#notohh logs.supa.codes dump - query: `chatsen` [2024-08-28 04:43:51] supelle: i cant reply on chatsen [2024-08-26 04:41:29] da2605: or do i just not see it if i’m on chatsen? [2024-08-25 13:23:21] da2605: i use chatsen to see chat history [2024-08-25 13:22:53] da2605: well i use chatsen [2024-08-22 17:54:44] vmyk: chatsen dankchat they all shit [2024-08-22 17:54:31] felyp8: Just don't use chatsen 4Head [2024-08-22 17:54:01] vmyk: I'll ask when home I hate typing on chatsen [2024-08-22 17:51:12] vmyk: I'm on chatsen I can't see to what you replied [2024-08-20 14:54:35] supibot: πŸ‘₯ https://www.google.com/search?q=chatsen [2024-08-20 14:54:34] liptongod: $$google chatsen [2024-08-20 14:54:11] vmyk: bro chatsen is bad as is doNot implement 7tv shit [2024-08-20 14:51:23] liptongod: according to chatsen dev [2024-08-20 13:40:37] ryanpotat: I can’t see I’m on chatsen [2024-08-20 13:29:05] ryanpotat: god dammit chatsen [2024-08-20 00:17:48] treuks: 4k chatsen [2024-08-19 15:55:33] vmyk: I don't have her tab on chatsen tupid [2024-08-19 15:40:54] vmyk: augh chatsen [2024-08-18 15:32:27] mzntori: i mean tbf there are a lot of collectors out there for all kind of stuff, but this shit is so fucking temporary, like all the monthly stuff like the chatsen thing are fucking stupid and anything else isnt really special [2024-08-18 15:23:21] mzntori: what is chatsen even [2024-08-18 15:23:00] liptongod: on chatsen [2024-08-08 18:39:04] treuks: https://github.com/chatsen/chatsen/blob/b26f284f7ea7ce35a7422c096b67fe8f5473604a/libraries/flutter_chatsen_irc/lib/Twitch.dart#L1233 [2024-08-08 18:36:31] treuks: how chatsen joins channels? [2024-08-08 18:35:57] confidence: do you know how chatsen joins channels [2024-08-08 01:08:58] regressz: !reload chatsen [2024-08-08 00:54:40] liptongod: chatsen has spam? @regressz [2024-08-08 00:54:05] regressz: chatsen spam HOLY [2024-08-06 17:47:30] ryanpotat: it’s so hard to spam on chatsen mad [2024-08-05 15:48:01] regressz: stupid chatsen [2024-08-05 13:28:30] vmyk: right commands don't work on chatsen [2024-08-04 17:19:12] treuks: is that person in the chat the guy who made chatsen [2024-08-02 20:40:37] pepewpert: did chatsen got an update [2024-08-02 01:01:15] regressz: thanks chatsen [2024-08-02 01:00:25] regressz: bro my chatsen broke [2024-07-28 18:00:52] regressz: can someone make a chatsen alternative for ios PLEASE [2024-07-28 10:42:48] ryanpotat: @FrantaBOT so he can beg chatsen guy to add it [2024-07-27 22:43:02] femsen: I hate chatsen so fucking much [2024-07-27 01:39:48] ryanpotat: but then spends 500 a month on a chatsen badge [2024-07-26 16:02:50] pepewpert: chatsen is ass anyways [2024-07-26 16:02:20] troykomodo: does chatsen show 7tv badges [2024-07-26 16:02:04] liptongod: chatsen badge? @TroyKomodo [2024-07-26 08:29:12] ryanpotat: catAsk supa make a pr to chatsen to allow other uploaders [2024-07-24 18:11:24] ryanpotat: fucking chatsen [2024-07-23 21:16:03] potatbotat: ACTION @chatsen ● ID: 693065895 ● Followers: 64 ● Follows: 2 ● Chatters: 9 ● Created: 3y and 2mo ago ● Last Updated: 10mo ago [2024-07-23 21:16:02] chrisgamingnl333: -u chatsen [2024-07-22 21:49:43] jebasted: hi on chatsen LuL [2024-07-22 21:49:43] notohh: im on chatsen [2024-07-22 14:01:20] liptongod: chatsen btw [2024-07-22 13:58:07] regressz: we're talking about a guy that pays $500 a month for a chatsen badge [2024-07-21 19:38:10] teknik_: what does it look like im on chatsen [2024-07-20 20:51:21] teknik_: im on chatsen did it add the emote [2024-07-20 20:51:12] jebasted: hi on chatsen LuL [2024-07-20 20:51:12] teknik_: im on chatsen [2024-07-20 02:28:52] regressz: can’t see it on this shit app called chatsen [2024-07-19 02:11:26] treuks: What if I'm using chatsen and the gifs are 50% slower [2024-07-17 22:07:15] vmyk: its the chatsen one [2024-07-13 14:37:48] vmyk: chatsen is taking braincells away from you [2024-07-13 