#notohh logs.supa.codes dump - query: `unban` [2024-08-22 17:55:17] zonianmidian: Can you guys tell him to unban me in his chat [2024-08-22 16:26:06] kalioc: aint staff unbannable [2024-08-22 02:10:28] liptongod: uhmm why did julian unban you then? [2024-08-22 02:09:39] liptongod: uhmm why unban [2024-08-22 01:17:43] regressz: You have been permanently banned. Click this button to unban yourself. [2024-08-21 23:34:01] lronrhino: wade they can unban themselves??? [2024-08-21 23:33:22] mzntori: cant they just unban them,selves [2024-08-21 22:25:15] tahto__: umm unbanned retrorelaxo [2024-08-21 22:17:23] tahto__: imagine if staff could unban themselves [2024-08-21 20:50:52] treuks: unban request i assume [2024-08-21 18:33:10] zonianmidian: They can probably unban itself [2024-08-21 14:44:26] kalioc: NAILS unban request [2024-08-21 14:40:47] vmyk: there were unban requests from 1y ago last time LOL [2024-08-21 14:39:03] mzntori: kali said anny does the unbans [2024-08-21 14:38:46] notohh: he has a legit reason to unban him [2024-08-21 14:35:10] mzntori: do you guys think i should endmy unban request with a FeelsGoodMan [2024-08-21 13:37:44] vmyk: NOWAY hes asking for unban [2024-08-21 05:01:18] ryanpotat: he should actually be unbanned any day now [2024-08-21 04:58:24] ryanpotat: is he still not unbanned? [2024-08-20 16:01:44] regressz: @Locotimon ban until he requests an unban [2024-08-20 13:17:46] troykomodo: I’ll unban his main if he requests and has a good unban message and he doesn’t do it again [2024-08-20 02:05:51] ryanpotat: and unbanned but no com back [2024-08-19 20:00:12] confidence: unban me too [2024-08-19 19:59:37] juliilan: i unbanned it [2024-08-19 18:04:33] mzntori: did youi get unbanned [2024-08-19 17:44:26] vmyk: did you ever requested unban Tori lol [2024-08-19 17:41:43] mzntori: lol it would be really funny if you typed /unban mzntori [2024-08-19 17:41:22] confidence: ask someone to unban you [2024-08-19 15:52:38] vmyk: if she got overwhelmed with unbans I can only imagine with giving paints away prePffttt [2024-08-19 15:39:14] ryanpotat: wade unbanned [2024-08-19 15:39:02] unbanned: unbanned [2024-08-19 04:15:01] ryanpotat: Clueless one day i fix the auto rejoins on twitch unban [2024-08-19 00:21:10] confidence: who unbanned mans Pffttt2 [2024-08-19 00:21:01] fijxu: I got unband [2024-08-18 23:22:26] vmyk: no reg luka unbanned me [2024-08-18 21:04:55] lronrhino: heyUhm techno apply for unban [2024-08-18 03:50:11] ryanpotat: and get unbanned [2024-08-18 03:19:38] lateefi: just unban [2024-08-18 03:19:23] supibot: @notohh, reminder(s) from: @noikau - unban and ill move on (1m, 57s ago) [2024-08-18 03:12:24] supibot: @notohh, reminder(s) from: @noikau - then unban me (2m, 16s ago) [2024-08-18 03:12:24] notohh: stop unbanning [2024-08-18 03:11:59] mzntori: wdym you are unbanniong him 😭 [2024-08-18 03:11:39] lateefi: stop unbaning him [2024-08-18 03:06:40] lateefi: unban him [2024-08-18 02:25:15] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from mulamelo: "http://twitch.tv/regressz" [2024-08-18 02:19:14] regressz: don't unban those guys btw [2024-08-18 02:17:32] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from cunye: "REGRESSZ RAID TombRaid " [2024-08-18 02:15:36] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from antonskulberg: "SUP sup regress told me to come here .. can i get unbanned?" [2024-08-18 02:13:51] vmyk: doNot unban [2024-08-18 02:13:42] vmyk: dont unban that guy [2024-08-18 01:18:33] boigau: can someone tell Supelle to unban me in his chat BabyRage it hurts me that i got banned :( [2024-08-18 00:13:24] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from ttahotra: "Erm" [2024-08-17 21:58:45] cupofkathi: pajlada told me in dms he will never unban ur main bc he messaged me saying that in dms [2024-08-17 21:58:13] confidence: BoigaU, will pajlada unban you if your main gets unbanned by twitch [2024-08-16 22:55:38] kozvel: vmyk unbanned GotTrolled [2024-08-16 22:30:41] locotimon: i unbanned [2024-08-16 