#notohh logs.supa.codes dump - query: `mods` [2024-08-24 19:43:56] supelle: zonian can mods restrict uploads? [2024-08-24 19:20:40] frantabot: @FELYP8 Je lolko, takže všichni mods jsou back [2024-08-24 17:33:50] supibot: @2547techno, reminder(s) from: @markzynk - add count the /mods and /vips hmm (16h, 13m ago); @markzynk - to* not the (16h, 12m ago); @denyiai - 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀 (3h, 4m ago) [2024-08-23 22:50:28] supelle: mods [2024-08-23 19:49:21] locotimon: ResidentSleeper two psp mods won [2024-08-23 00:07:41] vmyk: mods [2024-08-23 00:07:11] liptongod: then why tf cant the mods get that shit? [2024-08-22 18:32:14] regressz: amonst non admins and mods [2024-08-22 17:27:49] lronrhino: catAsk mods execute myke at tc for this [2024-08-22 03:55:32] ryanpotat: mods [2024-08-22 03:45:58] liptongod: usually xqcs mods are very 1984 [2024-08-21 22:42:54] regressz: are mods just getting contributor now? [2024-08-21 22:14:56] vmyk: mods [2024-08-21 20:48:27] drapsnatt: alright mods get him [2024-08-21 18:52:40] zonianmidian: @vmyk yea but with have extra for mods and his friends [2024-08-21 17:47:11] vmyk: oh ye fap mods for him [2024-08-21 17:45:29] vmyk: 10 for subs 10 for everyone and then for mods and vips [2024-08-21 16:09:12] regressz: basically 3 mods [2024-08-21 16:08:33] regressz: sb mods elis [2024-08-21 15:49:52] notohh: GotTrolled anny mods [2024-08-21 15:48:42] mzntori: mods rawrrr [2024-08-21 15:48:38] mzntori: mods [2024-08-21 15:48:32] liptongod: yeah imma talk to the mods about this [2024-08-21 15:32:22] supelle: @LiptonGod exactly 7tv mods [2024-08-21 15:31:59] lronrhino: Sus mods that dont work [2024-08-21 15:31:17] lronrhino: heyUhm do 7tv mods get their own paints [2024-08-21 15:20:08] notohh: catAsk is he allowed to type that mods [2024-08-21 15:19:42] lronrhino: mods [2024-08-21 15:19:39] mzntori: poor mods [2024-08-21 13:40:08] notohh: heyUhm mods do something about greece [2024-08-21 13:14:09] notohh: mods [2024-08-21 13:13:32] susgeebot: @LiptonGod → olorp forsen merp axdrr Nuggetcat fart bbFaint eddieFaint came javascript typescript YouGotMe NinaExorcism forsenShare HornyLicense wsg Tweak mods buhFlipFast dawg blorp maaaaniloveelves idot CWCJAM MaidOutfit shrug aucBarbara ScrewYouGuysImGoingHome Billy4 Billy5 [2024-08-21 13:13:11] susgeebot: @notohh → olorp forsen merp axdrr Nuggetcat fart bbFaint eddieFaint came javascript typescript YouGotMe NinaExorcism forsenShare HornyLicense wsg Tweak mods buhFlipFast dawg blorp maaaaniloveelves idot CWCJAM MaidOutfit shrug aucBarbara ScrewYouGuysImGoingHome Billy4 Billy5 [2024-08-20 22:27:01] notohh: GotTrolled anny mods [2024-08-20 22:23:00] frantabot: @LiptonGod, catAsk mods permaban ryan from 7tv for abuse [2024-08-20 20:11:58] treuks: mods stalk every twitch channel [2024-08-20 18:25:24] namtheweebs: we bypass it for being mods no? [2024-08-20 18:24:54] mzntori: well we are mods [2024-08-20 16:07:19] treuks: mods [2024-08-20 16:02:58] kalioc: mods make freedom free again PoroSad [2024-08-20 15:44:35] supelle: mods [2024-08-20 15:39:01] vmyk: pally actually mods [2024-08-20 15:38:40] regressz: all elis mods are cosmetic [2024-08-20 15:37:48] regressz: if only she might give it to mods [2024-08-20 15:36:22] vmyk: and the 2 people were her mods [2024-08-20 14:16:18] kalioc: awoo i dont see my paint 7tv mods help [2024-08-20 08:59:24] lronrhino: heyUhm mods execute that guy [2024-08-20 03:46:54] ryanpotat: mods [2024-08-20 01:10:31] mzntori: mods [2024-08-19 23:15:25] zonianmidian: yosefsaa7 channel (+8k mods) [2024-08-19 23:09:51] 2547techno: mods [2024-08-19 23:09:39] zonianmidian: With GET HTTP request with 8k mods [2024-08-19 22:57:03] zonianmidian: @Drapsnatt I just saw a message on mods chat about that dumbass [2024-08-19 22:43:20] notohh: GotTrolled anny mods [2024-08-19 22:06:41] zonianmidian: @ZonianMidian Resulta que mi API de mods retorna todos, pero Ryan me dijo que era mala idea porque puede causar lag y me recomendó implementar paginación (qué paja) [2024-08-19 15:57:18] lronrhino: wade mods make a fake ss [2024-08-19 15:56:34] lronrhino: prePffttt mods working overtime [2024-08-19 15:52:55] vmyk: mods [2024-08-19 15:52:21] mzntori: anny mods are actually like the only normal people in her chat [2024-08-19 15:51:58] mzntori: only anny viwers are mods [2024-08-19 15:51:55] locotimon: 2 anny mods in chat [2024-08-19 15:46:55] ryanpotat: her poor mods Pffttt [2024-08-19 15:35:30] mzntori: i hope these mods getting paid [2024-08-19 15:34:28] confidence: these poor mods [2024-08-19 15:05:49] ryanpotat: mods could [2024-08-19 15:04:51] mzntori: poor fucking mods [2024-08-18 22:04:10] regressz: yosef has like 8k mods [2024-08-18 21:42:33] ngora: mods [2024-08-18 21:29:41] mzntori: @Locotimon i wonder if he agrees with the mods or if their mods just introduced this stupid ass rule [2024-08-18 21:11:52] lronrhino: catAsk mods why did psp get his own paint [2024-08-18 21:06:56] mzntori: why are the mods so SAASSY [2024-08-18 21:01:32] locotimon: mods cancel his ass [2024-08-18 21:00:23] lronrhino: GTAB mods kill him [2024-08-18 20:49:52] vmyk: @RyanPotat one of the mods in that chat asked a chatter to change their color from red because the mods agreed it should only be the mods using red [2024-08-18 20:48:26] 2547techno: i only see of the mods here tho [2024-08-18 20:47:32] mzntori: of the mods [2024-08-18 19:56:09] lronrhino: GTAB mods remove that user [2024-08-18 17:06:18] lateefi: -mods [2024-08-18 16:31:11] vmyk: thoughts on giving translators their own paints mods [2024-08-18 16:30:53] treuks: giving 7tv mods i mean [2024-08-18 16:30:46] treuks: troy thoughts on giving mods free 7tv subs [2024-08-18 16:19:03] treuks: mods [2024-08-18 15:45:15] 2547techno: only mods can be red!! [2024-08-18 14:27:12] liptongod: obviously paint is the one the mods wanted mainly [2024-08-18 14:26:44] liptongod: i wanna get that to the mods [2024-08-18 14:26:31] regressz: all mods should have permanent subs imo [2024-08-18 14:25:14] liptongod: where the dev never gave any reward to all the mods [2024-08-18 11:33:04] lronrhino: catAsk mods execute myke for slander [2024-08-18 01:49:48] lateefi: GTAB mods.. summon george droid [2024-08-18 01:08:29] ngora: mods get the weebs [2024-08-18 01:08:08] ngora: mods [2024-08-17 21:53:44] bugnio: lidl mods classic [2024-08-17 21:48:27] ngora: catAsk nam which mods do i uninstall [2024-08-17 21:45:17] jebasted: hi finishing testing the mods LuL [2024-08-17 21:45:17] namtheweebs: im finishing testing the mods [2024-08-17 21:41:11] namtheweebs: we can play without masked mods maybe [2024-08-17 20:55:21] namtheweebs: ah yeah the mods [2024-08-17 17:32:34] confidence: mods [2024-08-17 16:34:15] supelle: hi so i've helped 2 separate 7tv help cases today, then what's the role of these "head mods" again? hmm (@liptongod) [2024-08-17 