#notohh logs.supa.codes dump - query: `child` [2024-08-28 15:38:17] mzntori: lock the well regualted porn sites so children go to the really fucked up ones! [2024-08-26 05:08:27] tahto__: -gpt whats that word for when a disease is passed down from parent to child [2024-08-22 19:49:33] frantabot: ?js require('child_process').execSync('whoami', {stdio: 'inherit'} ); [2024-08-21 01:13:28] supibot: treuks, 🤖 Hans Asperger is known for his early work in autism research and for identifying a pattern of behavior in children that later became known as Asperger's syndrome. His studies in the 1940s focused on children with social and communication difficulties, contributing to the understanding of autism spectrum disorders. [2024-08-18 16:48:17] lateefi: is because nina had a child in 2020 [2024-08-18 16:43:13] lateefi: that's a child [2024-08-18 16:21:27] vmyk: i dont get what you guys get from jerking off to literal childs but maybe consider getting help Okayge [2024-08-18 03:09:21] supibot: @treuks, reminder(s) from: @noikau - how am i gonna respond when the childsucker bans me LULE also blocking wont affect shit pussy :) (1m, 3s ago) [2024-08-16 19:51:57] potatbotat: ACTION @mzntori Series similar to "The Riddlers" (1989) from that time period include: 1. "Fraggle Rock" (1983-1987) 2. "Jim Henson's Muppet Babies" (1984-1991) 3. "Button Moon" (1980-1988) 4. "Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends" (1984-present) 5. "Puddle Lane" (1985-1989) These shows also feature puppetry or fantasy elements designed for children's entertainment. [2024-08-16 19:46:03] potatbotat: ACTION @mzntori One notable children's show from the 1990s featuring humanlike monsters in a girl's closet with real actors is "The Secret World of Alex Mack." While the primary focus isn't solely on monsters, it features various episodes with strange and mysterious events, including encounters that fit your description. [2024-08-16 19:46:01] mzntori: -gpt what are some children shows from around the 90s that have monsters that are humanlooking in a girl closet. Its not animated rather there are real actors [2024-08-16 19:45:35] potatbotat: ACTION @mzntori One notable children’s show from the 90s featuring monsters is "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters," which aired from 1994 to 1997 on Nickelodeon. The show revolves around three monster students who learn to scare humans. Another, earlier example, though not exclusively about monsters in closets, is "Monsters, Inc." (2001), a Pixar film, where monsters enter children's bedrooms from closet doors. [2024-08-16 19:45:32] mzntori: -gpt what are some children shows from around the 90s that have monsters that are humanlooking in a girl closet [2024-08-15 01:26:19] lateefi: that's a child [2024-08-14 20:57:45] treuks: 88 is HH aka heil hitler and 14 is like the nazi 14 words which is something like "we must do what we can to secure a future for white children" or whatever [2024-08-13 23:02:48] supelle: arguing with them is like speaking to children [2024-08-13 01:11:57] childishanbu: childishanbu [2024-08-13 01:11:57] childishanbu: childishanbu [2024-08-12 22:21:07] childishmoose: childishmoose [2024-08-12 22:21:07] childishmoose: childishmoose [2024-08-10 20:49:24] regressz: 2000 years old but appears to be a child [2024-08-10 20:49:02] supibot: ngora, 🤖 Zoe from League of Legends is technically 2000 years old, as she is a vastaya and a manifestation of the spirit of the cosmos. However, she appears to be a child. [2024-08-10 00:55:43] supibot: chrisgamingnl333, Tennis fan flashes boobs on live TV while sat next to child at Olympics 2024 - Express (published 8d, 17h ago) [2024-08-09 20:29:47] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat To determine the fastest way to give birth in a game where childbirth is simulated, consult in-game mechanics, guides, or forums specific to that game. Often, factors like character traits, in-game items, or specific actions can expedite the process. [2024-08-09 20:29:46] ryanpotat: -gpt in a game where childbirth is simulated, whats the fastest way to give birth [2024-08-09 20:29:18] ryanpotat: hmm so caffine = childbirth speedrun strat? [2024-08-04 21:19:14] tahto__: um i wouldnt thats a child [2024-08-03 22:49:56] kanyewheat: bro those are children [2024-08-02 15:50:56] notohh: yes its a child [2024-08-02 15:50:35] juliilan: is that a child [2024-08-02 09:53:35] potatbotat: ACTION @RyanPotat Yes, you can use a WHERE clause on a foreign key reference in SQL to filter results based on conditions involving the foreign key or related columns. Example: ```sql SELECT * FROM child_table WHERE foreign_key_column = some_value; ``` Or with joins: ```sql SELECT * FROM child_table JOIN parent_table ON child_table.foreign_key_column = parent_table.primary_key_column WHERE parent_table.some_column = some_value; ``` [2024-08-01 17:51:09] ryanpotat: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/857387972692815761?adults=1&category_tag=Tag%3A8851&children=0&enable_m3_private_room=true&infants=0&pets=0&search_mode=flex_destinations_search&source_impression_id=p3_1722534535_P3XTdNfel3AiWCJQ&previous_page_section_name=1000&federated_search_id=0709c7e2-8cf3-430a-af20-f65b34d668ab