13:54:14] teknik_: [2024-07-12 15:31:03] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 3/5 [2024-07-12 15:30:55] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 2/5 [2024-07-12 15:30:48] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 2/3 [2024-07-12 15:30:38] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? [2024-07-13 13:53:09] teknik_: bitch you rigged the chatsen coinflip download it reg GETOUTTAHERE [2024-07-13 13:51:34] teknik_: the only badge i need is my chatsen badge FeelsWowMan [2024-07-13 13:39:29] regressz: chatsen Pffttt2 [2024-07-13 13:39:24] jebasted: hi on chatsen LuL [2024-07-13 13:39:23] notohh: im on chatsen [2024-07-12 21:59:19] lronrhino: no no chatsen [2024-07-12 21:58:37] teknik_: we can integrate it into chatsen [2024-07-12 21:26:24] tahto__: chatsen [2024-07-12 19:06:01] chrisgamingnl333: chatsen [2024-07-12 15:31:09] pepewpert: chatsen is so bad [2024-07-12 15:31:03] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 3/5 [2024-07-12 15:31:01] locotimon: chatsen is shit [2024-07-12 15:30:55] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 2/5 [2024-07-12 15:30:48] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? 2/3 [2024-07-12 15:30:38] regressz: $cf is chatsen a good app? [2024-07-12 14:11:45] teknik_: i swear by chatsen till the day i stop breathing [2024-07-12 14:11:31] chrisgamingnl333: @teknik_ shouldnt have been using chatsen [2024-07-12 14:07:49] teknik_: im on chatsen the emotes dont auto refresh [2024-07-12 13:58:55] regressz: chatsen was never on [2024-07-12 00:28:12] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-12 00:28:09] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-12 00:27:55] potatbotat: ACTION @tahto__ πŸ³π—§π—©: Added 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-12 00:27:21] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-12 00:27:19] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-12 00:26:34] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-12 00:26:17] tahto__: bro i dont care about chatsen or dankchat [2024-07-12 00:26:01] teknik_: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-12 00:23:54] tahto__: i dont care about having chatsen emote added i just want both of them added or none yea [2024-07-12 00:23:41] teknik_: so just wait for chatsen 2 [2024-07-12 00:23:34] teknik_: chatsen 2 is made in ASM [2024-07-12 00:22:27] fijxu: chatsen sucks [2024-07-12 00:21:55] teknik_: chatsen *is* the worse client [2024-07-12 00:16:18] potatbotat: ACTION @tahto__ πŸ³π—§π—©: Added 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:59:31] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:59:29] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 23:57:29] potatbotat: ACTION @tahto__ πŸ³π—§π—©: Added 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:54:04] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:54:02] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 23:37:03] regressz: https://kappa.lol/fBBwk when you use chatsen for more than a day [2024-07-11 23:34:49] teknik_: @regressz FailFors cause you started using chatsen at 65% [2024-07-11 23:34:39] tahto__: i tried using chatsen the other day and my iphone instantly turned off and said i needed to charge the battery [2024-07-11 23:34:17] regressz: i used chatsen for 5 minutes and my battery is already at 70% [2024-07-11 23:31:33] tahto__: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:31:05] regressz: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:20:12] tahto__: little known fact samsung s7s blew up cause they came with chatsen installed [2024-07-11 23:19:14] drapsnatt: i wonder why chatsen is so shit [2024-07-11 23:19:00] tahto__: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:18:49] tahto__: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:18:47] notohh: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:18:40] tahto__: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:18:35] notohh: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open