12:23:11] vmyk: mods [2024-08-17 04:45:42] liptongod: Alright im still in charge of mods anyways [2024-08-17 00:58:40] treuks: mods [2024-08-16 21:14:46] treuks: so does it contain just vips and mods [2024-08-16 21:13:36] zonianmidian: What parameters should the API have to get a channel? By default it sends the channel data, followed by a “roles” object that will contain the vips, mods, array etc [2024-08-16 15:04:48] regressz: sb mods [2024-08-16 15:04:39] vmyk: -mods [2024-08-16 14:09:23] kalioc: mods [2024-08-16 11:36:23] lronrhino: GTAB mods add myke to the list he fits in [2024-08-15 20:55:58] ngora: mods [2024-08-15 20:55:51] vmyk: mods hes being racist again [2024-08-14 17:17:50] 0lennart: mods [2024-08-14 12:16:39] confidence: do not check channels with a lot of mods [2024-08-14 12:11:50] fookstee: what the fuck is retros modscanner site [2024-08-13 19:33:24] treuks: mods [2024-08-13 19:28:05] regressz: mods... [2024-08-13 15:32:22] potatbotat: ACTION @mzntori Combining both mods results in a mash-up of slower approach rates with faster-paced note sequences, creating a challenging and often disorienting experience. 4. **Precision and Stamina**: Requires high precision to hit smaller circles with tighter timing windows while maintaining high-speed accuracy and stamina. These difficulties make EZDT a challenging mod combination for even the most skilled players. [2024-08-13 15:30:44] potatbotat: ACTION @mzntori EZDT stands for Easy Double Time. It's a combination of two mods in osu!: - **Easy (EZ)**: Reduces the difficulty of the beatmap, including making approach circles larger and giving more time to hit notes. - **Double Time (DT)**: Increases the overall speed of the song and the notes, making it 1.5 times faster. Using both mods simultaneously results in a beatmap that is easier in terms of hit windows and other parameters but is played at a faster speed. [2024-08-13 02:30:09] ngora: Alright mods [2024-08-13 02:30:04] liptongod: mods [2024-08-13 02:30:03] liptongod: mods [2024-08-13 02:30:03] liptongod: mods [2024-08-13 02:30:03] liptongod: mods [2024-08-13 02:30:03] liptongod: mods [2024-08-13 02:30:03] liptongod: mods [2024-08-13 02:30:03] liptongod: mods [2024-08-13 02:15:40] liptongod: the mods/admins need a global prefix [2024-08-13 02:13:03] flanrz: @RyanPotat add it to mods from broadcaster channel [2024-08-13 02:06:43] liptongod: im not looking for more discord mods right now [2024-08-13 01:58:18] liptongod: @treuks do you want me to notify the other mods you left and is taking a break from the server? [2024-08-13 01:57:17] liptongod: tbf we have more discord mods [2024-08-13 01:45:31] liptongod: mods? [2024-08-13 01:26:22] troykomodo: mods [2024-08-13 01:26:17] treuks: mods 󠀀 [2024-08-13 01:10:49] maokif_modsbaneveryone: maokif_modsbaneveryone [2024-08-13 01:10:49] maokif_modsbaneveryone: maokif_modsbaneveryone [2024-08-13 01:05:30] zonianmidian: @TroyKomodo Because all are mods [2024-08-12 22:14:49] potatbotat: ACTION @TroyKomodo 𝟳𝗧𝗩: Added 1 emote - mods [2024-08-12 22:14:44] troykomodo: mods [2024-08-12 20:02:17] psp_mods_go_sleep_lule: psp_mods_go_sleep_lule [2024-08-12 20:02:17] psp_mods_go_sleep_lule: psp_mods_go_sleep_lule [2024-08-12 19:53:26] lateefi: -mods [2024-08-12 18:44:49] vmyk: mods [2024-08-12 18:23:10] lateefi: -mods [2024-08-12 17:56:05] joeiox: -mods [2024-08-12 17:55:59] joeiox: #mods [2024-08-12 17:13:02] joeiox: -mods [2024-08-12 12:09:55] supibot: regressz, That user was first seen in chat 3y, 298d ago, (twitch-nymn) their message: mods Kappa [2024-08-12 10:05:34] supelle: mods [2024-08-12 08:15:48] vmyk: mods? [2024-08-11 23:38:14] notohh: -mods PAUL_MADE_ME [2024-08-11 21:40:05] vmyk: i pinged all mods in forsen chat flan GULP [2024-08-11 02:23:58] ryanpotat: get booba mods [2024-08-11 02:23:56] ryanpotat: add crazy mods [2024-08-10 22:42:56] ngora: add it mods [2024-08-10 19:41:17] regressz: i'm about to start begging for mods [2024-08-10 15:51:37] zonianmidian: Pffttt mods [2024-08-10 09:03:06] lronrhino: catAsk mods sell his fish [2024-08-10 02:15:34] zonianmidian: Pffttt mods ban bugnio [2024-08-09 23:59:40] ryanpotat: non mods can have a lower limit in some channels [2024-08-09 22:32:21] namtheweebs: i added some fun new mods [2024-08-09 22:23:41] supibot: Chatroom convo: Users exchange messages, plan to play, discuss subscriptions, and mention updating mods. Emotes and commands add playful tone. Users interact and joke around, managing game settings and subscriptions. [2024-08-09 22:20:26] namtheweebs: remember to update mods if it says t update [2024-08-09 21:02:57] chrisgamingnl333: we can test if the mods work yea [2024-08-09 17:59:41] namtheweebs: i stole couple mods from my friend modpack [2024-08-09 17:38:16] treuks: mods [2024-08-09 05:59:56] namtheweebs: i added couple more mods [2024-08-09 01:39:58] notohh: -mods [2024-08-08 21:01:46] ngora: bring old tupid back mods [2024-08-08 19:32:10] jebasted: hi adding new mods LuL [2024-08-08 19:32:10] namtheweebs: im adding new mods [2024-08-08 19:01:53] namtheweebs: literally cosmetic mods [2024-08-08 18:23:48] 53l_: i found some really cool mods [2024-08-08 17:51:21] confidence: it is time to start begging for mods [2024-08-08 04:01:42] namtheweebs: im gonna play lethal company on friday with neuro mods [2024-08-07 21:08:53] ngora: mods get the weeb [2024-08-07 21:07:56] regressz: -mods [2024-08-07 20:38:39] mzntori: nam nad loco are mods there [2024-08-06 18:13:52] regressz: Alright mods get the nerd [2024-08-06 18:04:36] regressz: not even 1000 mods [2024-08-06 17:49:33] apulxd: MODS https://tools.2807.eu/mods?user=notohh [2024-08-06 17:49:32] mzntori: =mods [2024-08-06 12:53:08] regressz: why did they have to remove mods [2024-08-05 23:52:56] mzntori: mad fix it 7tv mods [2024-08-05 21:06:38] ryanpotat: they removed mods [2024-08-04 22:46:50] kalioc: mods [2024-08-04 22:26:46] kalioc: mods [2024-08-04 20:59:47] regressz: -mods [2024-08-03 22:54:37] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 22:49:36] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 22:40:53] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:27:59] treuks: mods these guys are being racist [2024-08-03 21:17:56] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:55] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:55] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:55] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:55] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:55] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:54] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:54] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:54] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:54] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:54] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:54] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 