22:29:54] locotimon: wanna unban? [2024-08-16 19:11:18] ryanpotat: -unban rq [2024-08-16 11:05:11] lronrhino: ohno hes unbanned [2024-08-16 00:48:39] kanyewheat: why are you unbanned [2024-08-15 20:54:43] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat βœ… regressz has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-15 20:54:43] ryanpotat: -unban regressz [2024-08-15 20:54:38] potatbotat: @RyanPotat ⚠️ Failed to set unban for elis. [2024-08-15 20:54:38] ryanpotat: -unban elis [2024-08-15 20:54:27] regressz: ryan did you unban me [2024-08-15 20:49:18] locotimon: i can unban if anyone is banned [2024-08-15 20:15:32] ngora: docSleeper myke unbanned [2024-08-15 19:10:21] drapsnatt: NOOOO miguel unbanned [2024-08-15 19:06:31] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ”“@vmyk has been unbanned by Twitch! [2024-08-15 18:53:57] regressz: did you see wildez unban speedrun [2024-08-15 18:51:35] frantabot: @vmyk what was your reason for unban? [2024-08-15 18:51:28] vmyk: i sucked dick and balls to get unbanned [2024-08-15 06:17:37] namtheweebs: already unbanned [2024-08-15 01:25:07] ryanpotat: -unban regreesssz [2024-08-14 18:11:51] potatbotat: ACTION @ChrisGamingNL333 πŸ—“οΈ(3mo and 25d ago) pσ €€otσ €€atσ €€boσ €€taσ €€t: @flan__________ potatbNerd Usage for ban: -ban/unban ● Ban a user from using the bot in a specific channel. If a command is specified, the user will be banned from using that command. Only usable by broadcasters or ambassadors. ● Aliases: unban [2024-08-14 18:03:14] regressz: ban commanderroot so his automated unban request shows up in chat [2024-08-14 09:51:52] notohh: in other words, miguel would be down 150 bucks if he wasnt unbanned before tc xd [2024-08-14 09:49:25] notohh: gets unbanned 1 day before tc [2024-08-13 20:10:06] potatbotat: ACTION @Drapsnatt βœ… ryanpotat has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-13 20:10:06] drapsnatt: -unban ryanpotat [2024-08-13 20:09:47] potatbotat: ACTION @Drapsnatt βœ… fijxu has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-13 20:09:47] drapsnatt: -unban fijxu [2024-08-13 20:02:17] treuks: -unban @Fijxu [2024-08-13 20:01:42] frantabot: -unban @Fijxu [2024-08-13 20:01:39] fijxu: -unban [2024-08-13 20:01:39] fijxu: -unban [2024-08-13 20:01:39] fijxu: -unban [2024-08-13 20:01:39] fijxu: -unban [2024-08-13 20:01:39] fijxu: -unban [2024-08-13 20:01:38] fijxu: -unban [2024-08-13 20:01:36] fijxu: -unban [2024-08-13 20:01:30] fijxu: -unban on me [2024-08-13 06:16:28] ryanpotat: -notify game #potatbotat ***massunban https://haste.potat.app/raw/MDRUFC testing!*** [2024-08-13 06:15:00] ryanpotat: -notify game #potatbotat ***massunban https://haste.potat.app/raw/MDRUFC testing! [2024-08-13 02:41:54] confidence: -notify unban-requests #forsen [2024-08-13 02:28:53] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from kappainfinite: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [2024-08-13 02:27:07] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 02:27:07] ryanpotat: -notify unban-requests #notohh [2024-08-13 02:23:41] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat [SELECT - 1 rows in 0.48 ms] {"user_id":69768189,"username":"notohh","channel_id":69768189,"channel_login":"notohh","channel_name":"notohh","active":true,"type":"unban-requests","message":"LOL","whisper":false,"announced":false,"platform":"twitch"} [2024-08-13 02:23:41] ryanpotat: -sql select * from listen_events where type = 'unban-requests' and channel_id = 69768189 [2024-08-13 02:22:35] devpotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from kappainfinite: "SKIBIDI BIDEN OHIO RIZZ GYATT I HATE NOTOHH" [2024-08-13 02:21:10] devpotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 02:21:10] ryanpotat: dev notify unban-requests #notohh [2024-08-13 02:20:28] devpotat: ACTION @RyanPotat [ 'channel-unban-requests.1048386084.69768189', 'video-playback-by-id.69768189', 'broadcast-settings-update.69768189', 'chat_moderator_actions.1048386084.69768189', [length]: 4 ] [2024-08-13 