σ €€ [2024-07-11 23:18:29] tahto__: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:18:17] notohh: man i wonder why my phone gets so hot with chatsen open [2024-07-11 23:17:43] tahto__: dankchat chatsen [2024-07-11 23:17:35] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:17:32] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 23:15:42] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:15:39] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 23:15:29] teknik_: -alias chatsen EkmkCi"%PX5{fC}!Nl@2G0!JzgFN*MYnCM.jY0fWE9{LBXtIah [2024-07-11 23:14:55] teknik_: chatsen CHARGES your phone [2024-07-11 23:14:32] regressz: chatsen just exploded my phone [2024-07-11 23:14:00] teknik_: chatsenphobia is a real thing [2024-07-11 23:11:13] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: chatsen aliased to XhyafwfU7AEikha42xgYowa4HYAOcwTbjT [2024-07-11 23:11:11] teknik_: -alias chatsen XhyafwfU7AEikha42xgYowa4HYAOcwTbjT [2024-07-11 23:10:19] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: chatsen aliased to QoPiLOvkQBxp0GM73SM9j5dP5oGzV4DdB8 [2024-07-11 23:10:16] teknik_: -alias chatsen QoPiLOvkQBxp0GM73SM9j5dP5oGzV4DdB8 [2024-07-11 23:10:13] teknik_: -alias chatsen QoPiLOvkQBxp0GM73SM9j5dP5oGzV4DdB8 [2024-07-11 23:10:08] teknik_: -alias chatsen QoPiLOvkQBxp0GM73SM9j5dP5oGzV4DdB8 [2024-07-11 23:09:19] potatbotat: ACTION @tahto__ πŸ³π—§π—©: Added 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:07:39] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 23:07:37] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 23:04:08] potatbotat: ACTION @tahto__ πŸ³π—§π—©: Added 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 22:41:36] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 22:41:33] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 22:39:19] supelle: teknik can you make chatsen not suck [2024-07-11 22:38:58] vwh1: dankCrayon the fuck is a chatsen [2024-07-11 22:38:35] flanrz: chatsen TeaTime teknik σ €€ [2024-07-11 22:38:16] flanrz: chatsen TeaTime teknik [2024-07-11 22:38:07] flanrz: chatsen TeaTime [2024-07-11 22:38:04] flanrz: chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:44] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ πŸ³π—§π—©: Added 1 emote, and aliased 1 - chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:42] flanrz: -add caca as:chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:37] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ πŸ³π—§π—©: Successfully undid last emote action - Removed: chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:26] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added chatsen from random search [2024-07-11 22:37:24] flanrz: -addrandom search:poop as:chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:22] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ πŸ³π—§π—©: Successfully undid last emote action - Removed: chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:09] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added chatsen from random search [2024-07-11 22:37:07] flanrz: -addrandom search:poop as:chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:03] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ πŸ³π—§π—©: Successfully undid last emote action - Removed: chatsen [2024-07-11 22:37:02] teknik_: chatsen lives in your head rent free pussy boi BrotherCalm [2024-07-11 22:36:56] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added chatsen from random search [2024-07-11 22:36:53] flanrz: -addrandom search:poop as:chatsen [2024-07-11 22:36:47] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ πŸ³π—§π—©: Successfully undid last emote action - Removed: chatsen [2024-07-11 22:36:40] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added chatsen from random search [2024-07-11 22:36:36] flanrz: -addrandom search:shit as:chatsen [2024-07-11 22:36:35] teknik_: chatsen is eternal BrotherCalm [2024-07-11 22:36:35] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ πŸ³π—§π—©: Successfully undid last emote action - Removed: chatsen [2024-07-11 22:36:24] potatbotat: ACTION πŸ³π—§π—©: Added chatsen from random search [2024-07-11 22:36:21] flanrz: -addrandom search:shit as:chatsen σ €€ [2024-07-11 22:36:17] flanrz: -addrandom search:shit as:chatsen [2024-07-11 22:36:14] potatbotat: ACTION @フランズ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 22:36:12] flanrz: -remove chatsen σ €€ [2024-07-11 22:36:09] flanrz: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 22:34:53] 2547techno: Alright chatsen guy [2024-07-11 22:34:47] teknik_: chatsen BrotherCalm [2024-07-11 22:34:43] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Added 1 emote, and aliased 1 - chatsen [2024-07-11 22:34:41] teknik_: -add https://7tv.app/emotes/64b0453019fdec7e05ac84e0 as:chatsen [2024-07-11 22:34:35] potatbotat: ACTION @teknik_ πŸ³π—§π—©: Removed 1 emote - chatsen [2024-07-11 22:34:32] teknik_: -remove chatsen σ €€ [2024-07-11 22:34:24] teknik_: -remove chatsen [2024-07-11 22:33:10] tahto__: chatsen [2024-07-11 22:33:03] supibot: @teknik_ is no longer AFK: calming down from chatsen slander BrotherCalm (2h, 5m ago) [2024-07-11 20:27:53] tahto__: chatsen [2024-07-11 20:27:52] regressz: chatsen [2024-07-11 20:27:50] supibot: teknik_ is now AFK: calming down from chatsen slander BrotherCalm [2024-07-11 20:27:49] teknik_: $afk calming down from chatsen slander BrotherCalm [2024-07-11 20:27:28] regressz: ngl chatsen is ass dawg [2024-07-11 20:27:18] tahto__: eww chatsen [2024-07-11 20:26:46] teknik_: stfu chatsen slander [2024-07-11 20:26:25] teknik_: i use chatsen whike driving dumbassbitchidiot [2024-07-11 20:08:33] regressz: chatsen more like shitsen [2024-07-11 20:08:01] regressz: true chatsen is shit [2024-07-11 20:07:50] teknik_: i cant rely cause im on chatsen [2024-07-11 18:09:16] ryanpotat: fucking chatsen quotes [2024-07-10 06:15:14] notohh: qq im on chatsen [2024-07-09 15:20:24] teknik_: classic chatsen guy [2024-07-09 15:11:05] notohh: chatsen guy [2024-07-08 19:22:38] tahto__: id rather make out with a bear than use chatsen [2024-07-08 19:22:26] teknik_: chatsen exclusive feature cause chatsen is the best [2024-07-08 19:22:15] teknik_: it only does that on chatsen [2024-07-08 18:09:45] ryanpotat: buttsbot is our chatsen [2024-07-07 14:58:50] teknik_: no chatsen badges SpeedLaugh [2024-07-06 06:53:42] chrisgamingnl333: classic chatsen [2024-07-06 02:35:59] supelle: how do i deactivate badges in chatsen [2024-07-05 16:18:48] regressz: we iOS users are stuck with chatsen [2024-07-05 16:18:34] bugnio: im on chatsen rn and it didnt die EZ [2024-07-05 16:18:09] regressz: chatsen guy Pffttt2 [2024-07-05 16:18:00] flanrz: chatsen would actually doid for that [2024-07-05 04:08:25] ryanpotat: he still has his chatsen server [2024-07-05 02:27:17] liptongod: Leaves closing chatsen (dankchat better) [2024-07-04 20:40:34] ryanpotat: guys btw I’m using chatsen [2024-07-04 20:39:33] jebasted: hi on chatsen LuL [2024-07-04 20:39:33] vmyk: I'm on chatsen [2024-07-04 12:46:21] regressz: no chatsen bad [2024-07-04 12:46:16] teknik_: chatsen is so goated [2024-07-04 12:35:58] treuks: chatsen was never good [2024-07-04 12:35:42] supelle: chatsen was better back then yea [2024-07-04 12:35:01] supelle: https://github.com/chatsen/chatsen/issues/1 [2024-07-04 12:34:38] supelle: teknik i created the first chatsen issue btw [2024-07-04 12:33:56] regressz: true chatsen bad [2024-07-04 12:33:47] apulxd: @regressz @liptongod was last seen in channel notohh with message: "@ me in discord if there’s any updates Leaves closing chatsen i hate chatsen so much" (3 days, 13 hours, and 49 minutes ago). [2024-07-04 08:49:59] teknik_: cant