21:17:53] treuks: mods [2024-08-03 19:54:35] regressz: omeRegret mods... [2024-08-02 06:16:54] ryanpotat: remember you can allow mods too [2024-08-02 06:16:37] zonianmidian: And mods is data.user.mods.edges [2024-08-02 06:12:26] ryanpotat: its not just 'artists' like 'mods' or 'vips' on the user query [2024-08-01 22:14:34] zonianmidian: Probaly modscanner [2024-08-01 12:11:49] treuks: mods replace his brain with breadsticks [2024-08-01 12:11:15] pepewpert: mods replace reg emotes with honeypu [2024-07-31 22:31:48] ngora: mods [2024-07-31 22:21:13] regressz: -mods treuks [2024-07-31 22:20:54] treuks: -mods anatoleam [2024-07-31 22:20:40] regressz: -mods 7tvapp [2024-07-31 22:20:21] regressz: -mods [2024-07-31 06:34:22] liptongod: i gotta update mods [2024-07-31 06:13:01] namtheweebs: son 38 mods [2024-07-31 06:01:13] zonianmidian: @NaMTheWeebs Son 38 mods verdad we [2024-07-31 05:10:39] zonianmidian: Dejo actualizando los mods [2024-07-31 03:59:06] zonianmidian: Most common mods [2024-07-31 03:12:19] namtheweebs: gloriousbeard emotefroggy markzynk sushi and turtoise are still in the discord without being mods [2024-07-31 02:06:38] notohh: GotTrolled anny mods [2024-07-31 00:02:52] zonianmidian: All mods at once, all vip at once [2024-07-31 00:01:51] zonianmidian: Then, per channel, get all info about that channel, mods, vips, etc [2024-07-30 23:52:37] ryanpotat: getting all mods and all mod info for every channel spanixbot is mod for [2024-07-30 23:47:37] zonianmidian: Like, all mods at once, all vips, etc [2024-07-30 23:40:43] zonianmidian: channel info is: mods, vips, etc [2024-07-30 22:21:46] ryanpotat: mods [2024-07-30 21:15:43] notohh: SELECT userId FROM mods WHERE forsen [2024-07-30 21:09:59] zonianmidian: notohh How can I filter a table on Postgres, where "userId" on table "mods" equals "475748597" erm [2024-07-30 19:18:29] frantabot: slow mods :/ [2024-07-30 13:53:12] regressz: mods get the muni sub [2024-07-30 12:27:03] regressz: mods [2024-07-30 12:07:27] lronrhino: catAsk mods link site [2024-07-30 11:58:56] lronrhino: catAsk mods when is baldurs gate playthrough [2024-07-30 11:40:12] liptongod: @TreuKS i said a lil bit cuz the mods dont talk in there anymore [2024-07-30 11:36:42] liptongod: the mods? [2024-07-30 10:29:09] lronrhino: catAsk mods can I have a new body mine is faulty [2024-07-30 08:00:31] axdrr: catSigh mods... [2024-07-30 05:05:04] treuks: mods [2024-07-30 03:09:05] ryanpotat: get all mods => get all gql info [2024-07-30 03:08:55] ryanpotat: get first 100 mods from helix => get the gql info for them all => get next 100 mods [2024-07-30 02:31:34] zonianmidian: @RyanPotat The Helix endpoint to get the channels only gives me: ID, login, displayName. In this case it does not give me the grantedAt to know from how much is mod. Then, it occurred to me to solve this problem that when you log in, load the information of all the channels where you are mod (ie, get the mods, vips, etc of those channels). The problem is that it may take a few seconds, depending on the number of channels. In the case of Spanixbot it would be +2k 0.0 [2024-07-29 21:09:57] zonianmidian: 4380 mods HOLY [2024-07-29 21:04:43] lateefi: how many mods is here it keeps crashing my firefox https://modchecker.com/channel/ajthedj_747 [2024-07-29 19:41:41] treuks: mods [2024-07-29 02:47:18] ngora: mods get the weeb [2024-07-28 23:43:30] ngora: mods [2024-07-28 23:40:16] bugnio: i didnt even know there where those lidl mods still [2024-07-28 20:51:57] 2547techno: its for /mods /vips /founders /chatters commands [2024-07-28 19:01:07] zonianmidian: Pffttt mods [2024-07-28 14:58:30] pepewpert: erm mods [2024-07-28 11:37:34] regressz: how many german mods on 7tv [2024-07-28 11:13:06] ryanpotat: somehow its worse than modscanner [2024-07-28 11:09:05] ryanpotat: does the log in not even have the scope to actually get all mods? [2024-07-28 11:06:49] mylifeislul: huh why is this modside missing 26 channels for me [2024-07-28 10:42:00] regressz: sb mods iqvek [2024-07-28 10:41:52] zonianmidian: This channel actually have +4k mods [2024-07-28 10:32:10] frantabot: -mods frantabot [2024-07-28 10:31:54] lateefi: -mods ajthedj_747 [2024-07-28 10:31:38] pepewpert: why need a modscanner for [2024-07-28 10:31:18] regressz: so is this modscanner v2? Pauseffttt [2024-07-28 10:27:24] regressz: channel mods and vips are correct for me [2024-07-28 10:26:45] flanrz: it says 46 mods here Pffttt [2024-07-28 10:25:51] ryanpotat: -mods zonianmidian [2024-07-28 10:25:47] ryanpotat: #mods zonianmidian [2024-07-28 10:24:05] regressz: it gives a different number of mods every refresh [2024-07-28 07:49:47] lronrhino: catAsk mods when is movie night [2024-07-28 06:55:23] spanixbot: ZonianMidian || Hay 4384 mods en canal de iqvek: https://paste.spanix.team/aveteqifiv [2024-07-28 06:55:09] zonianmidian: ?mods iqvek [2024-07-28 06:54:46] zonianmidian: ryan what's the guy with +2k mods [2024-07-28 06:42:08] zonianmidian: He have a mods command with pagination [2024-07-28 06:41:03] spanixbot: ZonianMidian || Hay 229 mods en este canal: https://paste.spanix.team/qogiwowuyi [2024-07-28 06:41:02] zonianmidian: ?mods [2024-07-28 06:40:14] zonianmidian: Tienes tu propia implementación para obtener mods? [2024-07-28 06:39:48] zonianmidian: -mods [2024-07-28 04:17:37] spanixbot: ZonianMidian || Hay 229 mods en este canal: https://paste.spanix.team/filazuzadu [2024-07-28 04:17:35] zonianmidian: ?mods [2024-07-28 01:15:09] zonianmidian: It's just a mods cursor request [2024-07-28 00:51:23] spanixbot: ZonianMidian || Hay 229 mods en este canal: https://paste.spanix.team/upayagucoz [2024-07-28 00:51:21] zonianmidian: ?mods [2024-07-27 21:01:22] fookstee: thanks mods [2024-07-27 15:21:38] lronrhino: GTAB mods get that user [2024-07-27 09:01:14] lronrhino: GTAB mods remove all baj chatters from this planet [2024-07-27 00:30:52] zonianmidian: catAsk Ryan do you know a chat with low mods, vips, founders and artist? [2024-07-26 20:35:53] zonianmidian: @regressz Forsen bans? Or mods [2024-07-26 20:29:29] treuks: mods [2024-07-26 20:26:16] treuks: mods [2024-07-26 19:53:24] treuks: so the mods just upload to kappa.lol [2024-07-26 17:07:47] drapsnatt: mods delete bugnio [2024-07-26 01:19:19] ngora: mods [2024-07-25 22:59:17] zonianmidian: yea, channel is like the mods and VIPs in your channel [2024-07-25 22:59:00] ryanpotat: @regressz all mods you're mod for, and mods in your channel same page he means [2024-07-25 22:45:52] regressz: What the fuck are these mods doing? The whole chat is being spammed and absolutely nothing is being done about it. This is the worst fucking stream I have ever watched. I have wonder why anybody would purchase a subscription to this shit hole. This message will probably be drowned out by the circlejerk going on in chat. Fuck you, you fucking spammers. You ruined my