zonianmidian: kathy https://7tv.app/emotes/665a9cf06baf4834927ff111 [2024-06-03 21:16:55] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-03 20:17:55] tahto__: $cf stop doing work and make monkey bread [2024-06-03 18:17:58] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-03 15:06:12] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-03 15:06:05] regressz: $cf [2024-06-03 14:42:09] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-03 12:31:51] lateefi: $cf head if gril [2024-06-02 04:09:48] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-06-01 22:16:35] vwh1: $cf gamba? [2024-06-01 19:52:59] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-01 18:56:20] lateefi: $cf [2024-06-01 17:24:55] vwh1: $cf apex? [2024-06-01 17:24:49] vwh1: $cf ow? [2024-06-01 17:03:52] vwh1: $cf r6 [2024-06-01 16:56:35] vwh1: $cf [2024-06-01 02:38:08] regressz: $cf sleep σ €€ [2024-06-01 02:37:58] regressz: $cf sleep [2024-06-01 02:37:42] vmyk: $cf sleep [2024-06-01 02:34:31] liptongod: $cf should myke go to sleep [2024-06-01 02:34:19] vmyk: $cf sleep [2024-05-31 22:59:57] vwh1: $cf menheraBall eep? [2024-05-31 22:39:38] vwh1: $cf eep? [2024-05-31 21:49:30] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-31 17:12:02] notohh: you have a cfg example? [2024-05-31 13:50:14] flanrz: $cf [2024-05-31 03:11:23] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-31 00:53:28] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-31 00:50:20] liptongod: $cf do we wait for kathy??? [2024-05-31 00:48:25] fijxu: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/65d396a25ba65ab8f39cf034 as:MORE [2024-05-31 00:43:30] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-31 00:42:08] ryanpotat: $cf do we yes oir no [2024-05-31 00:41:59] namtheweebs: $cf do we wait for kathy [2024-05-31 00:41:55] liptongod: $cf wait for kathy? [2024-05-30 23:23:54] vwh1: $cf eep? [2024-05-30 22:46:41] vwh1: $cf all in next spin? [2024-05-30 22:39:27] vwh1: $cf elisGAMBA [2024-05-30 21:34:30] vwh1: $cf myke on rword list? [2024-05-30 20:58:46] vwh1: $cf Scared [2024-05-30 20:46:35] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-30 18:10:50] lateefi: $cf [2024-05-30 17:44:20] namtheweebs: @Drapsnatt, @Fijxu https://7tv.app/emotes/665665911e72e8fcf93aea00 [2024-05-30 16:15:02] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-30 11:05:32] vmyk: $cf [2024-05-29 22:45:52] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-29 22:23:08] vwh1: $cf out? [2024-05-29 15:33:21] regressz: $cf eat food next week [2024-05-29 15:33:06] regressz: $cf starve to death [2024-05-29 15:32:53] regressz: $cf pizza [2024-05-29 15:22:31] vwh1: $cf buy a new fit? [2024-05-29 14:21:50] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-29 14:19:47] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-29 14:15:13] liptongod: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/60aef784361b0164e6c32ff6 https://7tv.app/emotes/63d98622eb0728b84f09cd47 https://7tv.app/emotes/65faa238b9c91714f8457835 https://7tv.app/emotes/612e59138d260e429f186065 https://7tv.app/emotes/60ae3028b2ecb01505cf58f1 https://7tv.app/emotes/61e6231d095be332e347dda3 https://7tv.app/emotes/62e25bfcd0dac916414d25cb https://7tv.app/emotes/64b19c7567c357cfd431b528 https://7tv.app/emotes/611eff838bd60850732fdd6f https://7tv.app/emotes/65af1770703d940dcc4c2c0d [2024-05-29 14:08:13] potatbotat: @notohh ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help σ €€ [2024-05-29 14:07:27] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-29 12:52:26] regressz: $cf pass for the day [2024-05-29 12:28:46] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-29 12:26:06] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-29 10:33:10] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/61f4e7aa4f8c353cf9fbc0c5 [2024-05-29 03:59:46] namtheweebs: $cf do i ban him [2024-05-29 03:58:11] notohh: $cf elis him [2024-05-29 03:58:06] buttsbot: $cf elis him [2024-05-29 03:58:06] drapsnatt: $cf ban him [2024-05-28 21:36:53] ryanpotat: https://7tv.app/emotes/66564e5217c6eb88900cf6eb ome [2024-05-28 04:45:49] zonianmidian: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/64a42ad33c026daae7bcf27d [2024-05-27 23:56:40] notohh: $cf vc? [2024-05-27 22:09:29] vwh1: $cf join and say something diabolical then leave as fast as possibe? [2024-05-27 21:16:24] supelle: -add 611934f54a20425cff0638d0 [2024-05-27 18:14:50] lateefi: $cf [2024-05-27 18:14:12] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-27 06:13:21] liptongod: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/665107111e72e8fcf93a916f as:skibidi [2024-05-27 06:12:01] liptongod: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/665107111e72e8fcf93a916f as:skibidi [2024-05-27 06:11:51] liptongod: #add https://7tv.app/emotes/665107111e72e8fcf93a916f as:skibidi [2024-05-26 21:38:00] locotimon: $cf sleep? [2024-05-26 21:37:28] drapsnatt: $cf massping? [2024-05-26 21:35:49] regressz: $cf massping? [2024-05-26 21:10:48] spanixbot: ZonianMidian || EstΓ‘s escuchando: Pretty Girl - Clairo AlienPls | πŸ“Ž https://youtu.be/mngtcfcaVrI [2024-05-26 20:32:48] namtheweebs: https://7tv.app/emotes/66531ccf3499f35f28c75225 [2024-05-26 18:27:09] vwh1: $cf Scared time? [2024-05-26 16:06:32] potatbotat: @regressz ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-26 15:58:28] vwh1: $cf chat will send me nudes? [2024-05-26 15:26:48] regressz: $cf 3/3 [2024-05-26 15:26:37] regressz: $cf 2/3 [2024-05-26 15:26:30] regressz: $cf [2024-05-26 15:23:50] regressz: $cf 3/3 [2024-05-26 15:23:43] regressz: $cf 2/3 [2024-05-26 15:23:36] regressz: $cf 1/3 [2024-05-26 15:23:19] regressz: $cf 3/4 [2024-05-26 15:23:13] regressz: $cf 3/3 [2024-05-26 15:23:04] regressz: $cf 2/3 [2024-05-26 15:22:57] regressz: $cf [2024-05-26 15:09:39] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-26 13:04:46] regressz: $cf stop being addicted to caffeine [2024-05-26 11:03:30] vmyk: $cf [2024-05-26 01:28:06] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-26 00:54:49] flanrz: -cf σ €€ [2024-05-26 00:54:46] flanrz: -cf [2024-05-26 00:54:35] ryanpotat: -cf [2024-05-26 00:54:32] drapsnatt: $cf [2024-05-25 22:14:47] vwh1: $cf make cookies? elisPlease [2024-05-25 22:09:34] vwh1: $cf πŸ‡ myke? [2024-05-25 22:03:32] vmyk: $cf join ? [2024-05-25 21:44:38] vwh1: $cf eep early today? [2024-05-25 21:12:01] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-25 20:43:34] vwh1: $cf gamble? [2024-05-25 17:11:10] vwh1: $cf watch the martian [2024-05-25 17:10:52] vwh1: $cf watch the martion? [2024-05-25 11:16:45] locotimon: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/6464fdaf43c2a132decb6ecf as:notohhTwerk [2024-05-24 22:41:58] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-24 18:47:58] regressz: $cf [2024-05-24 18:33:29] notohh: $cf time to launch elden shit? [2024-05-24 18:24:06] ryanpotat: $cf get up [2024-05-24 18:23:59] notohh: $cf get up [2024-05-24 02:52:13] drapsnatt: $cf didyou just lie [2024-05-24 02:51:58] liptongod: $cf should zonian not give me the bot role [2024-05-24 02:51:37] regressz: $cf should zonian give lipton bot role [2024-05-24 02:11:30] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ryanpo1Bloon Command usage help: https://potat.app/help ● For command-specfic help, use -help [2024-05-23 22:09:22] zonianmidian: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/62af84fbca100accf2044f79 as:Fijxu [2024-05-23 21:47:05] notohh: $cf [2024-05-23 21:24:21] vwh1: $cf πŸ‘• [2024-05-23 20:10:49] vwh1: $cf [2024-05-23 19:43:53] regressz: man i love cf [2024-05-23 19:15:20] vwh1: $cf am i gay? [2024-05-23 18:57:17] vwh1: $cf name new psn Scaredofgirls? [2024-05-22 08:09:01] vwh1: $cf early home for so i can work? [2024-05-22 02:16:01] fijxu: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/6452ae5cfddab94af4b6cd1b as:Me [2024-05-21 22:35:42] vwh1: $cf