02:20:19] devpotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully disabled unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 02:20:18] ryanpotat: dev unnotify unban-requests #notohh [2024-08-13 02:20:16] ryanpotat: dev unnotify unban-requests [2024-08-13 02:18:21] devpotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from kappainfinite ● test [2024-08-13 02:16:23] confidence: Your unban request will be reviewed. [2024-08-13 02:16:10] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat [ 'video-playback-by-id.69768189', 'broadcast-settings-update.69768189', 'chat_moderator_actions.865895441.69768189', 'channel-unban-requests.865895441.69768189', [length]: 4 ] [2024-08-13 02:16:09] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 02:16:09] ryanpotat: -notify unban-requests #notohh LOL [2024-08-13 02:14:53] confidence: ok so when do i send unban request gug [2024-08-13 02:11:20] ryanpotat: -e /unban-requests/.test('unban-requests') [2024-08-13 02:09:30] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ⚠ You may only subscribe to unban requests for your own channel [2024-08-13 02:09:30] liptongod: -notify unban-requests #liptongod MODS [2024-08-13 02:09:17] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 02:09:17] ryanpotat: -notify unban-requests #notohh LOL [2024-08-13 02:04:01] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 02:04:00] ryanpotat: -notify unban-requests #notohh LOL [2024-08-13 02:03:56] ryanpotat: #notify unban-requests #notohh LOL [2024-08-13 02:03:24] devpotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from 3456329087 ● test [2024-08-13 02:01:16] devpotat: ACTION @RyanPotat [ 'channel-unban-requests.1048386084.69768189', 'video-playback-by-id.69768189', 'broadcast-settings-update.69768189', 'chat_moderator_actions.1048386084.69768189', [length]: 4 ] [2024-08-13 02:00:22] devpotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from kappainfinite ● test [2024-08-13 01:59:57] ryanpotat: -e pb.pubsub.find('unban-requests') [2024-08-13 01:59:41] ryanpotat: -e pb.pubsub.find('unban') [2024-08-13 01:59:36] ryanpotat: pb.pubsub.find('unban') [2024-08-13 01:59:07] devpotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 01:59:07] ryanpotat: dev notify unban-requests #notohh test [2024-08-13 01:58:10] ryanpotat: can you unban request again reg [2024-08-13 01:56:47] liptongod: dev notify unban-requests #liptongod [2024-08-13 01:56:35] devpotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 01:56:35] ryanpotat: dev notify unban-requests #notohh test [2024-08-13 01:56:08] devpotat: @RyanPotat ⚠ You may only subscribe to unban requests for your own channel [2024-08-13 01:56:08] ryanpotat: dev notify unban-requests #elis [2024-08-13 01:56:01] devpotat: @RyanPotat ⚠ I must be a moderator to subscribe to unban requests [2024-08-13 01:56:00] ryanpotat: dev notify unban-requests #notohh test [2024-08-13 01:55:36] ryanpotat: dev notify #unban-requests test [2024-08-13 01:52:09] devpotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from kappainfinite ● test σ €€ [2024-08-13 01:50:13] ryanpotat: i made it so you can't look at unban requests for other channels [2024-08-13 01:50:06] liptongod: you cant see past unban requests [2024-08-13 01:49:58] liptongod: ryan you should make it so it logs unban requests if thats possible [2024-08-13 01:48:31] devpotat: ACTION πŸ”“@notohh has a new unban request from kappainfinite ● test [2024-08-13 01:45:57] devpotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Sucessfully set unban-requests event notifications for #notohh [2024-08-13 01:45:57] ryanpotat: dev notify unban-requests #notohh test [2024-08-13 01:42:12] ryanpotat: channel-unban-requests.USERID.CHANNELID? [2024-08-13 01:41:57] confidence: You have been unbanned from Chat Note from Channel Moderators: no [2024-08-13 01:41:40] confidence: Your unban request will be reviewed. [2024-08-13 01:41:19] locotimon: unban who [2024-08-13 01:39:20] confidence: You can request an unban at 4:40 AM on Aug 13, 2024 [2024-08-13 01:38:48] zonianmidian: hmm Can somebody send another unban request [2024-08-13 01:37:16] potatbotat: ACTION @LiptonGod βœ… zonianmidian has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-13 01:37:16] liptongod: -unban ZonianMidian [2024-08-13 01:31:55] confidence: Your unban request will be reviewed [2024-08-13 01:30:18] zonianmidian: Enable unban request noto [2024-08-13 01:29:30] treuks: the unban requests are still not enabled [2024-08-13 01:29:05] treuks: unban requests [2024-08-13 01:25:07] zonianmidian: waiting lipton unban me [2024-08-13 01:24:05] confidence: notohh enable unban requests tupid [2024-08-13 01:23:28] confidence: This channel is not accepting unban requests. [2024-08-13 01:22:25] liptongod: what unban appeal [2024-08-13 01:22:16] zonianmidian: catAsk guys guys can somebody test the unban appeal [2024-08-13 01:17:13] confidence: make it so you have to go through an evaluation process (aka unban request) and convince us before you can chat here [2024-08-13 01:15:05] supelle: ryanpotat can you add alerts when someone makes an unban request [2024-08-13 01:12:39] fijxu: -unban me [2024-08-13 01:12:36] zonianmidian: -unban zonianmidian [2024-08-13 01:12:31] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat βœ… liptongod has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-13 01:12:31] ryanpotat: -unban liptongod [2024-08-13 01:11:31] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ⚠️ Pipe command failed: Command "massunban" produced no response from input: [2024-08-13 01:11:31] liptongod: -pipe chatters liptongod | massunban {3} [2024-08-13 01:10:33] supelle: unban request required to join this chat [2024-08-13 01:08:29] zonianmidian: @RyanPotat bro keep them banned just unban the apustaja one [2024-08-13 01:08:12] potatbotat: @RyanPotat ⚠️ Pipe command failed: Command "massunban" produced no response from input: [2024-08-13 01:08:12] ryanpotat: -pipe chatters liptongod | massunban {3} [2024-08-13 01:08:07] potatbotat: @RyanPotat ⚠️ Pipe command failed: Command "massunban" produced no response from input: [2024-08-13 01:08:06] ryanpotat: -pipe chatters liptongod | massunban {3} [2024-08-13 01:06:27] potatbotat: @RyanPotat ⚠️ Pipe command failed: Command "massunban" produced no response from input: [2024-08-13 01:06:27] ryanpotat: -pipe chatters LiptonGod | massunban {3} [2024-08-13 01:03:55] potatbotat: @LiptonGod ⚠️ Pipe command failed: Command "massunban" produced no response from input: [2024-08-13 01:03:54] liptongod: -pipe chatters ryanpotat | massunban {3} [2024-08-12 22:19:12] potatbotat: @RyanPotat ⚠️ Pipe command failed: Command "massunban" produced no response from input: [2024-08-12 22:19:12] ryanpotat: -pipe vips | massunban {6} [2024-08-12 22:19:09] regressz: -pipe vips | massunban {6} [2024-08-12 14:34:27] flanrz: @NaMTheWeebs, tell those retards to unban me from that chat so i can explain [2024-08-12 08:33:04] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat βœ… vmyk has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-12 08:33:04] ryanpotat: -unban vmyk [2024-08-11 23:46:25] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat potatbNerd Usage for massban: -massban/massunban ● Ban users based on provided text file. File must be a parsable text file URL with space or newline seperated usernames to ban. Define duration as 0 or leave blank for permanent ban. ● Aliases: massunban [2024-08-11 23:41:47] frantabot: so no unban [2024-08-10 23:24:14] pepewpert: i unband u retard [2024-08-10 06:58:06] ryanpotat: and they all got unbanned after 2 weeks [2024-08-10 06:53:22] notohh: unban it yea [2024-08-10 05:09:36] drapsnatt: You were banned from this channel! If you believe you have been unbanned, try reconnecting. [2024-08-09 18:33:46] potatbotat: ACTION @vmyk πŸ³π—§π—©: Successfully undid last emote action - Removed: unban [2024-08-09 18:33:36] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added unban from #guii_mdq [2024-08-09 18:33:32] vmyk: -addrandom as:unban [2024-08-09 