fucking day. [2024-07-25 17:33:30] locotimon: -mods [2024-07-25 17:26:29] locotimon: TriHard no mods [2024-07-25 17:26:24] locotimon: -mods donaldtrump [2024-07-25 16:19:25] mzntori: mad mods [2024-07-25 08:40:23] lronrhino: catAsk mods pause the tickling [2024-07-25 08:37:36] lronrhino: GTAB mods get him [2024-07-25 07:59:59] ryanpotat: -mods jasontheween [2024-07-25 06:53:34] supelle: banned just for the emote to eventually get added back by mods anyway [2024-07-24 21:46:32] ryanpotat: mods [2024-07-24 21:28:02] tahto__: umm the only mods ive really done is steering wheel and side mirrors [2024-07-24 20:40:19] frantabot: xd 7TV mods [2024-07-24 20:36:56] ryanpotat: mods [2024-07-24 17:32:10] lateefi: why is banned phrases for mods now [2024-07-24 13:23:21] regressz: OfCourse otk mods [2024-07-24 13:23:03] regressz: sb mods madisonbeer [2024-07-23 01:41:09] zonianmidian: And mods can't use it [2024-07-22 12:31:16] regressz: why does he have so many mods [2024-07-22 05:39:19] notohh: check the mods lil bro every vtumor i watch is modded [2024-07-22 02:36:40] supibot: Summary: Conversation starts with notohh repeatedly saying hi to ngora who responds with stfu. Chat then shifts to random comments about mods, a link shared, and mentions of Outlook, ultimately ending with various users chatting about different topics. [2024-07-22 02:33:51] ngora: mods [2024-07-21 22:52:56] regressz: mods get him [2024-07-21 18:45:48] supibot: The chat discussed Miguel becoming a mod, political scenarios with Mr. Beast and Bernie, Jschlatt's birthdate, Clinton's tweet, and mods dealing with timeouts. Some users expressed confusion about certain actions and engaged in banter and emotes. [2024-07-21 00:43:28] zonianmidian: @Supelle Order mods by followers imRight [2024-07-21 00:42:40] zonianmidian: @Supelle Can I return 2k mods with extra data without problem? Think [2024-07-21 00:40:17] regressz: sb mods yosefsa7 [2024-07-21 00:39:58] zonianmidian: vaneJettthink 500 mods? [2024-07-21 00:39:19] ryanpotat: they only respond 100 mods [2024-07-21 00:39:04] regressz: sb mods iqvek [2024-07-21 00:38:38] zonianmidian: Guys is there a limit on API response? Because what about channels with +1k mods or something hmm [2024-07-20 21:28:26] vmyk: https://tools.2807.eu/mods?channel=donaldtrump [2024-07-20 21:28:12] vmyk: https://tools.2807.eu/mods [2024-07-20 15:32:25] vmyk: mods [2024-07-20 04:02:16] feelssunnyman: @RyanPotat mods ban [2024-07-20 03:15:51] ryanpotat: @Drapsnatt mods [2024-07-20 03:15:46] teknik_: mods windows user [2024-07-20 03:09:09] notohh: mods? [2024-07-19 20:56:57] kalioc: mods ive been set up [2024-07-18 16:54:14] regressz: Alright mods [2024-07-18 16:53:07] treuks: mods can we extradict this guy into north korea [2024-07-18 05:02:55] ryanpotat: mods? [2024-07-17 13:06:53] regressz: british mods malding [2024-07-16 23:18:31] troykomodo: how did that make it past mods [2024-07-16 19:20:22] pepewpert: mods get this cercyn guy [2024-07-16 18:13:32] treuks: That's one of the vedal mods [2024-07-16 15:41:00] lronrhino: Scared mods there is a snitch [2024-07-16 15:36:40] axdrr: GTAB mods give him backshots [2024-07-16 15:36:24] lronrhino: catAsk mods take Locotimon outback [2024-07-16 13:07:07] lronrhino: catAsk mods is emiru real [2024-07-16 03:06:12] lronrhino: catAsk mods kill that badge [2024-07-16 03:06:07] lronrhino: eww mods why does he have a badge for X [2024-07-15 21:07:46] ngora: he using something mods [2024-07-15 03:38:00] teemokda: @Apulxd yyjFail mods [2024-07-14 20:43:43] ngora: GULP mods clear the chat [2024-07-14 12:56:45] kalioc: 7tv mods global it angrE [2024-07-13 21:45:04] vmyk: i need to dm connor mods [2024-07-13 21:44:40] ngora: shit mods fold under no pressure yea [2024-07-13 21:20:37] ngora: better to get banned cuz the mods fold instanly reg ome [2024-07-13 20:58:37] spanixbot: ChrisGamingNL333 || There are 224 mods on this channel: https://paste.spanix.team/loselajodi [2024-07-13 20:58:35] chrisgamingnl333: ?mods [2024-07-13 20:55:03] notohh: What the fuck are these mods doing? The whole chat is being spammed and absolutely nothing is being done about it. This is the worst fucking stream I have ever watched. I have wonder why anybody would purchase a subscription to this shit hole. This message will probably be drowned out by the circlejerk going on in chat. Fuck you, you fucking spammers. You ruined my fucking day. [2024-07-13 20:48:49] kalioc: mods i cant understand what that guy typed please help [2024-07-13 20:44:40] ngora: mods get the pedos [2024-07-13 20:44:30] ngora: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:59] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:59] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:59] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:59] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:59] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:59] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:59] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:58] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:57] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:56] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:55] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:54] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:54] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:54] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:54] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:54] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:54] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:54] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:53] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:43:51] feelssunnyman: mods [2024-07-13 20:39:16] feelssunnyman: mods kill him [2024-07-13 20:03:42] notohh: Aware anny mods [2024-07-13 18:34:11] treuks: mods [2024-07-13 18:22:05] vmyk: bro do her mods not look at unbans ? [2024-07-13 15:17:49] vmyk: lazy ass mods man [2024-07-13 11:25:23] treuks: mods post what [2024-07-13 11:25:09] lronrhino: catAsk mods post what badge it is [2024-07-13 11:22:37] treuks: mods put his head on a stake [2024-07-13 11:22:17] vmyk: mods hes self promoting [2024-07-13 10:52:12] lronrhino: catAsk mods why is elis web emote [2024-07-12 23:23:37] regressz: mods [2024-07-12 21:38:38] tahto__: yea so when are we making it so mods dont have emote perms [2024-07-11 23:36:32] ryanpotat: just remove mods as editor 4Head [2024-07-11 23:20:21] lronrhino: catAsk mods kill him [2024-07-11 23:11:22] treuks: mods [2024-07-11 22:48:04] notohh: play mods after you beat it [2024-07-11 22:48:03] drapsnatt: mods are usually for QoL endgame stuff [2024-07-11 22:47:42] notohh: no mods [2024-07-11 22:47:36] liptongod: what mods do i download [2024-07-11 20:10:30] locotimon: -mods [2024-07-11 13:07:15] cupofkathi: mods guy [2024-07-10 