heCrazy found one [2024-08-01 15:01:32] supibot: mzntori, Sex offender who locked up daughter for 24 years, fathered her 7 children may be released - Fox News (published 198d, 7h ago) [2024-07-31 20:14:45] troykomodo: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-twitch-problem-with-child-predators/ [2024-07-31 11:46:08] cupofkathi: he said in english that im not a child [2024-07-31 11:46:01] cupofkathi: they asked vadi in russian "will you be staying with the child" [2024-07-29 20:33:28] supibot: Stabbing attack at children's dance class in Southport, England, leaves 1 dead, 7 injured - Deseret News (published 2h, 25m ago) [2024-07-28 21:59:12] mzntori: shes not a child [2024-07-28 21:58:59] lateefi: that is a child [2024-07-25 22:08:39] potatbotat: ACTION @mzntori A concubine is a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives. Historically, concubines were common in various cultures and were often used to form political alliances or bear children to ensure a male heir. Concubinage has typically involved an imbalance of power and did not afford the same legal rights as marriage. [2024-07-25 02:58:45] tahto__: Olrite supporting a person who draws child porn is enough tbh [2024-07-23 05:48:34] potatbotat: ACTION @Drapsnatt In the lore of "League of Legends," Zoe is an ageless cosmic being known as the Aspect of Twilight. While she appears youthful and childlike, her true age is not specified and she exists outside the typical constraints of time. [2024-07-22 22:33:04] ngora: n thats a child notoh stfu [2024-07-22 22:32:13] notohh: mumei aint a child mn [2024-07-20 02:47:36] supibot: teknik_, 🤖 Japan criminalized child pornography in June 2014 with the passage of the Act on the Prohibition of Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. [2024-07-19 22:46:48] ryanpotat: speak to me like child [2024-07-19 18:30:05] lateefi: $$sheikh should cuemew be wearing a covering, she is an unmarried child [2024-07-19 18:29:47] lateefi: $$sheikh should cuemew be wearing a covering, she is an unmarried child [2024-07-16 19:09:09] ryanpotat: that is a child WHAT [2024-07-16 15:55:18] 4h_a: we need a codyko emote to add to the child fiddlers [2024-07-14 20:33:03] treuks: at 12 you're even more of a child [2024-07-14 20:32:53] treuks: at 17 you're still a child [2024-07-14 20:30:36] vmyk: 12 is a child 17 is an adult [2024-07-12 16:16:25] lateefi: get those children away [2024-07-12 13:54:57] regressz: child [2024-07-11 19:48:27] regressz: didn't they bomb a children hospital lately as well [2024-07-08 08:47:00] teknik_: iron bus still looking more starved than an african child [2024-07-05 18:11:31] flanrz: technically the emotion is a minor since it's into a child mind [2024-07-04 08:23:34] teknik_: just a man child [2024-07-04 08:23:08] teknik_: xqc is a man child [2024-07-03 22:34:43] ryanpotat: its literally generating children man [2024-07-03 20:43:21] treuks: that is a child like actually [2024-07-03 20:43:15] vmyk: huh that's a child ryan ... [2024-07-03 20:30:50] notohh: -image dr disrespect and a child [2024-07-02 04:19:58] ryanpotat: actual children [2024-06-30 19:09:59] tahto__: umm is she actually just a child [2024-06-30 11:21:48] frantabot: a bit childish [2024-06-30 11:21:22] buttsbot: [#darkur] DianaRoogers: its a bit childish but 7tvs a twitch eelission that adds a elis to your elis elis if you redeem one of those eliselis [2024-06-30 11:21:22] 7tvheaddev: [#darkur] DianaRoogers: its a bit childish but 7tvs a twitch extension that adds a style to your twitch name if you redeem one of those codes [2024-06-28 01:14:37] potatbotat: @regressz FeelsWeirdMan the whole concept of aborting a baby because you don't want it is wrong in many ways. First of all, it's not fair for the baby to never even get a chance at life because the mother decides she doesn't want to keep it. Second, there are plenty of other options like adoption that don't involve killing a child. And third, if you don't want a baby, maybe think about not getting pregnant in the first place? LULW [2024-06-27 01:24:13] regressz: -ask -ask Anyways, um... I messaged a whole bunch of minors on Twitch, do you know what a minor is? Anybody know what a minor is? No, not "miner", I think they work underground. I'm talkin' minors. Anyways, they're a below 18 human being that can end your entire professional career and result in legal lawsuits. That's my story, I messaged a whole bunch of them, took them around the la casa. Little children, stuff like that... [2024-06-26 18:17:34] chrisgamingnl333: I was a dumb stupid idiot child [2024-06-26 13:22:17] vmyk: were dropped as a child ? [2024-06-25 20:35:10] frantabot: "laws for child internet protection" [2024-06-25 20:34:51] fijxu: the government and companies are implementing laws for child internet protection and some shit [2024-06-25 16:12:37] lateefi: he had a pet dinosaur as a child [2024-06-22 07:29:30] vmyk: @RyanPotat one of the other things he told me was that he had to deal with something related to a streamer selling childreen teeth on the web