18:33:06] regressz: unbaned [2024-08-09 18:32:54] vmyk: $gpt write an apolagy that will gett me unbaned from using bot commands [2024-08-09 18:32:46] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat βœ… vmyk has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-09 18:32:46] ryanpotat: -unban vmyk [2024-08-09 18:31:58] vmyk: -addrandom as:unban [2024-08-09 18:31:45] vmyk: unban me Bitch [2024-08-09 18:31:45] vmyk: unban me Bitch [2024-08-09 18:31:44] vmyk: unban me Bitch [2024-08-09 18:31:44] vmyk: unban me Bitch [2024-08-09 18:31:44] vmyk: unban me Bitch [2024-08-09 18:31:44] vmyk: unban me Bitch [2024-08-09 18:31:36] vmyk: unban me Bitch [2024-08-09 05:08:06] ryanpotat: he got unbanned FeelsStrongMan [2024-08-08 23:26:01] regressz: he sent a bunch of unban requests to channels that banned him [2024-08-08 18:22:58] ryanpotat: wait so was it unbanned? [2024-08-06 19:03:50] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat βœ… drapsnatt has been unbanned from using all bot commands in this channel. [2024-08-06 19:03:50] ryanpotat: -unban drapsnatt [2024-08-06 00:18:07] regressz: OOOO unbanned [2024-08-05 12:47:59] lronrhino: iidiot he was unbanned [2024-08-05 12:47:59] vmyk: ew unbanned [2024-08-04 15:45:56] supibot: πŸ‘₯ Supelle can i get unbanned [2024-08-04 15:45:56] regressz: $$say Supelle can i get unbanned [2024-08-04 15:45:44] regressz: Supelle can i get unbanned [2024-08-04 07:25:22] ryanpotat: fsmSaj nam unban me [2024-08-03 20:00:23] vmyk: were you unbanned yet reg ? [2024-08-03 19:37:41] kanyewheat: 15:37:33 Failed to ban user - ewis is already banned in this channel. 15:37:33 regressz unbanned ewis. [2024-08-02 22:49:40] bugnio: demotoDisco 1 year twitch unban anniversay σ €€ σ €€ [2024-08-02 22:31:45] pepewpert: reg u are not getting unband [2024-07-30 06:24:09] ryanpotat: pag that means hes unbanned [2024-07-28 22:52:27] mzntori: lmaooo my ass is not getting unbanned [2024-07-28 22:50:51] notohh: Tomfoolery unban request [2024-07-27 00:26:53] ryanpotat: oh you unbanned me [2024-07-26 19:54:39] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ”“@7xnick has been unbanned by Twitch! [2024-07-26 12:50:31] regressz: they have partner managers that negotiate their ban and get them unbanned [2024-07-26 12:49:37] regressz: most unbans are after a day [2024-07-26 07:04:07] supelle: reminder twitch removed pogChamp because of the guy encouraging the january 6th attack, now they unbanned fucking trump 4 months before the election [2024-07-26 06:13:22] tahto__: WHAT unbanned [2024-07-25 23:49:43] zonianmidian: His alt is not unbanned [2024-07-25 16:44:35] supibot: That user was last seen in chat 4m, 16s ago, (twitch-forsen) last message: Dear Vadikus, First and foremost: never doubt the God Gamer. His return was as certain as the rising of the sun, it was only a matter of time. By thinking he passed away you have forever branded yourself a doubter. Secondly, a true baj would know the most important policy when it comes to unbans; there are none. Your unban request is hereby declined. With kind regards, The Forsen moderation team [2024-07-25 14:27:09] notohh: i will never unban it [2024-07-25 14:26:48] regressz: can you unban it [2024-07-25 06:52:51] liptongod: ome did you not wanna get unbanned or something? [2024-07-25 06:52:34] supelle: lipton got me unbanned from 7tv sadg [2024-07-24 21:44:45] regressz: it used to notify when the user got unbanned [2024-07-24 21:40:09] mzntori: minoWait one day i will shoot my shot in my unban requests [2024-07-24 21:37:48] mzntori: Alright ask sponsor anny to unban me [2024-07-23 16:54:38] vmyk: twitch unban portal login = updated [2024-07-23 16:54:23] vmyk: he got unbanned when ? [2024-07-23 16:54:19] lateefi: he was unband [2024-07-23 15:13:35] vmyk: bro cant stay unbanned [2024-07-20 21:57:52] chrisgamingnl333: umm u unban cuemew [2024-07-20 19:22:29] vmyk: she got mad cause of unban requests [2024-07-20 19:22:17] vmyk: Caught mb i didnt catch the stream and she got annoyed at unban requests [2024-07-20 19:20:24] mzntori: alioc what do you think are my odds to get unbanned by anny [2024-07-20 19:16:33] kalioc: NYEHEHEHE anny handles the unbans [2024-07-20 19:15:59] pepewpert: kalio unban me [2024-07-20 19:15:10] regressz: unban scorpy [2024-07-20 19:14:07] pepewpert: unban me in annys [2024-07-20 19:10:49] pepewpert: Sadding its ok unban in 2 days [2024-07-20 13:00:43] lateefi: ACTION You were banned from this channel! If_you_believe_you_have_been_unbanned_try_reconnecti.ng [2024-07-20 12:59:50] lateefi: i opened psp chat and all i see is 14:59:30 You were banned from this channel! If you believe you have been unbanned, try reconnecting. [2024-07-19 23:27:06] biggeordieuk: invadervie is unbanned for the 10th time pag [2024-07-19 22:40:14] vmyk: unban soon fosho [2024-07-19 20:18:28] notohh: they unbanned him a while ago [2024-07-19 20:18:18] vmyk: why did they unban the pedo cuck [2024-07-19 20:18:08] notohh: even sneako got unbanned [2024-07-19 20:17:41] notohh: didnt trump get unbanned from twitch today [2024-07-18 21:19:31] ryanpotat: unband [2024-07-18 00:44:48] ryanpotat: not unbanned? [2024-07-14 18:44:08] vmyk: unban on main when da [2024-07-13 23:06:28] namtheweebs: hemirt got unbanned in forsen [2024-07-13 21:44:55] vmyk: in such big channel i doubt they even look at unbans [2024-07-13 21:44:14] vmyk: unbans in ibai chat Clueless [2024-07-13 21:44:03] ngora: he prob gonna get unbanned if he asks Pffttt2 [2024-07-13 18:22:05] vmyk: bro do her mods not look at unbans ? [2024-07-13 14:02:38] teknik_: docFile ImTyping /unban cuemew [2024-07-09 22:04:23] ryanpotat: @teknik_ teknik he signed into the unban portal [2024-07-09 16:29:27] notohh: you can unban it [2024-07-09 16:29:17] teknik_: can u unban my alt i wasnt trying to bypass anything PoroSad [2024-07-09 15:24:56] axdrr: AlrightAsk unban me from anny i need to type a slur there [2024-07-09 02:18:09] ryanpotat: wait they're unbanned [2024-07-08 11:53:32] regressz: Alright who's idea was to unban teknik [2024-07-08 11:52:09] teknik_: did he actually get unband [2024-07-07 20:38:28] locotimon: ngora stfu why did they unban u [2024-07-07 15:03:39] regressz: no unbans [2024-07-07 15:03:08] teknik_: uhh can i get unbanned from velcuz discord [2024-07-07 15:02:06] teknik_: i wan unban from velcuz discord [2024-07-07 13:26:04] namtheweebs: my unban brothers [2024-07-07 13:25:59] potatbotat: ACTION @Fookstee TriHard 7 What's good, my unban brothers and sisters? Let's take a moment to appreciate the greatest emote on Twitch, TriHard 7. It's been a wild ride for this emote, going from a staple of the community to a symbol of the never-ending battle against perpetually triggered snowflakes. But let me tell you something, TriHard 7 is more than just an emote, it's a way of life. We're not here to spread hate or to be racist, we're here to enjoy the streams and have some fun [2024-07-07 11:05:07] regressz: teknik guy unbanned? [2024-07-07 07:43:51] vmyk: catAsk Supelle unban from supa8 [2024-07-07 01:42:35] notohh: i told him i'd unban if lipton and him reconciled [2024-07-06 19:59:04] buttsbot: no unbans elis [2024-07-06 19:59:04] vmyk: no unbans btw [2024-07-06 19:59:04] liptongod: who got unbanned?> [2024-07-06 19:58:53] vmyk: he got unbanned [2024-07-06 19:58:46] regressz: #notohh 20:21:04 vmyk: they unbanned the crypto beggar reg [2024-07-06 19:46:29] potatbotat: ACTION @regressz FeelsGoodMan πŸ‘‰ <3 if you Ultima online, 12yrs, been loving pvp, such an amazing game, I used to be a PKer, I would go around killing people all the time, It was the best thing, stealing their items, Gaining their items, robbing banks, I was a magnificent PKer, I even got banhammered and managed to evade, and got my account unbanned, I was such a smart PKer… HEY! LOOK A RICH GUY! Should I kill him? He said: "this is my main, go ahead" so I killed him, He rage quit t [2024-07-06 17:21:04] vmyk: they unbanned the crypto beggar reg [2024-07-05 17:54:38] vmyk: AlrightAsk haru unban me in miwo [2024-07-05 