23:27:35] lronrhino: catAsk mods who has the british version of loophole [2024-07-10 22:53:56] drapsnatt: gotta update mods [2024-07-10 20:39:01] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:01] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:01] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:01] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:01] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:01] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:39:00] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:58] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:58] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:58] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:58] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:58] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:58] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:57] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:56] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:55] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:55] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:38:54] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 20:16:19] regressz: mods get this guy [2024-07-10 18:52:05] treuks: mods [2024-07-10 18:49:04] ryanpotat: mods [2024-07-10 01:27:17] lronrhino: catAsk mods someone kill the person who named this emote [2024-07-09 20:45:59] fijxu: It would be worth if mods were paid [2024-07-09 15:23:05] notohh: GotTrolled anny mods [2024-07-09 14:50:38] goldeneye128: mods??? where?? [2024-07-09 14:50:01] treuks: mods [2024-07-09 07:03:47] lronrhino: catAsk mods kill the kek user [2024-07-09 02:08:25] treuks: mods [2024-07-08 18:24:05] teknik_: editors can probably add mods [2024-07-08 18:23:39] lateefi: https://tools.2807.eu/mods?channel=forsen [2024-07-08 12:42:41] regressz: we're all mods [2024-07-08 00:02:53] treuks: mods make this guy stfu [2024-07-07 23:27:33] treuks: mods [2024-07-07 23:16:52] ryanpotat: we are checking mods rn [2024-07-07 20:48:25] vmyk: any mods ? [2024-07-07 20:48:02] ngora: anny mods Pffttt2 [2024-07-07 20:47:34] locotimon: ome478 anny mods [2024-07-07 20:43:59] vmyk: mods ban the anny sub [2024-07-07 14:56:07] teknik_: any velcuz discord mods here [2024-07-07 10:48:47] supelle: 7tv mods' fault [2024-07-07 10:44:27] treuks: mods [2024-07-07 10:40:31] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 23:06:54] namtheweebs: yeah we'll prob have to play without mods [2024-07-06 23:06:37] drapsnatt: surely the mods will be updated [2024-07-06 20:57:31] vmyk: -mods [2024-07-06 20:25:59] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 20:25:58] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 20:25:57] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 20:25:56] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 20:25:54] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 19:57:09] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 19:57:08] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 12:06:17] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 11:51:22] treuks: mods [2024-07-06 06:44:08] zonianmidian: @RyanPotat Only user data, basic data (no vips, mods, etc. [2024-07-06 04:08:16] notohh: no mods [2024-07-05 18:55:21] treuks: mods [2024-07-05 16:57:52] treuks: mods [2024-07-05 16:16:41] treuks: mods [2024-07-05 16:16:41] treuks: mods [2024-07-05 16:16:41] treuks: mods [2024-07-05 16:16:40] treuks: mods [2024-07-05 16:03:59] regressz: sb mods TreuKS [2024-07-05 11:31:16] treuks: mods [2024-07-04 22:47:55] 2547techno: Alright mods [2024-07-04 12:44:01] teknik_: i block spammers only when its so much that the mods clearly should’ve done something by now [2024-07-04 08:48:03] vmyk: mods I see a Paul sub [2024-07-04 06:20:54] ryanpotat: +4 mods MUGA [2024-07-04 00:07:48] treuks: mods [2024-07-03 23:49:02] treuks: simp ass mods [2024-07-03 23:09:32] ryanpotat: you wont know if the mods/vips/founders are banned, but the channel yes [2024-07-03 22:46:01] zonianmidian: mods, vips, founders and subs table [2024-07-03 22:45:39] ryanpotat: and another table for connections between user and mods [2024-07-03 20:44:44] notohh: hi im mods [2024-07-03 20:44:38] treuks: mods [2024-07-03 20:44:38] treuks: mods [2024-07-03 20:44:37] treuks: mods [2024-07-03 20:44:21] treuks: mods [2024-07-03 20:32:08] treuks: mods [2024-07-03 10:05:44] regressz: sb mods amongusventer555 [2024-07-03 07:58:15] flanrz: Ohh dalle is only for bot mods? [2024-07-02 22:40:59] supelle: i mean kai mods even added my bot OMEGALUL [2024-07-02 22:40:33] ryanpotat: only because they all have the same mods, kai mods [2024-07-02 22:38:45] ryanpotat: i mean i asked kai mods to add the same banphrases to pajbot so i can avoid them [2024-07-02 22:38:09] supelle: worst case you just make an opt-out toggle for mods FailFish [2024-07-02 22:28:23] spanixbot: Fijxu || There are 191 mods on this channel: https://paste.spanix.team/igoganocoy [2024-07-02 22:28:21] fijxu: ?mods [2024-07-02 22:25:10] spanixbot: Fijxu || There are 191 mods on this channel: https://paste.spanix.team/efavijibir [2024-07-02 22:25:09] fijxu: ?mods [2024-07-01 14:10:16] regressz: a*ny mods GotTrolled [2024-06-30 22:19:04] regressz: mods [2024-06-30 20:20:51] locotimon: i remember a clip of xqc saying mods ban regress [2024-06-30 20:02:51] vmyk: "mods" i should say [2024-06-30 20:02:38] vmyk: so do kai mods just go around and get modded and every W streamer now ? [2024-06-30 18:40:01] vmyk: soft ahh mods bruh [2024-06-30 17:28:12] regressz: mods [2024-06-30 17:28:12] regressz: mods [2024-06-30 17:28:12] regressz: mods [2024-06-30 17:28:11] regressz: mods [2024-06-30 09:21:22] ryanpotat: -mods kaicenat [2024-06-30 09:19:47] ryanpotat: GachiPls ban all xqc vips and kai mods [2024-06-30 09:01:33] vmyk: no mods codes? [2024-06-30 05:57:34] ryanpotat: mods [2024-06-29 21:36:11] ryanpotat: mods [2024-06-29 19:26:01] regressz: sb mods emiru [2024-06-29 19:24:07] notohh: one of her mods [2024-06-29 17:32:01] frantabot: pensivePls mods ban [2024-06-29 16:14:35] axdrr: man forsen mods need to chill [2024-06-29 13:31:56] 7tvheaddev: [#9philip] Tyrantglade: do 7tv mods get it for free [2024-06-29 10:30:53] regressz: kai mods Pffttt2 [2024-06-29 09:27:18] ryanpotat: mods? [2024-06-29 02:30:26] drapsnatt: @notohh cant wait for 90% of my mods to never get updated for this version happE [2024-06-28 20:48:42] regressz: sb mods [2024-06-28 18:40:01] kalioc: mods ostracize him [2024-06-28 12:46:53] pepewpert: mods [2024-06-28 09:58:25] supibot: (+17/-35) Another third party thing used to display cringe emotes in twitch chat to make the experience for non-extension users worse than it already is. It will likely never be as big as BTTV or FFZ. - Example: Twitch chatter: Hey Mr. Streamer can you enable 7tv on your channel it supports ultra wide emotes its gonna be so funny