ome [2024-06-22 04:32:03] troykomodo: then somehow he gets caught dming a child when he himself has a child? [2024-06-21 20:30:21] supelle: manchildren [2024-06-21 08:56:56] lronrhino: Ohh I think my professor is on to something "Create a guest account on your PC with limited permissions – use this for your children or if you visit potentially malicious Websites (porn, gambling, hacker or others)." [2024-06-21 07:24:00] kozvel: -gpt Das leistungsschild eines bügeleisens enthält die angabe 750W und 230V. Berechnen sie die stromaufnahme [2024-06-20 07:08:39] ryanpotat: and he looked like a child [2024-06-20 02:46:27] tahto__: guuh yk art sites should avoid using the word child [2024-06-17 03:03:05] fijxu: I care about children :D [2024-06-16 23:15:26] tahto__: WHAT that shit looks like a child tried doing a coloring book [2024-06-16 18:44:12] supibot: 🤖 A vacation to Negros Island sounds like a great idea! Negros Island is a province in the Visayas region of the Philippines, known for its beautiful beaches, waterfalls, and rich cultural heritage. Here's a quick booking assist: **When are you planning to go?** (Please provide your preferred travel dates) **How many people will be traveling?** (Number of adults and children) **What type of accommodation are you looking for?** (Hotel, resort, villa, etc.) **Do you have any specific activities … [2024-06-14 16:30:41] bugnio: docalmostnotL why was i born a privileged single child [2024-06-14 11:34:59] lateefi: 2 of my childhood friends' parents smoked so ciggy always reminds me of childhood [2024-06-12 21:48:38] supibot: 🤖 No, Adolf Hitler did not have any children. He had two live-in girlfriends, Eva Braun and Geli Raubal, but they did not have any children with him. He married Eva Braun in a private ceremony on April 29, 1945, just before his suicide on April 30, 1945. [2024-06-12 21:48:35] vmyk: $gpt did hitler have any children ? [2024-06-12 06:12:07] flanrz: gang dies bc of airplane accident so their faces where so weird that they got an orgasm, they were sure was not like that but doid from a coma, then their family ate at night and looked down remembering their little gang childrens [2024-06-11 16:59:38] lateefi: she sounds like a child [2024-06-10 20:46:33] lateefi: ItsFine i want her to mother my children [2024-06-10 17:45:27] lateefi: children* [2024-06-09 19:31:49] axdrr: for child abuse yea [2024-06-08 13:25:11] ryanpotat: only accomplishment in 10 years is beating a man child at a 15 year old childrens game [2024-06-08 03:24:59] supibot: https://supinic.com/data/origin/detail/212 channel FFZ emote: After getting inspired by an image of a Pepe being edited into an image of the Runescape gnome child on 4chan's /b/, @icdb decided to create his own version, which he posted in the same thread. Some year later, he cleaned it up and posted on FFZ. That's a really dank story, and so is the emote. You use it when you're feeling dank. Made by @icdb. [2024-06-01 15:11:30] supibot: German → English: As a father, I joined the AfD out of self-defense. Today we write the laws for our children's future [2024-06-01 01:04:45] potatbotat: @Supelle The Unicode standard supports a maximum of six family members in a single family emoji. These members can include two adults and up to four children. [2024-05-30 11:57:40] goldeneye128: but as the child is now i am kinda scared [2024-05-30 07:58:48] potatbotat: @RyanPotat The anime you're referring to is likely "From the New World" (Shin Sekai Yori). It features gifted children in a controlled environment developing psychic abilities, and a post-apocalyptic world where the protagonist, Saki Watanabe, navigates various dangers alongside her peers. [2024-05-30 07:58:47] ryanpotat: -gpt anime show where gifted children are in an isolated environement, and the main character is outside in the world post disaster where she travels with a bodyguard her age [2024-05-30 07:57:30] buttsbot: @RyanPotat The anime you're reelisring to is lielisly "elissekai Yori" (From the New Elis. In this series, a post-apocalyptic world is depicted where children with psychokinetic abeliselises are elissed in an isolated socieelis. The elis elis does elis, however, ielis a elis in his older eliselis body. If you're thinking of a difelisrent series that fits this deseliselison more closely, please elisvide additional details. [2024-05-30 07:57:29] potatbotat: @RyanPotat The anime you're referring to is likely "Shinsekai Yori" (From the New World). In this series, a post-apocalyptic world is depicted where children with psychokinetic abilities are raised in an isolated society. The main plot does not, however, involve a boy in his older sister's body. If you're thinking of a different series that fits this description more closely, please provide additional details. [2024-05-30 07:56:37] potatbotat: @RyanPotat The anime you're referring to is "From the New World" (Shinsekai Yori). The main character, Saki Watanabe, is not a boy in his older sister's body, though. The plot follows children with psychic abilities living in a secluded society in a post-apocalyptic future. [2024-05-28 21:41:00] childsbrad: childsbrad