04:04:49] notohh: i didnt say you have to, i said thats what he has to do to get unbanned [2024-07-05 02:58:24] notohh: ill unban him [2024-07-04 12:39:10] lateefi: You are banned from Chat The unban request you made at 9:14 PM on June 2, 2024 was denied. [2024-07-04 11:49:32] regressz: unbanned soon surely [2024-07-04 08:15:48] teknik_: and osh to unban me [2024-07-04 07:03:14] flanrz: best thing is that i came here cuz "notohh was unbanned by twitch rejoining" [2024-07-04 06:53:11] teknik_: i mean lipton probably would unban me if he was here right now [2024-07-04 06:52:44] vmyk: why would you want to be unbanned from there? [2024-07-04 06:51:59] teknik_: i deserve to be unbanned from 7tv after all these months of reform [2024-07-04 00:22:27] ryanpotat: MUGA im unbanned [2024-07-03 23:48:07] fijxu: asianbunny got unbanned [2024-07-03 19:49:30] regressz: -image when xqc finally unbans you from his chat [2024-07-02 14:21:43] troykomodo: we got unbanned [2024-07-01 18:57:44] regressz: felyp got unbanned in xqc [2024-07-01 17:52:58] notohh: hi unbanned [2024-07-01 17:52:48] jebasted: hi unbanned LuL [2024-07-01 17:52:47] vmyk: im unbanned [2024-07-01 17:50:27] myk____________: k now unban me [2024-07-01 17:44:53] notohh: if hes chill tho i dont mind unbanning [2024-07-01 17:43:42] notohh: unban him [2024-07-01 17:25:51] 2547techno: request unban [2024-07-01 17:23:11] regressz: i don't think it knows when you get unbanned [2024-07-01 00:24:27] ryanpotat: docnotL i should have joined the discord to see for unbans [2024-06-30 20:33:06] regressz: myke when i get unbanned you gifting me a sub right? [2024-06-30 20:18:06] vmyk: when you get unbanned [2024-06-30 16:03:37] locotimon: qandle unbanned FeelsStrongMan [2024-06-30 09:24:21] buttsbot: maybe its better to unban them and see if their elis eliselis in join evelis [2024-06-30 09:24:21] frantabot: maybe its better to unban them and see if their name popout in join event [2024-06-29 19:38:12] vmyk: actually unbanned [2024-06-29 19:28:12] regressz: alykitty was the one that unbanned me [2024-06-29 19:20:50] vmyk: why would you unban him [2024-06-29 19:20:39] regressz: wait lily was that you that unbanned me [2024-06-28 23:23:41] frantabot: so unbanned? [2024-06-28 23:19:54] frantabot: or maybe they unbanned only one server [2024-06-27 19:15:14] pepewpert: unband me [2024-06-27 19:15:14] buttsbot: unban elispee [2024-06-27 19:15:13] notohh: unban peepee [2024-06-27 19:14:47] pepewpert: unban me in anny chat [2024-06-26 22:29:50] regressz: no unbans [2024-06-26 19:05:14] supelle: it got unbanned in 10 minutes [2024-06-26 18:51:30] bugnio: PagManDance haktee unbanned σ €€ σ €€ [2024-06-26 18:51:28] bugnio: PagManDance haktee unbanned σ €€ [2024-06-26 18:51:26] bugnio: PagManDance haktee unbanned [2024-06-25 11:38:17] vmyk: tell him to unban the doc [2024-06-24 19:01:09] vmyk: da can you unban me in miwo thx [2024-06-24 19:00:58] vmyk: nam can you unban me in miwo thx [2024-06-24 18:59:43] vmyk: can she unban me alr [2024-06-19 16:40:34] regressz: no unbans [2024-06-19 16:40:10] vmyk: Alright da unban me in miwo AlrightAsk [2024-06-19 16:39:12] vmyk: @NaMTheWeebs AlrightAsk hey you unban me in miwo [2024-06-18 09:03:02] zonianmidian: I already asked for unban [2024-06-17 17:27:38] locotimon: also huh why is she unbanned [2024-06-17 15:13:13] vmyk: second perma in less than 6 months surely ez unban [2024-06-17 14:18:26] flanrz: try unbanning it anyway [2024-06-17 13:54:41] vmyk: ma noto unban my phone number [2024-06-16 23:57:01] regressz: but he got unbanned [2024-06-16 23:07:41] regressz: but got unbanned [2024-06-16 21:06:16] vmyk: ok pauli you can unban me from the bot now [2024-06-16 20:11:21] ngora: catAsk unband me [2024-06-16 17:11:22] regressz: You made a request to be unbanned at 5:34 PM on August 23, 2023. [2024-06-16 17:10:55] vmyk: he cares so much he requested unban again [2024-06-15 20:03:48] troykomodo: why would u unban him [2024-06-15 09:09:36] vmyk: i still have to ask for unban xd [2024-06-13 