wait to see you back with chatsen king [2024-07-04 08:48:38] teknik_: orange cat (chatsen dev) did ASM optimizations [2024-07-04 08:48:20] teknik_: @ChrisGamingNL333 try installing chatsen again [2024-07-04 08:47:54] teknik_: yeah chatsen is better [2024-07-04 08:47:47] chrisgamingnl333: I used chatsen befire [2024-07-04 08:29:25] notohh: its ok tho hes chatsen guy [2024-07-04 07:22:06] supibot: notohh, That user's last message in this channel was (3d, 8h ago): @ me in discord if there’s any updates Leaves closing chatsen i hate chatsen so much [2024-07-04 06:47:47] vmyk: SCHIZO chatsen dankchat donkchat dinkchat [2024-07-04 06:47:09] vmyk: that alr happens with chatsen and dankchat [2024-07-04 06:45:55] fijxu: chatsen sucks [2024-07-04 06:45:45] teknik_: brb refreshing chatsen (better than dankchat) [2024-07-04 06:43:14] teknik_: wait i need to refresh chatsen (better than dankchat) [2024-07-02 19:50:32] ryanpotat: someone make a pr to chatsen [2024-07-02 19:50:19] notohh: chatsen [2024-07-02 17:32:04] regressz: chatsen doesn’t let me upload images ma [2024-07-01 17:45:29] ryanpotat: hi on chatsen, your call LuL [2024-07-01 17:45:29] regressz: hi on chatsen [2024-07-01 17:45:20] jebasted: hi on chatsen, your call LuL [2024-07-01 17:45:20] notohh: im on chatsen, your call [2024-06-30 22:45:07] liptongod: @ me in discord if there’s any updates Leaves closing chatsen i hate chatsen so much [2024-06-30 18:24:28] liptongod: ok i close chatsen now, discord im mostly active in (chatsen sucks) [2024-06-28 06:05:39] liptongod: chatsen is weird [2024-06-28 03:33:31] liptongod: got chatsen… [2024-06-26 21:52:35] vmyk: im still waiting for my chatsen translator badge [2024-06-25 21:30:07] liptongod: only for chatsen?? [2024-06-25 21:29:51] regressz: chatsen users [2024-06-25 15:26:21] vmyk: god I hate chatsen [2024-06-20 08:24:31] aha____: chatsen is ass [2024-06-20 08:24:11] regressz: how the fuck do you reply to messages on chatsen [2024-06-18 17:48:36] regressz: he was on chatsen too [2024-06-17 19:18:58] vmyk: hi on chatsen [2024-06-16 21:15:52] namtheweebs: @notohh, do you like chatsen [2024-06-16 03:46:43] cupofkathi: sunny u look so bare in chatsen [2024-06-15 12:02:16] liptongod: i love chatsen [2024-06-15 12:02:00] liptongod: i love it when chatsen doesn’t use eventapi [2024-06-12 17:02:43] supelle: it's unlisted so you prolly don't see it in chatsen [2024-06-11 18:43:34] drapsnatt: can’t click on chatsen what is it [2024-06-10 16:12:53] notohh: hard to read on chatsen [2024-06-09 14:48:12] regressz: we all can shit on chatsen but we have no other option [2024-06-09 14:47:43] vmyk: chatsen Pffttt [2024-06-09 14:47:26] liptongod: the chatsen dev [2024-06-09 14:45:56] ryanpotat: i wish chatsen let us use our own uploaders [2024-06-09 14:45:25] supelle: i didn't really mind chatsen [2024-06-09 14:44:58] supelle: i liked chatsen more than dankchat idk [2024-06-09 14:41:53] troykomodo: okay chatsen is nice [2024-06-09 14:41:20] supelle: well chatsen is probably your only bet [2024-06-09 14:39:56] ryanpotat: chatsen Pointless [2024-06-09 03:35:07] ryanpotat: god i hate chatsen image uploadoer [2024-06-08 16:18:52] regressz: it shows in chatsen [2024-06-07 17:35:33] liptongod: sorry chatsen is being dumb [2024-06-07 14:08:45] liptongod: i dont get notifs on chatsen for some reason [2024-06-07 10:04:57] cupofkathi: I'm on chatsen lipton [2024-06-03 22:07:16] flanrz: forsenLaughingAtYou chatsen [2024-05-31 12:54:34] notohh: im on chatsen anyways [2024-05-30 18:34:40] ryanpotat: i hate chatsen [2024-05-29 17:43:30] supibot: regressz, I will remind chatsen when they next type in chat (ID 2917955) [2024-05-29 17:43:30] regressz: $remind chatsen i hate you [2024-05-29 14:59:36] notohh: i only use catbox on chatsen [2024-05-28 21:52:00] cupofeggy: notoh are u using chatsen [2024-05-28 13:26:11] namtheweebs: how do i refresh emotes in chatsen