xDDDDD Streamer: No stfu, mods ban this guy, we already have enough scuffed extensions and emotes in this chat anyway. Another chatter: Holy based streamer. [2024-06-27 20:02:52] mods: mods [2024-06-27 20:02:19] regressz: @7tv @admins @mods @idk change the paint back PLEASE [2024-06-27 15:50:37] fookstee: its not to check the mods of a channel [2024-06-27 15:50:28] frantabot: * /mods [2024-06-27 00:37:31] regressz: mods check him ass [2024-06-26 23:59:58] ryanpotat: doing /mods [2024-06-26 23:56:57] zonianmidian: @Supelle catErm I was deciding between "status lookup" and "roles lookup" as a full title. I would also like to add subscribed channels in addition to mods, VIPs and founders [2024-06-26 23:53:38] regressz: -gpt give me an alternative name for a website called "modscanner", mod meaning moderator (twitch) [2024-06-26 23:53:33] regressz: -gpt give me an alternative name for a website called "modscanner", mod meaning moderator (twitch) [2024-06-26 23:53:30] regressz: -gpt give me an alternative name for a website called "modscanner", mod meaning moderator (twitch) [2024-06-26 23:53:19] regressz: -gpt give me an alternative name for a website called "modscanner", mod meaning moderator (twitch) [2024-06-26 23:53:00] regressz: -gpt give me an alternative name for a website called "modscanner", mod meaning moderator [2024-06-26 23:52:39] regressz: -gpt give me an alternative name for a website called "modscanner" [2024-06-26 23:48:16] regressz: fuck i missed out on the modscanner.com special rare edition founder badge [2024-06-26 22:09:58] liptongod: mods: null [2024-06-26 22:06:36] ryanpotat: the modscanner [2024-06-26 22:06:22] regressz: @LiptonGod he really thinks his modscanner shit will be the next 7tv and take off [2024-06-26 20:01:27] frantabot: modCheck any 7tv mods here? [2024-06-26 19:27:04] zonianmidian: This will help to avoid duplicates, and will also allow to have the date when they are mods/vips [2024-06-26 13:46:41] regressz: nah mods are trolling [2024-06-26 11:36:41] regressz: mods ban all kai chatters [2024-06-26 05:57:06] ryanpotat: @Supelle well tell zonian yea i thought /mods was good idea [2024-06-26 05:13:22] fijxu: 5 mods [2024-06-26 05:12:57] zonianmidian: mhm /mods is good but I need more data [2024-06-26 05:12:04] ryanpotat: which is a plus since /mods does [2024-06-26 05:11:20] spanixbot: ✅ Output: {"cache":{"isCached":false,"expireTime":null},"modCount":93,"vipCount":3,"mods":[{"id":"954631875","login":"submissivebot","displayName":"SubmissiveBot","grantedAt":"2023-10-24T03:37:21.794337374Z"},{"id":"68136884","login":"supibot","displayName":"Supibot","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:26:59.316087369Z"},{"id":"625016038","login":"apulxd","displayName":"Apulxd","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:53:27.900063926Z"},{"id":"617396850","login":"modulatingforce","displayName":"ModulatingForce","grant [2024-06-26 05:11:11] spanixbot: ✅ Output: {"cache":{"isCached":true,"expireTime":56},"modCount":93,"vipCount":3,"mods":[{"id":"954631875","login":"submissivebot","displayName":"SubmissiveBot","grantedAt":"2023-10-24T03:37:21.794337374Z"},{"id":"68136884","login":"supibot","displayName":"Supibot","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:26:59.316087369Z"},{"id":"625016038","login":"apulxd","displayName":"Apulxd","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:53:27.900063926Z"},{"id":"617396850","login":"modulatingforce","displayName":"ModulatingForce","grantedA [2024-06-26 05:11:09] spanixbot: ✅ Output: {"cache":{"isCached":true,"expireTime":58},"modCount":93,"vipCount":3,"mods":[{"id":"954631875","login":"submissivebot","displayName":"SubmissiveBot","grantedAt":"2023-10-24T03:37:21.794337374Z"},{"id":"68136884","login":"supibot","displayName":"Supibot","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:26:59.316087369Z"},{"id":"625016038","login":"apulxd","displayName":"Apulxd","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:53:27.900063926Z"},{"id":"617396850","login":"modulatingforce","displayName":"ModulatingForce","grantedA [2024-06-26 05:11:07] spanixbot: ✅ Output: {"cache":{"isCached":false,"expireTime":null},"modCount":93,"vipCount":3,"mods":[{"id":"954631875","login":"submissivebot","displayName":"SubmissiveBot","grantedAt":"2023-10-24T03:37:21.794337374Z"},{"id":"68136884","login":"supibot","displayName":"Supibot","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:26:59.316087369Z"},{"id":"625016038","login":"apulxd","displayName":"Apulxd","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:53:27.900063926Z"},{"id":"617396850","login":"modulatingforce","displayName":"ModulatingForce","grant [2024-06-26 05:10:50] spanixbot: ✅ Output: {"cache":{"isCached":true,"expireTime":16},"modCount":93,"vipCount":3,"mods":[{"id":"954631875","login":"submissivebot","displayName":"SubmissiveBot","grantedAt":"2023-10-24T03:37:21.794337374Z"},{"id":"68136884","login":"supibot","displayName":"Supibot","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:26:59.316087369Z"},{"id":"625016038","login":"apulxd","displayName":"Apulxd","grantedAt":"2023-11-10T03:53:27.900063926Z"},{"id":"617396850","login":"modulatingforce","displayName":"ModulatingForce","grantedA [2024-06-26 05:10:33] spanixbot: ✅ Output: "{\"cache\":{\"isCached\":true,\"expireTime\":33},\"modCount\":93,\"vipCount\":3,\"mods\":[{\"id\":\"954631875\",\"login\":\"submissivebot\",\"displayName\":\"SubmissiveBot\",\"grantedAt\":\"2023-10-24T03:37:21.794337374Z\"},{\"id\":\"68136884\",\"login\":\"supibot\",\"displayName\":\"Supibot\",\"grantedAt\":\"2023-11-10T03:26:59.316087369Z\"},{\"id\":\"625016038\",\"login\":\"apulxd\",\"displayName\":\"Apulxd\",\"grantedAt\":\"2023-11-10T03:53:27.900063926Z\"},{\"id\":\"617396850\",\" [2024-06-26 05:07:55] fijxu: i'm not sure if you can get all mods [2024-06-26 05:03:34] ryanpotat: use /mods yes [2024-06-26 05:01:57] zonianmidian: Why shouldn't I use GQL to get the vips/mods, why isn't it practical? I don't remember the conversation [2024-06-26 04:55:57] zonianmidian: Alright supa how can I get mods from IRC with Go package [2024-06-25 10:28:11] regressz: he really thinks his modscanner website is gonna be the new 7tv [2024-06-24 22:48:34] vmyk: @HaruYuumei mods ????????? [2024-06-24 18:43:11] regressz: mods [2024-06-24 11:54:14] vmyk: reg are you aware of this list OMEGALUL https://github.com/TwitchmodsDACH/Bannlisten [2024-06-24 11:39:55] regressz: modscanner? [2024-06-23 23:54:49] drapsnatt: i think the mods are making me lag LULE [2024-06-22 18:35:02] fijxu: modscanner has come to an end [2024-06-22 12:19:23] lronrhino: catAsk mods deal with kanye [2024-06-22 07:42:12] lronrhino: erm mods kill ryanpotat [2024-06-21 21:55:31] potatbotat: @regressz 😡 you know what, fine! I hope the mods ban you for your next comment! [2024-06-21 21:16:46] regressz: mods [2024-06-21 19:55:59] vmyk: this god damn 7tv mods https://kappa.lol/5HtrQ [2024-06-21 18:32:43] supelle: discord mods ew [2024-06-19 20:36:44] spanixbot: ZonianMidian || Hay 2 mods en canal de cuemew: https://paste.spanix.team/cuqebejoca [2024-06-19 20:36:43] zonianmidian: ¿mods cuemew [2024-06-19 20:32:01] fookstee: @Supibot get all of them one by one mods [2024-06-19 20:27:37] ngora: mods get the pedo [2024-06-19 20:17:23] ryanpotat: it would murder ram if you're going to be constantly running /mods in every channel [2024-06-19 20:16:44] zonianmidian: New modscanner website [2024-06-19 19:54:24] regressz: mods can he say that [2024-06-19 16:39:26] regressz: sb mods miwo [2024-06-19 16:06:28] regressz: i can't ban mods [2024-06-19 14:19:51] vmyk: mods hes spaking alien again [2024-06-19 13:45:22] lronrhino: catShake mods readd [2024-06-19 13:25:40] lronrhino: catAsk mods kill myke [2024-06-18 20:52:45] zonianmidian: forsenThinkingIt supa What do we decide to use to obtain data from mods and vips in a channel? [2024-06-18 15:21:59] regressz: mods [2024-06-18 14:52:16] regressz: anny mods GotTrolled [2024-06-18 11:32:05] vmyk: -mods [2024-06-17 22:44:52] zonianmidian: @Supelle That one is a little bit troll scope, I plan to do what StreamElements and BotRix do which is to automatically give yourself mods ome [2024-06-17 22:42:31] regressz: modscanner ThatsEnough [2024-06-17 22:16:26] kalioc: mods [2024-06-17 22:03:03] vmyk: Alright mods get him out of here [2024-06-17 21:55:18] regressz: mods [2024-06-17 21:45:04] vmyk: -mods [2024-06-17 21:41:58] drapsnatt: mods [2024-06-17 20:46:11] vmyk: i could ask one of her mods for logs but all the mods she has now are all docSleeper [2024-06-17 19:26:02] vmyk: they are mods/admins [2024-06-17 19:25:47] chrisgamingnl333: there are like 3 7tv mods/admins in this chat that are going too why not ask one of them [2024-06-17 12:15:38] potatbotat: @notohh Successfully removed mods as an ambassador in #notohh [2024-06-17 12:15:38] notohh: -ambassador remove mods [2024-06-17 12:15:34] potatbotat: @notohh Successfully added mods as an ambassador in #notohh [2024-06-17 12:15:33] notohh: -ambassador add mods [2024-06-17 12:15:20] potatbotat: @notohh Successfully removed mods as an ambassador in #notohh [2024-06-17 12:15:20] notohh: -ambassador remove mods [2024-06-17 12:15:05] potatbotat: @notohh Successfully added mods as an ambassador in #notohh [2024-06-17 12:15:05] notohh: -ambassador add mods [2024-06-17 12:14:39] flanrz: hmm does -ambassador add mods works? [2024-06-17 05:41:16] fijxu: this mods bro [2024-06-17 00:11:46] supelle: just /mods /mods /mods [2024-06-17 00:11:22] supelle: for every mod in a channel get their channel's mods and for their mods' channels get their mods and so on [2024-06-17 00:06:41] ryanpotat: for /mods [2024-06-17 00:01:17] ryanpotat: but yeah I would just do the same logic, go through every single logger instance channel and live channel and do /mods [2024-06-17 00:00:00] supelle: are you gonna join all twitch channels just to filter out mods? [2024-06-16 23:37:45] supelle: zonian can you check if anon conns can run /mods? [2024-06-16 23:31:24] supelle: just privmsg .mods to channel and handle notice [2024-06-16 23:29:51] supelle: irc + ThreeLetterAPI token + .mods command [2024-06-16 23:28:19] zonianmidian: OMEGADANCE GUYS https://modscanner.com/ [2024-06-16 23:28:18] zonianmidian: OMEGADANCE GUYS https://modscanner.com/ [2024-06-16 23:28:18] zonianmidian: OMEGADANCE GUYS https://modscanner.com/ [2024-06-16 23:28:18] zonianmidian: OMEGADANCE GUYS https://modscanner.com/ [2024-06-16 23:28:18] zonianmidian: OMEGADANCE GUYS https://modscanner.com/ [2024-06-16 23:28:18] zonianmidian: OMEGADANCE GUYS https://modscanner.com/ [2024-06-16 22:18:30] regressz: stupid mods [2024-06-16 20:10:24] ngora: catAsk any gardenzoo mods here [2024-06-16 12:06:37] flanrz: I don't think optimizer mods already did that version, my pc wil 💥💥💥💥💥 [2024-06-16 02:43:26] ngora: mods [2024-06-15 23:46:17] vwh1: HELP mods hes back [2024-06-15 20:30:49] locotimon: -mods forsen [2024-06-15 20:10:19] feelssunnyman: i was being tossed in the air by your mods earlier [2024-06-15 20:00:23] 2547techno: Alr mods [2024-06-15 18:17:35] regressz: classic kai mods [2024-06-15 17:07:51] lateefi: -mods [2024-06-15 17:07:44] locotimon: there are no mods dumbassbitchidiot [2024-06-15 17:07:28] lateefi: mods can he say that [2024-06-15 10:05:53] lronrhino: GotTrolled mods HELP Im Scared [2024-06-15 09:17:04] lronrhino: mods kill him yea [2024-06-14 23:21:08] regressz: -mods [2024-06-14 23:18:17] vmyk: -mods [2024-06-14 20:28:24] regressz: i need mods [2024-06-14 18:12:38] fookstee: guys im a modscanner patreon [2024-06-14 14:26:39] lronrhino: catAsk mods idk how to rename [2024-06-14 09:57:12] supibot: aha____, 🤖 The best third-party Minecraft launcher is LitLantern (formerly known as LaunchVENTORY). It offers a clean and user-friendly interface, customizable launchers, and a vast library of mods and resource packs. [2024-06-13 23:03:15] ryanpotat: nobody else mods [2024-06-13 15:01:40] regressz: how many portuguese mods are there [2024-06-13 15:00:48] vwh1: @vmyk elisSad ive been asking 7tv mods for ages [2024-06-13 14:59:59] vmyk: mods get on it [2024-06-13 11:29:41] vmyk: mods can he say that? [2024-06-13 03:27:49] 2547techno: those are game chaning mods iidiot [2024-06-13 03:27:30] notohh: not game changing mods [2024-06-13 03:27:12] ryanpotat: mods lame [2024-06-13 03:26:52] 2547techno: mods [2024-06-13 03:26:43] notohh: we have to wait for mods to update first [2024-06-12 22:04:44] vmyk: mods [2024-06-12 19:00:28] notohh: ok now install the new mods [2024-06-12 19:00:27] fijxu: and other mods [2024-06-12 18:36:46] locotimon: woah mods can he say that [2024-06-12 18:16:51] notohh: ok fijxu update the server mods [2024-06-12 18:15:27] drapsnatt: it should prompt me to download the mods when I try to join the server anyways [2024-06-12 18:14:32] notohh: go get new mods [2024-06-12 17:55:13] notohh: catAsk i added a few more mods to collection fijxu [2024-06-12 16:12:35] vmyk: mods? [2024-06-12 15:06:37] notohh: with mods [2024-06-12 14:53:06] notohh: i added some more mods [2024-06-12 05:53:40] zonianmidian: ?allowmods [2024-06-12 05:47:49] spanixbot: ZonianMidian || FeelsDankMan No eres editor de emotes en el canal | Pídele al broadcaster que te de permisos con el comando "?addeditor ZonianMidian" o use "?allowmods" para permitir a todos los moderadores [2024-06-12 05:47:42] zonianmidian: ?allowmods [2024-06-12 05:35:55] zonianmidian: ?allowmods [2024-06-12 05:35:51] zonianmidian: ?allowmods [2024-06-11 22:26:57] notohh: all of my mods are gone anyways [2024-06-11 22:26:41] notohh: the mods [2024-06-11 22:25:21] lronrhino: RAGEY mods kill the spammers [2024-06-11 22:25:17] lronrhino: RAGEY mods [2024-06-11 21:56:58] drapsnatt: what mods you using [2024-06-11 13:44:39] regressz: i think mods skipped it 😅 [2024-06-11 10:15:51] lronrhino: catAsk mods does forsen even type in chas [2024-06-10 22:59:24] bugnio: namtheweebs hesRight you should invest on becoming one of her mods [2024-06-10 21:54:48] drapsnatt: mods [2024-06-10 16:11:19] vmyk: mods ? [2024-06-10 16:00:43] regressz: sb mods [2024-06-10 16:00:33] locotimon: -mods [2024-06-09 21:33:35] drapsnatt: them retarded kaicenat mods would IOO% pay for it [2024-06-09 20:48:55] aha____: forsen mods are pussies [2024-06-09 19:08:51] vmyk: there are multiple 7tv mods here [2024-06-09 18:11:42] lronrhino: WHAT mods stop him [2024-06-09 16:05:53] lronrhino: catAsk mods am hungry what eat [2024-06-09 15:22:24] lronrhino: catAsk mods nuke vanilla mc [2024-06-09 06:48:31] ryanpotat: mods ban these guys from all platforms [2024-06-09 02:33:55] vmyk: even the mods [2024-06-09 02:31:55] regressz: sb mods [2024-06-09 02:29:53] ryanpotat: bro mods everyone [2024-06-08 14:00:11] regressz: mods get them [2024-06-08 07:45:12] lronrhino: catAsk mods my screen is black [2024-06-08 02:17:30] ryanpotat: 7tv mods [2024-06-07 22:34:15] namtheweebs: don't read which mods got added [2024-06-07 22:34:10] namtheweebs: new mods [2024-06-07 21:58:32] vwh1: @ChrisGamingNL333 me not have the mods [2024-06-07 14:48:44] regressz: mods add ewis [2024-06-07 12:34:49] lronrhino: catAsk mods is there a reason reg is in vc [2024-06-07 01:32:26] supibot: (2d, 6h ago) bugnio: zonian oh its somes mall irrelevant channel full of retards that are all mods, seems familiar Clueless [2024-06-07 01:29:17] supibot: (2d, 6h ago) bugnio: zonian oh its somes mall irrelevant channel full of retards that are all mods, seems familiar Clueless [2024-06-07 01:13:13] regressz: mods remove all emotes [2024-06-06 22:08:47] fijxu: I update the mods? [2024-06-06 19:08:30] supelle: if you do this and it's very obv kick mods will manually unlist your stream from discovery [2024-06-06 19:06:09] regressz: greek 7tv mods when [2024-06-06 03:56:05] ryanpotat: warn mods [2024-06-06 03:55:52] 2547techno: just make it so you cant warn mods and problem sovled [2024-06-05 23:11:34] ngora: mods [2024-06-05 23:11:27] ngora: mods [2024-06-05 23:04:04] ngora: mods [2024-06-05 23:00:56] ngora: mods [2024-06-05 22:55:38] ngora: mods delete my logs [2024-06-05 16:42:20] regressz: mods [2024-06-04 21:42:41] vwh1: anny mods fubuDespair [2024-06-04 19:26:55] bugnio: zonian oh its somes mall irrelevant channel full of retards that are all mods, seems familiar Clueless [2024-06-04 19:13:37] vmyk: which of the mods is jew? [2024-06-04 19:10:22] lateefi: shittersen snitches on edgy chatters to mods of popular channels ehehe [2024-06-04 18:19:13] vmyk: mods _ [2024-06-04 18:17:39] vmyk: mods [2024-06-04 16:12:16] vmyk: mods ? [2024-06-04 14:40:25] regressz: aight mods poll it [2024-06-04 13:20:11] troykomodo: it was removed by mods [2024-06-04 13:16:16] vmyk: pepeLaugh like 3 of her mods that come here [2024-06-04 13:16:16] regressz: sb mods anny [2024-06-04 13:05:10] liptongod: mods? [2024-06-03 19:09:51] cupofeggy: rule 2 respesct the mods [2024-06-03 15:05:05] lronrhino: catAsk mods crush him [2024-06-03 13:16:01] ryanpotat: mods fix this [2024-06-03 11:35:44] lronrhino: catAsk mods can he say that [2024-06-03 06:45:16] ngora: mods [2024-06-02 13:47:14] regressz: classic a**y mods [2024-06-02 01:09:08] zonianmidian: Chavales cuál es el cliente de mods que ustedes usan [2024-06-01 21:15:48] lronrhino: catAsk mods make dancy emote [2024-06-01 19:41:00] supelle: 7tv mods make kissahomie global [2024-06-01 11:12:22] lronrhino: catAsk mods any time stamps [2024-06-01 02:56:46] supelle: mods could find them useful i guess [2024-06-01 00:19:26] locotimon: GotTrolled anny mods [2024-05-31 22:05:47] drapsnatt: more mods GotTrolled [2024-05-31 15:32:02] vmyk: -addrandom as:mods [2024-05-31 15:31:55] vmyk: mods [2024-05-30 19:48:05] fijxu: mods working pag [2024-05-30 13:04:38] lronrhino: catAsk mods kill all edaters [2024-05-29 23:03:51] regressz: mods [2024-05-29 23:02:56] ryanl_12: kill all mods [2024-05-29 23:02:54] ryanl_12: mods [2024-05-29 23:02:20] fijxu: mods [2024-05-29 18:53:50] regressz: mods yes [2024-05-29 14:20:49] notohh: mods cant, even kathy cant [2024-05-29 14:04:08] notohh: do you have the mods lron [2024-05-29 14:04:06] lronrhino: nijikaCry mods stop him from saying that [2024-05-29 12:24:28] notohh: download the lethal mods [2024-05-29 10:47:18] lronrhino: wtfwtfwtf mods is he allowed to say that [2024-05-29 03:54:50] liptongod: ill let the discord mods decide his fate [2024-05-29 01:50:35] notohh: -mods emiru [2024-05-28 22:23:12] vmyk: mods hes doing the thing [2024-05-28 22:19:55] regressz: mods should not be able to do that shit [2024-05-28 21:41:00] ngora: mods [2024-05-27 23:51:43] regressz: mods [2024-05-27 23:51:34] apulxd: @regressz [Entertainment: Film] "In the 1979 British film "Quadrophenia" what is the name of the seaside city the mods are visiting?" :) - Use =trivia help for a hint. [2024-05-26 22:24:06] regressz: Alr mods? [2024-05-26 21:46:29] locotimon: GotTrolled anny mods [2024-05-26 20:54:42] apulxd: @ZonianMidian mods is not banned. Saved [2024-05-26 16:27:47] regressz: bro why does psp have so many mods [2024-05-26 15:45:13] locotimon: classic psp mods [2024-05-26 15:34:10] vmyk: mods? [2024-05-26 14:26:49] vmyk: GotTrolled mods ? [2024-05-26 04:18:51] spanixdev: Fijxu || Hay 180 mods en este canal: https://paste.spanix.team/gumakokehu [2024-05-26 04:18:50] spanixbot: Fijxu || Adda 180 a mods iti daytoy a channel: https://paste.spanix.team/zufafagisi [2024-05-26 04:18:48] fijxu: ¿mods [2024-05-24 20:35:27] fijxu: cosmetic mods [2024-05-24 20:35:20] zonianmidian: All old mods are gone [2024-05-24 20:35:01] spanixbot: Fookstee || Hay 17 mods en canal de pewdiepie: https://paste.spanix.team/nisolanexe [2024-05-24 20:35:00] fookstee: ¿mods pewdiepie [2024-05-24 17:32:41] locotimon: Alright anny mods [2024-05-23 20:06:24] vmyk: mods ? [2024-05-23 18:52:04] vmyk: 279, no job, no friends, wasting time on twitch, mods for vtubers, never touched a woman [2024-05-23 18:49:27] lronrhino: catAsk mods crush myke balls [2024-05-23 18:37:26] vmyk: 28, no job, no friends, wasting time on twitch, mods for vtubers, never touched a woman [2024-05-23 17:38:37] lronrhino: catAsk mods [2024-05-23 02:34:36] notohh: What the fuck are these mods doing? The whole chat is being spammed and absolutely nothing is being done about it. This is the worst fucking stream I have ever watched. I have wonder why anybody would purchase a subscription to this shit hole. This message will probably be drowned out by the circlejerk going on in chat. Fuck you, you fucking spammers. You ruined my fucking day. [2024-05-23 02:33:38] ngora: mods get all the non chileans [2024-05-23 02:28:36] ngora: mods get lipton