14:28:27] vmyk: and asked for unban again [2024-06-12 00:06:42] bugnio: FeelsStrongMan a brazilian baj and friend of mine has been unbanned after two years [2024-06-11 20:45:47] supibot: @vmyk, reminder from yourself (7h, 0m ago): ask unban in 🩳 [2024-06-11 13:45:47] buttsbot: $remind me in 7h elis unban in 🩳 [2024-06-11 13:45:47] vmyk: $remind me in 7h ask unban in 🩳 [2024-06-11 13:44:27] regressz: You made a request to be unbanned at 5:34 PM on August 23, 2023. [2024-06-11 12:05:04] lronrhino: oh no retard is unbanned [2024-06-11 08:48:27] locotimon: when i got unbanned [2024-06-10 20:10:08] apulxd: @unbanelbold has been timed-out for 7d MODS [#forsen] - logs: https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=forsen&username=unbanelbold [2024-06-10 20:07:11] apulxd: @unbanelbold has been timed-out for 8h MODS [#forsen] - logs: https://logs.ivr.fi/?channel=forsen&username=unbanelbold [2024-06-10 15:40:18] supelle: yea they won't unban them [2024-06-10 15:33:57] liptongod: if these fucks get unbanned in a week [2024-06-09 18:09:53] notohh: ome unbanned already [2024-06-09 11:04:13] bugnio: i actually got unbanned [2024-06-07 04:56:04] apulxd: @RyanPotat Current Username: aware_aware_aware, Name History: notohhhh, jenna__2, namtehweebs, kekw_poggers_ and unbannamtheweebs [2024-06-04 13:00:21] regressz: just unban your alt muke [2024-06-02 00:22:50] regressz: did bro get unbanned [2024-05-31 12:51:34] potatbotat: @notohh βœ… lateefi has been unbanned from using the "remove" command in this channel. [2024-05-31 12:51:34] notohh: -unban lateefi remove [2024-05-30 18:34:24] potatbotat: @RyanPotat βœ… vmyk has been unbanned from using the "remove" command in this channel. [2024-05-30 18:34:24] ryanpotat: -unban vmyk remove [2024-05-30 18:34:09] potatbotat: @RyanPotat ⚠️ Failed to set unban for vmyk. [2024-05-30 18:34:09] ryanpotat: -unban vmyk [2024-05-30 18:34:00] potatbotat: @RyanPotat ⚠️ Failed to set unban for vinyl. [2024-05-30 18:34:00] ryanpotat: -unban vinyl [2024-05-29 22:22:06] supibot: filian is playing Just Chatting, since 1h, 16m ago for 8 182 viewers. Title: πŸ’€UNBANNING ALL MY VIEWERS WITH SINDERπŸ’€ Yes, no matter their crime, they're getting unbanned--they just have to make me laugh. Epstein coul https://twitch.tv/filian https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2158602838?t=4491s [2024-05-29 21:35:34] drapsnatt: 16:35:25.852 You were banned from this channel! If you believe you have been unbanned, try reconnecting. [2024-05-29 14:51:47] regressz: do not unban him [2024-05-29 14:51:47] regressz: do not unban him [2024-05-29 14:51:46] regressz: do not unban him [2024-05-29 14:51:46] regressz: do not unban him [2024-05-29 03:57:33] liptongod: kathy said hes not getting unbanned either [2024-05-28 10:35:28] locotimon: because i removed my phone verification after i got unbanned [2024-05-28 03:22:51] drapsnatt: 22:22:46.984 You were banned from this channel! If you believe you have been unbanned, try reconnecting. [2024-05-27 19:13:09] fookstee: streamkeys don't change on unban [2024-05-27 19:13:00] fookstee: if it gets unbanned we can go again [2024-05-27 18:32:53] fookstee: apologies. I think my cat just banned you from zanathar's chat ^-^ you are unbanned <3 [2024-05-27 18:02:59] fookstee: You are unable to participate in this channel's chat until a moderator unbans you. [2024-05-26 15:37:06] lronrhino: WHAT unban her [2024-05-26 15:36:49] parladdd: 11:11 You were banned from this channel! If you believe you have been unbanned, try reconnecting. [2024-05-26 15:21:22] parladdd: so i can get lucky in the unban [2024-05-26 05:57:45] drapsnatt: 0:57:38.278 You were banned from this channel! If you believe you have been unbanned, try reconnecting. [2024-05-24 21:25:59] namtheweebs: @RyanPotat, i have unbanned your number 1 enemy [2024-05-23 18:31:54] vmyk: anywho noto unban my number [2024-05-23 02:28:50] liptongod: i said unban her cuz i know her [2024-05-23 02:28:41] namtheweebs: no she's just thankful you unbanned her